Search Stop Words

The following words are ignored by the search engine, because they occur in more than 100 paragraphs on the CD.

a about above actually after again all
almost already also always an and another
any anything are around as at be
because become been before begin behind being
below between both but by can can't
could did do does doesn't don't down
during each either else end enough etc
even ever every everything except few first
for from had has have he her
here hers his how however if in
instead into is isn't it its itself
last least less let like likely made
make makes many me might more most
much must my never next no not
nothing now of off often on once
one only or other otherwise our ours
out over own same seem seems she
should so some something sometime sometimes still
such taking ten than that the their
them themselves then there these they this
those though three through thus to too
two under unless until up us used
using very via was we we well
were what when whenever where whether which
while who whose why will with within
without won would yet you your yours