Pedro Henrique R.Q.A. Santana

MIT Aero Astro/CSAIL

Picture in front of the Golden Gate

Howdy, visitor!


Welcome to my humble website, where I expect to share with you a little bit of who I am and what I do in terms of research, coursework, or just fun. As dictated by etiquette, allow me to start with a brief introduction about myself.


I'm a graduate student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) working towards my Ph.D. degree under Prof. Brian Williams' guidance as part of the Model-based Embedded & Robotic Systems (MERS) group. As a member of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL), my research is currently focused on the problem of planning under uncertainty in the context of robotic manufacturing. However, since robotics is such a wonderful and broad field, I also dedicate part of my time to machine vision, stochastic filtering for hybrid systems, and hardware integration.


I'm M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, February 2011, and B.Sc. in Control and Automation Engineering, July 2008, both from the University of Brasília (UnB)Brazil. Most of my research was conducted at the Automation and Robotics Lab (LARA) under the supervision of Profs. Geovany Borges and João Ishihara, where I focused on the themes of hybrid systems modeling, estimation, and control, networked control systems, and hardware and software development for embedded systems, especially aerial robots. My professional experience also includes periods of work in the industry and research projects involving mobile robots and industrial automation.


During my Master's studies, I was awarded an International Fulbright Science & Technology Award for Outstanding Foreign Students (Fulbright S&T). Moreover, on the occasion of my graduation, I was awarded the Top Student in Class Award for the highest GPA in the University of Brasília’s Control and Automation Engineering Class of Fall’08. Furthermore, my undergraduate final project (see Publications) won a graduate student prize at the 1st Annual Young Inventor Award, sponsored by the Federal District's Foundation for Research Support.


Please, feel free to explore my web page and contact me if you need any further information or have any suggestions. My curriculum vitae is available in Portuguese (CV Lattes, in Lattes Platform) and English.