Committee on Maintaining Privacy and Security
in Health Care Application
of the National Information Infrastructure

Our committee met from late 1995 through early 1997 and produced the report For the Record: Protecting Electronic Health Information, National Academy Press, 1997.

Row 1: Paul D. Clayton (chair), Sheila A. Ryan, Mary L. Fennell, W. Earl Boebert; row 2: Kathleen A. Frawley, Herbert S. Lin, Robbie G. Trussell; row 3: Susan P. Dowell, Paul Schwartz, Peter Szolovits; row 4: Richard A. Kemmerer, John Glaser, Bruce J. Sams, Jr., Leslie M. Wade; row 5: Thomas C. Rindfleisch, Carl E. Landwehr, Jerry R. Sheehan; absent:Gordon H. DeFriese. Photo by Carl Landwehr.
