Just a few, collected links about building deep-zoomable web-images. I assembled these just to help remind myself, at some point in the distant future, how all these things typically fit together.
Most of these links came from reading this blog post: "Viewing Large Images - OpenLayers, GSIV, ModestMaps, DeepZoom, and Python".
Part I of "Inside Deep Zoom, Part II: Mathematical Analysis" is a trivial overview of zooming that involves pre-building image pyramids, but Part II includes some useful details on calculating tile-overlaps.
Part of the problem with getting a zoomable-image-system to work seems to be finding the Javascript code, for the browser, that will correctly serve up the images. There seem to be at least two alternatives, one open-source (panojs) and one closed-source from Microsoft (Seadragon).
This also appears to be a primer for getting a zoomable-image up and running using the (exclusively) Microsoft tools.
Alternatively, it appears possible to go the GIS route, using tools that were built to put zoomable maps on the web. In this case, it's probably reasonable to start with the OpenLayers framework, or with TileCache, which claims to be a "WMS-C compliant" tile server.