Classes and Functions: Implementation
Because C++ is strongly typed, coming up with appropriate definitions for your classes and templates and appropriate declarations for your functions is the lion's share of the battle. Once you've got those right, it's hard to go wrong with the template, class, and function implementations. Yet, somehow, people manage to do
Some problems arise from inadvertently violating abstraction: accidentally allowing implementation details to peek out from behind the class and function boundaries that are supposed to contain them. Others originate in confusion over the length of an object's lifetime. Still others stem from premature optimization, typically traceable to the seductive nature of the inline
keyword. Finally, some implementation strategies, while fine on a local scale, result in levels of coupling between source files that can make it unacceptably costly to rebuild large
Each of these problems, as well as others like them, can be avoided if you know what to watch out for. The items that follow identify some situations in which you need to be especially