Hello. I am a third year Ph.D. student, advised by Professor Constantinos Daskalakis. I am interested in auction theory.

I obtained my Bachelor's Degree from Yao Class at Tsinghua University in 2021. Before I came to MIT, I attended UGVR program and was very fortunate to work with Professor Tsachy Weissman at Stanford University.


Leveraging the Hints: Adaptive Bidding in Repeated First-Price Auctions
Wei Zhang, Yanjun Han, Zhengyuan Zhou, Aaron Flores, Tsachy Weissman
Neurips 2022 (Spotlight)

MEOW: A Space-Efficient Non-Parametric Bid Shading Algorithm
Wei Zhang, Brendan Kitts, Yanjun Han, Zhengyuan Zhou, Tingyu Mao, Hao He, Shengjun Pan, Aaron Flores, San Gultekin, Tsachy Weissman
KDD 2021