Back to Item 15: Have operator= return a reference to *this.   
  Continue to Item 17: Check for assignment to self in operator=.

Item 16:  Assign to all data members in operator=.

Item 45 explains that C++ will write an assignment operator for you if you don't declare one yourself, and Item 11 describes why you often won't much care for the one it writes for you, so perhaps you're wondering if you can somehow have the best of both worlds, whereby you let C++ generate a default assignment operator and you selectively override those parts you don't like. No such luck. If you want to take control of any part of the assignment process, you must do the entire thing yourself.

In practice, this means that you need to assign to every data member of your object when you write your assignment operator(s):

This is easy enough to remember when the class is originally written, but it's equally important that the assignment operator(s) be updated if new data members are added to the class. For example, if you decide to upgrade the NamedPtr template to carry a timestamp marking when the name was last changed, you'll have to add a new data member, and this will require updating the constructor(s) as well as the assignment operator(s). In the hustle and bustle of upgrading a class and adding new member functions, etc., it's easy to let this kind of thing slip your mind.

The real fun begins when inheritance joins the party, because a derived class's assignment operator(s) must also handle assignment of its base class members! Consider this:

The logical way to write Derived's assignment operator is like this:

Unfortunately, this is incorrect, because the data member x in the Base part of a Derived object is unaffected by this assignment operator. For example, consider this code fragment:

Notice how the Base part of d1 is unchanged by the assignment.

The straightforward way to fix this problem would be to make an assignment to x in Derived::operator=. Unfortunately, that's not legal, because x is a private member of Base. Instead, you have to make an explicit assignment to the Base part of Derived from inside Derived's assignment operator.

This is how you do it:

Here you just make an explicit call to Base::operator=. That call, like all calls to member functions from within other member functions, will use *this as its implicit left-hand object. The result will be that Base::operator= will do whatever work it does on the Base part of *this — precisely the effect you want.

Alas, some compilers (incorrectly) reject this kind of call to a base class's assignment operator if that assignment operator was generated by the compiler (see Item 45). To pacify these renegade translators, you need to implement Derived::operator= this way:

This monstrosity casts *this to be a reference to a Base, then makes an assignment to the result of the cast. That makes an assignment to only the Base part of the Derived object. Careful now! It is important that the cast be to a reference to a Base object, not to a Base object itself. If you cast *this to be a Base object, you'll end up calling the copy constructor for Base, and the new object you construct (see Item M19) will be the target of the assignment; *this will remain unchanged. Hardly what you want.

Regardless of which of these approaches you employ, once you've assigned the Base part of the Derived object, you then continue with Derived's assignment operator, making assignments to all the data members of Derived.

A similar inheritance-related problem often arises when implementing derived class copy constructors. Take a look at the following, which is the copy constructor analogue of the code we just examined:

Class Derived demonstrates one of the nastiest bugs in all C++-dom: it fails to copy the base class part when a Derived object is copy constructed. Of course, the Base part of such a Derived object is constructed, but it's constructed using Base's default constructor. Its member x is initialized to 0 (the default constructor's default parameter value), regardless of the value of x in the object being copied!

To avoid this problem, Derived's copy constructor must make sure that Base's copy constructor is invoked instead of Base's default constructor. That's easily done. Just be sure to specify an initializer value for Base in the member initialization list of Derived's copy constructor:

Now when a client creates a Derived by copying an existing object of that type, its Base part will be copied, too.

Back to Item 15: Have operator= return a reference to *this.   
  Continue to Item 17: Check for assignment to self in operator=.