@techreport{BBBLR18y, title = {Analysis of the {CLEAR} Protocol per the {National Academies'} Framework}, author = {Steven M. Bellovin and Matt Blaze and Dan Boneh and Susan Landau and Ronald L. Rivest}, date = {2018-05-10}, institution = {Department of Computer Science, Columbia University}, OPTmonth = {May 10,}, OPTyear = {2018}, number = {CUCS-003-18}, url = {https://mice.cs.columbia.edu/getTechreport.php?techreportID=1637}, abstract = {The debate over ``exceptional access''---the government's ability to read encrypted data---has been going on for many years and shows no signs of resolution any time soon. On the one hand, some people came it can be accomplished safely; others dispute that. In an attempt to make progress, a National Academies study committee propounded a framework to use when analyzing proposed solutions. We apply that framework to the CLEAR protocol and show the limitations of the design.}, }