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Rohit Singh
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Wed, 08 Aug 2007

Yakub Memon

In the '93 Mumbai blasts case, more than one reporter now seems to be saying that Yakub is the wrong Memon to hand out a death-sentence to because: (1) he was not a core organizer and others with his level of involvement got 5-14 years, and (2) he came to authorities out of his volition, intending to cooperate. I dunno how much of this is true, but it's possible the guy's paying for the sins of his brother. The public pressure to hang any and all Memons the police got a hand on is quite intense, I imagine.

And now that justice is being served for the blast perpetrators, shouldn't the Mumbai riot perpetrators be tried too? More than any other criminal activity, riot-related crimes seem to receive the least prosecutorial attention (on a per-victim basis). Maybe India really is, as others have said before, a nation without a memory.

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