J. Migdal, E. Grimson, “Background Subtraction Using Markov Thresholds”, IEEE Workshop on Motion and Video Computing, January 2005, pp58-65.
F. Ségonne, E. Grimson, and B. Fischl. "A Genetic Algorithm for the Topology Correction of Cortical Surfaces," I.P.M.I 2005, 393-405.
K. Pohl, J. Fisher, J. Levitt, M. Shenton, R. Kikinis, WEL Grimson, W. Wells. “A Unifying Approach to Registration, Segmentation, and Intensity Correction”, MICCAI 2005:310-318
M. Maddah, A. Mewes, S. Haker, E. Grimson, S. Warfield, “Automated atlas-based clustering of white matter fiber tracts from DTMRI” MICCAI 2005, 188-195.
X. Ma, E. Grimson, “Edge-based rich representation for vehicle classification”, ICCV 2005, 1185-1192.
K. Tieu, G. Dalley, E. Grimson, “Inference of non-overlapping camera topology”, ICCV 2005, 1842-1849.
L. Zollei, E. Learned-Miller,
F. Segonne, J.-P. Pons,
K. Pohl, J. Fisher, R. Kikinis, E. Grimson, W. Wells. “Shape based segmentation of anatomical structures in magnetic resonance images” ICCV Workshop: Computer Vision for Biomedical Image Application: Current Techniques and Future Trends, Beijing 2005, 489-498.
M. Maddah, E. Grimson, S. Warfield. “Statistical modeling and EM clustering of white matter fiber tracts” ISBI 2006; 53-56.
X. Wang, K. Tieu, E. Grimson. “Learning semantic scene models by trajectory analysis”, ECCV, 2006; 110-123
C. Niu, E. Grimson. “Recovering non-overlapping network topology using far-field vehicle tracking data”, ICPR 2006; 944-949.
Kilian Pohl, John Fisher , Martha Shenton, Robert McCarley, Eric Grimson, Ron Kikinis, William Wells. “Logarithm Odds Maps for Shape Representation”, MICCAI 2006, 955-963.
M. Maddah, W. M. Wells, S. K. Warfield, C-F. Westin, and W. E. L. Grimson, “A spatial model of white matter fiber tracts”, ISMRM 2007
Mahnaz Maddah, W.M. Wells, Simon Warfield, Carl-Frederik Westin, W. Eric L. Grimson, “Probabilistic clustering and quantitative analysis of white matter fiber tracts”, IPMI, 2007, 372-383.
B. Bose, J. Fisher, B. Fischl, O. Hinds, E. Grimson, “Detecting Cortical Surface Regions in Structural MR Data” MMBIA, Rio de Janerio, 2007.
X. Wang, E. Grimson, “Spatial Latent Dirichlet Allocation”, NIPS, 2007.
X. Wang, X. Ma, and E. Grimson, Unsupervised activity perception by hierarchical Bayesian models, CVPR 2007
B. Bose, X. Wang and E. Grimson, “Multi-class object racking algorithm that handles fragmentation and grouping”, CVPR 2007
G. Dalley, J. Migdal, W.E.L. Grimson, “Background subtraction for temporally irregular dynamic textures”, WACV 2008.
X. Wang, K. Tieu, WEL Grimson, “Correspondence-free multi-camera activity analysis and scene modeling”, CVPR 2008
X. Wang, K.T. Ma, G.W. Ng, WEL Grimson, “Trajectory analysis and semantic region modeling using a nonparametric Bayesian model”, CVPR 2008
X. Ma, WEL Grimson, “Learning coupled conditional random field for image decomposition with application on object categorization”, CVPR 2008
M. Maddah, L. Zollei, W. E. L. Grimson and W. M. Wells, “Modeling of Anatomical Information in Clustering of White Matter Fiber Trajectories Using Dirichlet Distribution”, CVPR Workshop, 2008
M. Maddah, A. Mewes, H. Als, G. McAnulty, WEL
Grimson, SK Warfield, “Investigation of Neonate Brain Development Enabled by
Tract-Oriented Quantification”, ISMRM May 2008,
M. Maddah, L. Zollei, WEL Grimson, CF Westin, WM
Wells, A mathematical framework for incorporating anatomical knowledge in
DT-MRI analysis, ISBI, May 2008,
M. Maddah, M Kubicki, W. Wells, C-F Westin, M. Shenton, WEL Grimson, “Findings in schizophrenia by tract-oriented DT-MRI Analysis”, MICCAI 2008.
M. Maddah, L. Zollei, WEL Grimson, W. Wells, Modeling of anatomical information in clustering of white matter fiber trajectories using Dirichlet distribution”, MMBIA 2008
D. Lin, J. Fisher, WEL Grimson, Learning Visual Flows: A Lie Algebraic Approach, CVPR 2009
X. Wang, WEL Grimson, C-F Westin, “Tractography segmentation using a hierarchical Dirichlet processes mixture model” IPMI 2009