@InProceedings{PR17z, author = { Olivier Pereira and Ronald L. Rivest}, title = { Marked mix-nets }, date = { 2017-04-07 }, venue = { Malta }, eventtitle = { Voting'17 workshop (associated with Financial Crypto 2017) }, eventdate = { 2017-04-07/2017-04-07 }, urla = { workshop }, urlb = { paper }, abstract = { We propose a variant mix-net method, which we call a ``marked mix-net''. Marked mix-nets avoid the extra cost associated with verifiability (producing a proof of correct mixing operation), while offering additional assurances about the privacy of the messages, compared to a non-verifiable mix-net. \par With a marked mix-net, each mix-server adds an extra secret mark in each ciphertext, and the input ciphertexts are made non-malleable but still re-randomizable (RCCA). \par Marked mix-nets appear to be a good fit for the mix-net requirements of voting systems that need a mix-net for anonymity but where correctness is guaranteed through independent mechanisms. Our work investigates applications to StarVote, but other applications could be explored, e.g., in Pr\^et-\`a-Voter, Selene or Wombat. } }