@Article{BCR80, author = { Brenda S. Baker and Edward G. Coffman Jr. and Ronald L. Rivest }, title = { Orthogonal Packings in Two Dimensions }, journal= { SIAM J. Comput. }, volume = { 9 }, number = { 4 }, OPTyear = { 1980 }, OPTmonth = { November }, date = { 1980-11 }, pages = { 846--855 }, doi = { 10.1137/0209064 }, keywords = { two-dimensional packing, bin packing, resource-constrained scheduling }, abstract = { We consider problems of packing an arbitrary collection of rectangular pieces into an open-ended rectangular bin so as to minimize the height achieved by any piece. This problem has numerous applications in operations research and studies of computer operation. We devise efficient approximation algorithms, study their limitations, and derive worst-case bounds on the performance of the packings they produce. }, }