@InProceedings{RS96a, author = { Ronald L. Rivest and Adi Shamir }, title = { {PayWord and MicroMint}--Two Simple Micropayment Schemes }, pages = { 69--87 }, doi = { 10.1007/3-540-62494-5_6 }, booktitle = { Proceedings of the 1996 International Workshop on Security Protocols }, publisher = { Springer }, editor = { Mark Lomas }, date = { 1996-04 }, OPTyear = { 1996 }, OPTmonth = { April 10--12, }, series = { Lecture Notes in Computer Science }, volume = { 1189 }, eventtitle = { SPW'96 }, eventdate = { 1996-04-10/1996-04-12 }, venue = { Cambridge, United Kingdom }, abstract = { We present two simple micropayment schemes, ``PayWord'' and ``MicroMint,'' for making small purchases over the Internet. }, }