Zheng Wu
Senior Undergraduate
Deptartment of Electrical Engineering
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Email: 14wuzheng@sjtu.edu.cn
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About Me
I am a senior undergraduate student in the Electrical Engineering Department at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
I am currently a research intern at MIT CSAIL. I am fortunate to work with Prof. Josh Tenenbaum and Jiajun Wu.
I am interested in computer vision problem in the context of robotics. My research goal is to understand physics in a scene and use the physical knowledge to help robot understand and interact with the visual world.
Recent News
- Jan. 2019: Our work (robot learning to play Jenga) is published at Science Robotics and covered by MIT News!
- Dec. 2018: Our paper "Learning to Describe Scenes with Programs" is accepted to ICLR 2019.
- Oct. 2018: We completed Toyota HSR Lego Picking and Placing Challenge. A demo video can be found here.
- Jul. 2018: I attended IJCAI 2018 and gave oral presentation to introduce our work. Slides can be found here.
- Jul. 2018: I started my 7-month research internship at MIT, working with Prof. Josh Tenenbaum!
- Apr. 2018: Our work (instance segmentation for homogeneous clustered objects) is accepted to IJCAI 2018!
Research Projects
See, Feel, Act: Hierarchical Learning for Complex Manipulation Skills With Multisensory Fusion
Nima Fazeli, Miquel Oller, Jiajun Wu, Zheng Wu, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Alberto Rodriguez
Science Robotics
[MIT News]
Learning to Describe Scene with Programs
Yunchao Liu, Zheng Wu, Daniel Ritchie, William T. Freeman, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Jiajun Wu
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2019.
HSR Lego Picking-n-Placing Challenge, MIT Team
with Meng Feng, Sang Uk Lee, Jiajun Wu, Shawn Schaffert, Andreas Hofmann, Brian Williams
Toyota HSR Lego Picking-n-Placing Competition
Annotation-Free and One-Shot Learning for Instance Segmentation of Homogeneous Object Clusters
Zheng Wu, Ruiheng Chang, Jiaxu Ma, Cewu Lu, and Chi-Keung Tang
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2018.