How to generate the PDF file: Assuming your extended abstract and extended version are in the same folder, and respectively named "submission-abstract.pdf" and "submission-full.pdf", here is how to generate a merged file "submission.pdf" from them: * Under GNU/Linux (assuming the PDF Toolkit [1] is installed): cd pdftk submission-abstract.pdf submission-full.pdf cat output submission.pdf * Under GNU/Linux (using only Ghostscript, usually installed by default): cd gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -sOutputFile=submission.pdf submission-abstract.pdf submission-full.pdf * Under Microsoft Windows (Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8): This can be done using additional software; we list below two possible options, but more can be found (with examples of how to use them) on [2]: - PDFTk (Free; can be obtained from [1]); or - Adobe Acrobat For the latter (Adobe Acrobat): - click on "Create" button, in the main toolbar. - in the dropdown menu, select "Combine Files into a Single PDF" - on the new window that appears, choose "Add Files" and choose and add the two files "submission-abstract.pdf" and "submission-full.pdf" - once they appear in the previous window, order them in the right order ("submission-abstract.pdf" on top) using the arrows at the bottom - uncheck "Include all open PDF files", then press "Combine Files" in the bottom right corner. This should generate the merged PDF; it only remains to save it via "Files > Save As...". * Under Mac OS X (10.6 or later) "Preview" is able to combine PDF files; detailed instructions are available on the Apple website: [1] [2]