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Item 28:  Partition the global namespace.

The biggest problem with the global scope is that there's only one of them. In a large software project, there is usually a bevy of people putting names in this singular scope, and invariably this leads to name conflicts. For example, library1.h might define a number of constants, including the following:

Ditto for library2.h:

It doesn't take great insight to see that there is going to be a problem if a program tries to include both library1.h and library2.h. Unfortunately, outside of cursing under your breath, sending hate mail to the library authors, and editing the header files until the name conflicts are eliminated, there is little you can do about this kind of problem.

You can, however, take pity on the poor souls who'll have your libraries foisted on them. You probably already prepend some hopefully-unique prefix to each of your global symbols, but surely you must admit that the resulting identifiers are less than pleasing to gaze upon.

A better solution is to use a C++ namespace. Boiled down to its essence, a namespace is just a fancy way of letting you use the prefixes you know and love without making people look at them all the time. So instead of this,

you write this:

Clients then access symbols in your namespace in any of the usual three ways: by importing all the symbols in a namespace into a scope, by importing individual symbols into a scope, or by explicitly qualifying a symbol for one-time use. Here are some examples:

(Some namespaces have no names. Such unnamed namespaces are used to limit the visibility of the elements inside the namespace. For details, see Item M31.)

One of the nicest things about namespaces is that potential ambiguity is not an error (see Item 26). As a result, you can import the same symbol from more than one namespace, yet still live a carefree life (provided you never actually use the symbol). For instance, if, in addition to namespace sdm, you had need to make use of this namespace,

you could use both sdm and AcmeWindowSystem without conflict, provided you never referenced the symbol Handle. If you did refer to it, you'd have to explicitly say which namespace's Handle you wanted:

Contrast this with the conventional header-file-based approach, where the mere inclusion of both sdm.h and acme.h would cause compilers to complain about multiple definitions of the symbol Handle.

Namespaces were added to C++ relatively late in the standardization game, so perhaps you think they're not that important and you can live without them. You can't. You can't, because almost everything in the standard library (see Item 49) lives inside the namespace std. That may strike you as a minor detail, but it affects you in a very direct manner: it's why C++ now sports funny-looking extensionless header names like <iostream>, <string>, etc. For details, turn to Item 49.

Because namespaces were introduced comparatively recently, your compilers might not yet support them. If that's the case, there's still no reason to pollute the global namespace, because you can approximate namespaces with structs. You do it by creating a struct to hold your global names, then putting your global names inside this struct as static members:

Now when people want to access your global names, they simply prefix them with the struct name:

If there are no name conflicts at the global level, clients of your library may find it cumbersome to use the fully qualified names. Fortunately, there is a way you can let them have their scopes and ignore them, too.

For your type names, provide typedefs that remove the need for explicit scoping. That is, for a type name T in your namespace-like struct S, provide a (global) typedef such that T is a synonym for S::T:

For each (static) object X in your struct, provide a (global) reference X that is initialized with S::X:

Frankly, after you've read Item 47, the thought of defining a non-local static object like BOOK_VERSION will probably make you queasy. (You'll want to replace such objects with the functions described in Item 47.)

Functions are treated much like objects, but even though it's legal to define references to functions, future maintainers of your code will dislike you a lot less if you employ pointers to functions instead:

Note that getHandle is a const pointer. You don't really want to let clients make it point to something other than sdm::getHandle, do you?

(If you're dying to know how to define a reference to a function, this should revitalize you:

Personally, I think this is kind of cool, but there's a reason you've probably never seen this before. Except for how they're initialized, references to functions and const pointers to functions behave identically, and pointers to functions are much more readily understood.)

Given these typedefs and references, clients not suffering from global name conflicts can just use the unqualified type and object names, while clients who do have conflicts can ignore the typedef and reference definitions and use fully qualified names. It's unlikely that all your clients will want to use the shorthand names, so you should be sure to put the typedefs and references in a different header file from the one containing your namespace-emulating struct.

structs are a nice approximation to namespaces, but they're a long trek from the real thing. They fall short in a variety of ways, one of the most obvious of which is their treatment of operators. Simply put, operators defined as static member functions of structs can be invoked only through a function call, never via the natural infix syntax that operators are designed to support:

Such limitations should spur you to adopt real namespaces as soon as your compilers make it practical.

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