The videos are named as `SHAPE_HARDNESS_NUMBER.avi' SHAPE: the shape of the samples, including `FLAT': Flat samples `EDGE': Sharp edges `CORNER': sharp corners `SPHERE': samples of hemishperical shapes; the number after `SPHERE' related to the sample diamters. 1=5mm, 2=10mm, 3=15mm, 4=20mm, 5=29mm, 6=38mm, 7=50mm, 8=70mm, 9=100mm `CYLIND': samples of cylindrical shapes; note that in some cases the contact is not on the cylinder sides, but might be on the edges; the number after `SPHERE' related to the sample diamters. 1=5mm, 2=10mm, 3=15mm, 4=19mm, 5=25mm, 6=38mm, 7=50mm, 8=70mm, 9=100mm `BASIC': samples made from some natrual vessels with simple shapes, such as hemispherical spoons, cylindrical beakers, trapezoidal ice boxes. `CHOCO': samples made from assorted chocolate molds with complicated shapes. HARDNESS: 2 digits that measures the hardness of the samples in Shore 00 scale. Rigid objects are noted as 99. NUMBER: 6 random digits for data identity?repeatability exists) Samples in the folder `NaturalObj' have no ground truth hardness. Please contact Wenzhen Yuan ( for any questions. 11. 2016