Data set for the experiments (Alerting system running on Android smart phones)

  • The demonstration of the Alerting System running on Android Smartphones . When a potential threat, e.g. a car turning and approaching the camera suddenly, happens, an alarm will be triggered. (Note that the vibration on the android watch is a little earlier (about half a second in our test) than the display of alarm signal on both android phone and android watch.) The "normal traffic" region (NTR) is learned adaptively. When the tracked headlamps run out the NTR, an alarm will be triggered.

  • This dataset is the complementary material for our paper Machine Vision to Alert Roadside Personnel of Night Traffic Threats which has been accepted to publish in IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
  • The dataset contains basic video clips on different roads (all the videos are taken with smart phones) and the corresponding experimental results of those videos using our proposed algorithm (running on the smart phone). We also use other videos and the corresponding results of some special cases including:
    1). the water reflection on the road (this video is taken after rain).
    2). the shaking of the camera. (In the experiments, the smart phone is held by hand and we shake it on purpose).
  • It also contains several video clips (about 3 minute for each video clip) of the algorithm running on the smart phones. These videos were taken by another video camera mounted on a tripod behind the smart phone, (in order to record the results shown on the smart phone). We also deliberately shake (i.e. swing) the camera suddenly in this case, and the "normal traffic region" is learned adaptively and efficiently by the "updating-and-shrinking" process of the convex hull.
  • We also add some "Complementary videos" to show how the android watch receives the alarm signal, and generates the vibration promptly. The vibration was generated first, and then the notification of sending and receiving the alarm signal was displayed on the screen of the smart phone and android watch, respectively. We also did this experiment in the Lab (in which the environment is much quiet than on the roadside), thus, you can hear the vibration of the android watch.

  • Alerting System

    Fig.1: The videos are taken by the smart phone (Samsung Note 3) mounted on a tripod.

    Fig.2: Huawei Nexus 6p support the new class "Camera2", which allows us to adjust the parameters (e.g. ISO and shutter time) of the smartphone's camera.

  • Go back to Liang Wang's webpage.

  • o The original videos for experiments

    o Videos in special cases for experiments

    o The experimental results running on the smart phone

    oStabilize the threats detection process

    oComplementary videos

    o Summary and Further Work