@Article{FR75a, author = { Robert W. Floyd and Ronald L. Rivest }, title = { Expected time bounds for selection }, pages = { 165--172 }, url = { http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/360680.360691 }, doi = { 10.1145/360680.360691 }, acm = { 94099 }, journal = { Communications of the ACM }, OPTyear = { 1975 }, OPTmonth = { March }, date = { 1975-03 }, volume = { 18 }, number = { 3 }, publisher = { ACM }, acmid = { 360691 }, abstract = { A new selection algorithm is presented which is shown to be very efficient on the average, both theoretically and practically. The number of comparisons used to select the $i$th smallest of $n$ numbers is $ n + \min(i,n-i) + o(n) $. A lower bound within 9 percent of the above formula is also derived. } }