Colleen's Lace

I crocheted six yards of this for the hem of Colleen's wedding dress. It took a year, at two repeats per week. For trim, I crocheted a bit of simple shell-over-shell: shell of 2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc; ch 5, turn. For button loops for the back of the dress and the ends of the sleeves, I did the same shell-over-shell, chaining more chains on one side.

I made up the pattern by adapting a pattern from some random crocheting book, probably from the fifties or sixties. The original pattern had a partial scallop -- three-eighths of a circle or so, instead of a full half round.

single crochet (wrap one loop around hook)
double crochet (two loops)
triple crochet (three loops)
long triple (four loops)


Row 1:
Shell of 2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc; ch 7; shell; ch 5, turn.
Row 2:
Shell over shell, ch 5, shell over shell, ch 5, turn.
Row 3:
Shell over shell, ch 3, sc over chains of last two rows, ch 3, shell over shell, ch 5, turn.
Row 4:
Shell over shell, ch 5, shell over shell, ch 5, turn.


Begin with small scallop. Work 1 ch 5 turn loop on one side of heading. The scallops will be worked on this side. Work back to this side, ending with shell over shell. Turn.

Small Scallop

Row 1:
Ch 3+6 (3 for first half of turn loop), sc in nxt ch 5 turn loop of heading, ch 1 tight, turn.
Row 2:
8 sc over first 6 of ch 3+6, slip into 3rd ch from heading, ch 2 (2nd 1/2 of turn loop), continue heading starting with sh over sh.

Large Scallop

Work heading until you have four ch 5 turn loops beyond small scallop. Work a fifth turn loop, turning with ch 2 instead of 5 on the scallop side, and work back to the scallop side, ending with shell over shell, turn.

Row 1:
Ch 3+4 (3 for 1st 1/2 of turn loop), slip into ch 2 turn loop of heading, ch 4, slip into nxt turn loop, ch 1 tight, turn.
Row 2:
5 sc over ch 4 loop, 5 sc over first 4 of ch 7 loop, slip into 3rd ch from heading, ch 2 (second half of ch 5 turn loop), work across heading and back, ending with shell over shell, turn.
Row 3:
Ch 3+3 (3 for 1st 1/2 of turn loop, 3 = dc), skip first sc of prev. row, work 8 tc separated by 1 ch in front loops of nxt 8 sc, miss 1 sc, ch 3 (= dc), slip in nxt turn loop of heading, turn.
Row 4:
Ch 1, dc over nxt ch 1 sp betw tcs, ch 1, dc in back loop of nxt tc, continue across row, ending with dc in last ch 1 sp, ch 1, slip into 4rd ch of ch 3+3, ch 2 (finishes turn loop), work across heading and back, ending with shell over shell, turn. (Note that this row consists of 15 dc separated by 1 ch where the first and last dc are actually made of chains.)
Row 5:
Ch 3+3, 14 tc separated by 2 ch in the 14 ch 1 sp's of prev. row, ch 3, sc in nxt turn loop of heading, turn.
Row 6:
Ch 2, [5 dc in nxt ch 2 sp of prev. row, ch 2, skip one sp.] across row, ending with 5 dc in ch 2 sp. Ch 2, slip into 3rd ch from heading of ch 3+3, ch 2, work across heading and back, ending with shell over shell, turn.
Row 7:
Ch 3+2. Work 4 tc separated by 2 ch in middle dc of each 5 dc cluster of prev. row. Ch 2, sc in nxt turn loop of heading, ch 1 tight, turn.
Row 8:
3 sc over ch 2 of prev. row, 3 sc in 1st ch 2 sp betw tcs,

(Small scallop)

Row 3:
Ch 4, miss 1 sc of prev. row of small scallop, ltc in nxt sc, ch 2, 4 tc separated by 2 ch in nxt 4 sc, ch 2, ltc in nxt sc, skip 1 sc, tc in 3rd sc of 1st ch 2 sp betw tcs of prev. large scallop, ch 1 tight, turn.
Row 4:
slip into ch 2 sp betw ltc and tc, ch 3 (= dc), 4 dc, ch 2, skip one sp, 5 dc in nxt sp, ch 2, 4 dc in nxt sp, ch 3 (= dc), slip into same sp, ch 1 tight, slip loosely into nxt 4 ch of prev. row, turn and continue large scallop.

3 sc in nxt ch 2 sp betw tcs,

(Small scallop)

Row 5:
Ch 1, work 4 tc separated by 2 ch in middle dc of each 5 dc cluster of prev. row. Sc into 3rd sc of nxt (2nd) ch 2 sp betw tcs of prev. large scallop, ch 1 tight, turn.
Row 6:
[3 sc in nxt ch 2 sp.] 3 times, slip betw tc clusters, continue across row, slip into ch that began prev. row.

3 sc in 3rd ch 2 sp betw tcs, slip betw tc clusters, continue across row, 3 sc over first 2 ch of ch 3+2 of prev. row, slip into 3rd ch of ch 3+2, ch 2 to finish turn loop, continue across heading.

Sue Felshin