@InProceedings{MRSW11, author = { Thomas R. Magrino and Ronald L. Rivest and Emily Shen and David Wagner }, title = { Computing the Margin of Victory in {IRV} Elections }, url = { http://www.usenix.org/events/evtwote11/tech/final_files/Magrino.pdf }, booktitle = { Proceedings 2011 EVT/WOTE Conference }, editor = { Hovav Shacham and Vanessa Teague }, date = { 2011-08-08 }, eventtitle = { EVT/WOTE'11 }, eventdate = { 2011-08-08/2011-08-09 }, venue = { San Francisco, California }, OPTpages = {}, OPTyear = { 2011 }, OPTmonth = { August 8, }, OPTpublisher = {}, htmlnote = { The online conference proceedings provide a link to Magrino's talk slides and a video of his presentation. }, OPTannote = {} }