A Thank You Note

Thank you dear Ireland

Old mother of mine

For sharing your charms

And beauty divine

We biked your hills so wide and steep

Patchworks of green all dotted with sheep

We rode high on your paths overlooking the sea

Through hedges of fuchsia my friends and me

Past little cottages with boxes of flowers

And stone rows forever up mountain towers

Past ancient church walls all covered with vines

And votive candles by roadside shrines

We spun down and down your twisting roads

Past mighty castles and humble abodes

We rode through your passes Connor and Dunloes

Through your wild storms and your lovely rainbows

We stopped to rest at friendly places

And heard your music with happy faces

Thank you dear Ireland

For all of your gifts

Your splendid scenes in beaming rays

Your wonderful people to cheer stormy days

We will come back, but until we do

Our hearts will be warm thinking of you