@InProceedings{LRW02, replaced-by = { LRW11 }, author = { Moses Liskov and Ronald L. Rivest and David Wagner }, title = { Tweakable Block Ciphers }, pages = { 31--46 }, doi = { 10.1007/3-540-45708-9_3 }, booktitle = { Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2002 }, isbn = { 978-3-540-44050-5 }, publisher = { Springer }, editor = { Moti Yung }, date = { 2002-08 }, OPTyear = { 2002 }, OPTmonth = { August }, series = { Lecture Notes in Computer Science }, volume = { 2442 }, eventtitle = { CRYPTO'02 }, eventdate = { 2002-08-18/2002-08-22 }, venue = { Santa Barbara, California }, keywords = { block ciphers, tweakable block ciphers, initialization vector, modes of operation }, abstract = { We propose a new cryptographic primitive, the ``tweakable block cipher.'' Such a cipher has not only the usual inputs --- message and cryptographic key --- but also a third input, the ``tweak.'' The tweak serves much the same purpose that an initialization vector does for CBC mode or that a nonce does for OCB mode. Our proposal thus brings this feature down to the primitive block-cipher level, instead of incorporating it only at the higher modes-of-operation levels. We suggest that (1) tweakable block ciphers are easy to design, (2) the extra cost of making a block cipher ``tweakable'' is small, and (3) it is easier to design and prove modes of operation based on tweakable block ciphers. }, }