Sam Larsen

I'm a former graduate student in the EECS department at MIT. I worked under Professor Saman Amarasinghe in the commit group. Before coming to MIT, I was a student at the University of Utah in the CS department.


My research focused on compilation for multimedia extensions. For my doctoral work, I developed selective vectorization, a technique that balances computation across a processor's scalar and vector resources. The approach leads to software pipelines with shorter schedules, and therefore, higher performance. Selective vectorization is applicable to any design that supports ILP and short-vector parallelism.


SUIF to Trimaran Converter

For my doctoral work I wrote a set of SUIF passes that convert SUIF IR to IMPACT Lcode, an IR used in the Trimaran compilation and simulation infrastructure. These passes, along with an updated version of SUIF, are now part of the Trimaran 4.0 release. You can download them from the Trimaran download page.