@InProceedings{LMR88a, replaced-by = { LMR91 }, author = { Nathan Linial and Yishay Mansour and Ronald L. Rivest }, title = { Results on Learnability and the Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension }, pages = { 56--68 }, acmid = { 93043 }, booktitle = { Proceedings of the first annual workshop on computational learning theory }, date = { 1988-08 }, editor = { David Haussler and Leonard Pitt }, publisher = { Morgan Kaufmann }, OPTyear = { 1988 }, OPTmonth = { August 3--5, }, eventdate = { 1988-08-03/1988-08-05 }, eventtitle = { COLT '88 }, venue = { Cambridge, MA }, }