The Gallina specification language

Converted by:Clément Pit-Claudel

This chapter describes Gallina, the specification language of Coq. It allows developing mathematical theories and to prove specifications of programs. The theories are built from axioms, hypotheses, parameters, lemmas, theorems and definitions of constants, functions, predicates and sets. The syntax of logical objects involved in theories is described in Section 1.2. The language of commands, called The Vernacular is described in section1.3.

In Coq, logical objects are typed to ensure their logical correctness. The rules implemented by the typing algorithm are described in Chapter 4.

About the grammars in the manual

Grammars are presented in Backus-Naur form (BNF). Terminal symbols are set in black typewriter font. In addition, there are special notations for regular expressions.

An expression enclosed in square brackets […] means at most one occurrence of this expression (this corresponds to an optional component).

The notation “entry sep sep entry” stands for a non empty sequence of expressions parsed by entry and separated by the literal “sep”.

Similarly, the notation “entry entry” stands for a non empty sequence of expressions parsed by the “entry” entry, without any separator between.

At the end, the notation “[entry sep sep entry]” stands for a possibly empty sequence of expressions parsed by the “entry” entry, separated by the literal “sep”.

Lexical conventions

Space, newline and horizontal tabulation are considered as blanks. Blanks are ignored but they separate tokens.
Comments in Coq are enclosed between (* and *), and can be nested. They can contain any character. However, string literals must be correctly closed. Comments are treated as blanks.
Identifiers and access identifiers

Identifiers, written ident, are sequences of letters, digits, _ and ', that do not start with a digit or '. That is, they are recognized by the following lexical class:

first_letter      ::=  a..z ∣ A..Z ∣ _ ∣ unicode-letter
subsequent_letter ::=  a..z ∣ A..Z ∣ 0..9 ∣ _ ∣ ' ∣ unicode-letter ∣ unicode-id-part
ident             ::=  first_letter [subsequent_lettersubsequent_letter]
access_ident      ::=  . ident

All characters are meaningful. In particular, identifiers are case- sensitive. The entry unicode-letter non-exhaustively includes Latin, Greek, Gothic, Cyrillic, Arabic, Hebrew, Georgian, Hangul, Hiragana and Katakana characters, CJK ideographs, mathematical letter-like symbols, hyphens, non-breaking space, … The entry unicode-id-part non- exhaustively includes symbols for prime letters and subscripts.

Access identifiers, written access_ident, are identifiers prefixed by . (dot) without blank. They are used in the syntax of qualified identifiers.

Natural numbers and integers

Numerals are sequences of digits. Integers are numerals optionally preceded by a minus sign.

digit   ::=  0..9
num     ::=  digitdigit
integer ::=  [-] num
Strings are delimited by " (double quote), and enclose a sequence of any characters different from " or the sequence "" to denote the double quote character. In grammars, the entry for quoted strings is string.

The following identifiers are reserved keywords, and cannot be employed otherwise:

_ as at cofix else end exists exists2 fix for
forall fun if IF in let match mod Prop return
Set then Type using where with
Special tokens

The following sequences of characters are special tokens:

! % & && ( () ) * + ++ , - -> . .( ..
/ /\ : :: :< := :> ; < <- <-> <: <= <> =
=> =_D > >-> >= ? ?= @ [ \/ ] ^ { | |-
|| } ~

Lexical ambiguities are resolved according to the “longest match” rule: when a sequence of non alphanumerical characters can be decomposed into several different ways, then the first token is the longest possible one (among all tokens defined at this moment), and so on.


Syntax of terms

The following grammars describe the basic syntax of the terms of the Calculus of Inductive Constructions (also called Cic). The formal presentation of Cic is given in Chapter 4. Extensions of this syntax are given in chapter 2. How to customize the syntax is described in Chapter 12.

term         ::=  forall binders , term
                  | fun binders => term
                  | fix fix_bodies
                  | cofix cofix_bodies
                  | let ident [binders] [: term] := term in term
                  | let fix fix_body in term
                  | let cofix cofix_body in term
                  | let ( [name , … , name] ) [dep_ret_type] := term in term
                  | let ' pattern [in term] := term [return_type] in term
                  | if term [dep_ret_type] then term else term
                  | term : term
                  | term <: term
                  | term :>
                  | term -> term
                  | term arg … arg
                  | @ qualid [termterm]
                  | term % ident
                  | match match_item , … , match_item [return_type] with
                    [[|] equation | … | equation] end
                  | qualid
                  | sort
                  | num
                  | _
                  | ( term )
arg          ::=  term
                  | ( ident := term )
binders      ::=  binderbinder
binder       ::=  name
                  | ( namename : term )
                  | ( name [: term] := term )
name         ::=  ident | _
qualid       ::=  ident | qualid access_ident
sort         ::=  Prop | Set | Type
fix_bodies   ::=  fix_body
                  | fix_body with fix_body with … with fix_body for ident
cofix_bodies ::=  cofix_body
                  | cofix_body with cofix_body with … with cofix_body for ident
fix_body     ::=  ident binders [annotation] [: term] := term
cofix_body   ::=  ident [binders] [: term] := term
annotation   ::=  { struct ident }
match_item   ::=  term [as name] [in qualid [patternpattern]]
dep_ret_type ::=  [as name] return_type
return_type  ::=  return term
equation     ::=  mult_pattern | … | mult_pattern => term
mult_pattern ::=  pattern , … , pattern
pattern      ::=  qualid patternpattern
                  | @ qualid patternpattern
                  | pattern as ident
                  | pattern % ident
                  | qualid
                  | _
                  | num
                  | ( or_pattern , … , or_pattern )
or_pattern   ::=  pattern | … | pattern


The Vernacular

sentence           ::=  assumption
                        | definition
                        | inductive
                        | fixpoint
                        | assertion proof
assumption         ::=  assumption_keyword assums.
assumption_keyword ::=  Axiom | Conjecture
                        | Parameter | Parameters
                        | Variable | Variables
                        | Hypothesis | Hypotheses
assums             ::=  identident : term
                        | ( identident : term ) … ( identident : term )
definition         ::=  [Local] Definition ident [binders] [: term] := term .
                        | Let ident [binders] [: term] := term .
inductive          ::=  Inductive ind_body with … with ind_body .
                        | CoInductive ind_body with … with ind_body .
ind_body           ::=  ident [binders] : term :=
                        [[|] ident [binders] [:term] | … | ident [binders] [:term]]
fixpoint           ::=  Fixpoint fix_body with … with fix_body .
                        | CoFixpoint cofix_body with … with cofix_body .
assertion          ::=  assertion_keyword ident [binders] : term .
assertion_keyword  ::=  Theorem | Lemma
                        | Remark | Fact
                        | Corollary | Proposition
                        | Definition | Example
proof              ::=  Proof . … Qed .
                        | Proof . … Defined .
                        | Proof . … Admitted .

This grammar describes The Vernacular which is the language of commands of Gallina. A sentence of the vernacular language, like in many natural languages, begins with a capital letter and ends with a dot.