Interacting with an estimated cognitive ontology: A visual extension of Yeo et al. (in press)

Please see our paper Functional Specialization and Flexibility in Human Association Cortex for details. The current version was updated on 20 January 2015.

Our model (figure on the right) formalizes the notion that performing a behavioral task engages multiple cognitive components, which are in turn supported by multiple brain regions (also see Poldrack, 2006). Each experiment in the BrainMap database is associated with certain voxels and tasks. Based on these observations, the unobserved cognitive components were found by estimating Pr(Component | Task) and Pr(Voxel | Component).

The interactive image below lets us explore the ontology. Mousing over the different tasks and components highlights a subset of the relationships. Clicking a task will bring up its description Cognitive Atlas. (Note that these task definitions may differ slightly from the BrainMap task definitions.)

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(Caption for figure above). 12-component model estimates. * indicates components that are unified in 11-component model; + indicates component that splits in 13-component model.

(a) Probability of tasks recruiting different components Pr(Component | Task). The components, C1 to C12, lie on the top right. The 83 tasks lie in the remaining segments of the circle. For the purpose of visualization, tasks with similar Pr(Component | Task) are more closely positioned and have similar associated colors. Each line connects one task with one component. The thickness of the lines is proportional to the magnitude of Pr(Component | Task), with the ends flared for easier visual comparison. Note that these probabalistic associations sum to 1 for each task.

(b) Probability of components activating different brain voxels Pr(Voxel | Component). The cerebral hemisphere with the stronger activation is shown, although most components have high probabilities of bilateral activation. An exception is component C5, which has high probability of activating the left, but not the right, hemisphere. Many components, especially C11 and C12, also activate subcortical regions. Note that these probabilistic associations sum to 1 for each component.

T83 T82 T81 T80 T79 T78 T77 T76 T75 T74 T73 T72 T71 T70 T69 T68 T67 T66 T65 T64 T63 T62 T61 T60 T59 T58 T57 T56 T55 T54 T53 T52 T51 T50 T49 T48 T47 T46 T45 T44 T43 T42 T41 T40 T39 T38 T37 T36 T35 T34 T33 T32 T31 T30 T29 T28 T27 T26 T25 T24 T23 T22 T21 T20 T19 T18 T17 T16 T15 T14 T13 T12 T11 T10 T09 T08 T07 T06 T05 T04 T03 C01 C02 C03 C04 C05 C06 C07 C08 C09 C10 C12 C11 C10 C09 C08 C07 C06 C05 C04 C03 C02 C01 Overview T02 T01 C11 C12