Classes and Functions: Design and Declaration
Declaring a new class in a program creates a new type: class design is type design. You probably don't have much experience with type design, because most languages don't offer you the opportunity to get any practice. In C++, it is of fundamental importance, not just because you can do it if you want to, but because you are doing it every time you declare a class, whether you mean to or
Designing good classes is challenging because designing good types is challenging. Good types have a natural syntax, an intuitive semantics, and one or more efficient implementations. In C++, a poorly thought out class definition can make it impossible to achieve any of these goals. Even the performance characteristics of a class's member functions are determined as much by the declarations of those member functions as they are by their
How, then, do you go about designing effective classes? First, you must understand the issues you face. Virtually every class requires that you confront the following questions, the answers to which often lead to constraints on your design:
, operator
, operator
, and operator
constructor in class B that can be called with a single argument. If you wish to allow explicit conversions only, you'll want to write functions to perform the conversions, but you'll want to avoid making them type conversion operators or non-explicit
single-argument constructors. (Item M5 discusses the advantages and disadvantages of user-defined conversion functions.)
These are difficult questions to answer, so defining effective classes in C++ is far from simple. Done properly, however, user-defined classes in C++ yield types that are all but indistinguishable from built-in types, and that makes all the effort
A discussion of the details of each of the above issues would comprise a book in its own right, so the guidelines that follow are anything but comprehensive. However, they highlight some of the most important design considerations, warn about some of the most frequent errors, and provide solutions to some of the most common problems encountered by class designers. Much of the advice is as applicable to non-member functions as it is to member functions, so in this section I consider the design and declaration of global and namespace-resident functions,