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Item 44:  Say what you mean; understand what you're saying.

In the introduction to this section on inheritance and object-oriented design, I emphasized the importance of understanding what different object-oriented constructs in C++ mean. This is quite different from just knowing the rules of the language. For example, the rules of C++ say that if class D publicly inherits from class B, there is a standard conversion from a D pointer to a B pointer; that the public member functions of B are inherited as public member functions of D, etc. That's all true, but it's close to useless if you're trying to translate your design into C++. Instead, you need to understand that public inheritance means isa, that if D publicly inherits from B, every object of type D isa object of type B, too. Thus, if you mean isa in your design, you know you have to use public inheritance.

Saying what you mean is only half the battle. The flip side of the coin is understanding what you're saying, and it's just as important. For example, it's irresponsible, if not downright immoral, to run around declaring member functions nonvirtual without recognizing that in so doing you are imposing constraints on subclasses. In declaring a nonvirtual member function, what you're really saying is that the function represents an invariant over specialization, and it would be disastrous if you didn't know that.

The equivalence of public inheritance and isa, and of nonvirtual member functions and invariance over specialization, are examples of how certain C++ constructs correspond to design-level ideas. The list below summarizes the most important of these mappings.

The following mappings apply only when public inheritance is involved:

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