Computer Architect @ Google
I work at Google building hardware systems (TPUs) to accelerate machine learning and AI. My expertise is in hardware-software codesign: I have worked on solutions spanning the hardware-software stack ranging from circuits, microarchitecture, architecture, programming models, and interconnection networks.
I received a Ph.D. from MIT (CSAIL), advised by Daniel Sanchez. I helped develop new programming models and multi-core architectures to exploit challenging forms of parallelism in applications. I completed my masters at MIT advised by Li-Shiuan Peh on high-performance interconnection networks. Prior to MIT, I spent a wonderful four years as an undergraduate at IIT Madras.
I also give technical talks on TPUs
and other topics I work on at universities, conferences, and other
Outside work, I enjoy hiking, traveling, cooking, reading, word games, and most genres of music. I am passionate about Carnatic music, and learn Carnatic vocal music and the Mridangam, an Indian percussion instrument. I actively support these art forms through operating roles in some Bay Area organizations (e.g., South India Fine Arts).
While at MIT, I was part of a South Asian fusion a cappella group, MIT Ohms. We enjoyed performing live and participated in several inter-collegiate a capella competitions. I have also enjoyed singing with others for local events through my high school, undergraduate and graduate school years [select performances playlist below].