Publications: 2005-2009

U. Ziyan, M.R.Sabuncu, W.E. L. Grimson, C-F. Westin, “Consistency Clustering: A Robust Algorithm for Group-Wise Registration, Segmentation and Automatic Atlas Construction in Diffusion MRI”, IJCV, 2009


X. Wang, K. Tieu, WEL Grimson, “Correspondence-free activity analysis and scene modeling in multiple camera views”, IEEE Trans. PAMI, 2009.


A. Custo, D.A. Boas, D. Tsuzuki, I. Dan, R. Mesquita, B. Fischl, W.E.L. Grimson, W. Wells III, “Anatomical Atlas-Guided Diffuse Optical Tomography of Brain Activation” NeuroImage, 2009


X. Wang, X. Ma, WEL Grimson, “Unsupervised activity perception in crowded and complicated scenes using hierarchical Bayesian models“, IEEE Trans. PAMI, 2008.


M. Maddah, W.E.L. Grimson, S.K. Warfield, W.M. Wells, “A unified framework for clustering and quantitative analysis of white matter fiber tracts”, Medical Image Analysis, 2008


Kilian M. Pohl, Sylvain Bouix, Motoaki Nakamura, Torsten Rohlfing, Robert W. McCarley, Ron Kikinis, W. Eric L. Grimson, Martha E. Shenton, William M. Wells, “A hierarchical algorithm for MR brain image parcellation,” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2007


Kilian M. Pohl, John Fisher, Sylvain Bouix, Martha Shenton, Robert W. McCarley, W.  Eric L. Grimson, Ron Kikinis, William M. Wells, “Using the Logarithm of Odds to define a vector space on probabilistic atlases,” Medical Image Analysis, 2007.  Paper was awarded theMedical Image Analysis- MICCAI 06 Best Paper Prize” at MICCAI 2007.


T. Izo, W.E.L. Grimson, “Simultaneous pose recovery and camera registration from multiple view of a walking person, Image and Vision Computing, 25(3):342-351, 2007


L. O’Donnell, M. Kubicki, M.E. Shenton, M. Dreusicke, W.E.L. Grimson, C.-F. Westin, “A method for clustering white matter fiber tracts” American Journal of Neuroradiology, Volume 27, Issue 5, May 2006, Pages 1032-1036.


Kilian M. Pohl, John Fisher, W. Eric L. Grimson, Ron Kikinis and William M. Wells: "A Bayesian model for joint segmentation and registration,"
NeuroImage, Volume 31, Issue 1, 15 May 2006, Pages 228-239


P. Golland, E. Grimson, M. E. Shenton, R. Kikinis, “Detection and analysis of statistical differences in anatomical shape” Medical Image Analysis, 9(1):69-86, 2005.