@incollection{KACDx93, author = { D. Kirsh and J. S. Altman and J.-P Changeux and A. R. Damasio and R. Durbin and A. K. Engel and W. D. Hillis and D. Premack and R. Rivest and P. E. Roland and P. S. Rosenbloom and G. S. Stent and P. Stoerig }, title = { Group Report: Architectures of Intelligent Systems }, editor = { T. A. Poggio and D. A. Glaser }, booktitle = { Exploring Brain Functions: Models in Neuroscience }, chapter = { 20 }, publisher = { Wiley }, date = { 1993 }, OPTyear = { 1993 }, pages = { 293--321 }, }