@Article{BRS95, author = { Margrit Betke and Ronald L. Rivest and Mona Singh }, title = { Piecemeal Learning of an Unknown Environment }, journal = { Machine Learning }, publisher = { Kluwer }, issn = { 0885-6125 }, OPTyear = { 1995 }, OPTmonth = { February }, date = { 1995-02 }, volume = { 18 }, number = { 2 }, pages = { 231--254 }, url = { http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF00993411 }, doi = { 10.1007/BF00993411 }, keywords = { map learning, graph algorithms, robot navigation }, abstract = { We introduce a new learning problem: learning a graph by \emph{piecemeal search}, in which the learner must return every so often to its starting point (for refueling, say). We present two linear-time piecemeal-search algorithms for learning \emph{city-block graphs}: grid graphs with rectangular obstacles. }, }