* Please find my CV
I am a PhD candidate in John
Fisher’s SLI
(Sensing, Learning, and Inference) group at CSAIL
at MIT, working on Bayesian
structure inference and interaction analysis.
In particular, I
consider the problem of Bayesian inference under
uncertainty of evolving temporal graphical structure
describing the interaction among multiple time-series.
Possible application domains include video analysis,
social networks, games, finance, biology, neuroscience,
climate, sensor data, etc.
My general research interests lie in machine learning and
statistical inference, particularly graphical models,
sampling algorithms, and time-series analysis. In the
past, I have also worked on natural language processing
(NLP) problems.
I received my master's degree from MIT
in 2009, and my bachelor's degree in computer science from
the University of Nis
in 2005. I interned at Microsoft
Research in 2009 and at Mitsubishi
Electric Research Laboratory (MERL) in 2010. Prior
to coming to MIT, I worked as a software engineer in a
Data Mining Team in Accordia.
I TA-ed Machine
Learning (6.867) in Fall '08 and Introduction
to Algorithms (6.006) in Fall
In the past, I participated in programming contests and am
passionate about algorithms and algorithmic problems. I
won silver medal in the International
Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) in 1999.
I later coached students in Serbia, and authored a problem
for IOI
2001. I was also one of the coaches of MIT ACM-ICPC
team in 2007-08
and 2008-09.
Recent publications:
Z. Dzunic, J. G.
Chen, H. Mobahi, O. Buyukozturk, and J. Fisher III. A
Bayesian State-space Approach for Damage Detection and
Classication. In
Proceedings of the Twenty-Third International Modal
Analysis Conference, to appear.
Z. Dzunic and J.
Fisher III. Bayesian
Switching Interaction Analysis Under Uncertainty. In Proceedings of the
Seventeenth International Conference on Articial
Intelligence and Statistics, pp. 220-228, 2014. [bib]