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This CD includes the following articles. If you already know why they're here, just choose the one you want. Otherwise, please read my introductory comments below.

When I wrote More Effective C++ in 1995, I had this to say about exception-handling and C++:

There is much the C++ community does not know about writing programs using exceptions, including, for the most part, how to do it correctly. There is as yet no agreement on a body of techniques that, when applied routinely, leads to software that behaves predictably and reliably when exceptions are thrown.
Much has changed since 1995. Enormous strides have been made in describing how to write exception-safe code — code that behaves well when exceptions are thrown. The articles that follow describe the progress in this area, and they complement my treatment of exceptions in Items 9-15 of More Effective C++. I'm grateful that the authors of these articles have allowed me to include them on this CD. The following articles have nothing to do with exception handling, but they dovetail nicely with other material on this CD. My article on counting objects shows how different C++ language features can interact in interesting, surprising, and useful ways. The piece by Martin Klaus and me gives some background on what to look for when evaluating lint-like tools for C++, i.e., tools that check C++ source code for violations of the kinds of rules I describe in my books.