next: Left-hand Navigation Bar Top Navigation Bar

The following elements turn light blue when they are active:

Contents: a hot-linked table of contents to CD material.
Guide to Readers: the authors' advice for using the Design Patterns book.
Glossary: a hot-linked glossary of terms.
Notation: describes the notation used in diagrams.
Foundation: describes the foundation classes used in the sample code.
Bibliography: a hot-linked bibliography page.
Index: a hot-linked index to book material.
Pattern Map: a hot-linked, graphical representation of the relationships between different patterns in the book.

The following black tabs turn blue-grey when they are active:

Intro: the book's introduction.
Case Study: a case study of the design of a document editor that examines the uses of design patterns.
Pattern Catalog: a page of links to individual design patterns organized by category.
Conclusion: the book's conclusion.

next: Bottom Navigation Bar Left-hand Navigation Bar

Each line of the graphic is a clickable link corresponding to the same heading in the text window. Clicking on the heading in the left bar will scroll the text to that heading. In the index, bibliography, and glossary, clicking on a letter will pull up that letter's entries. Light blue letters have no entries. White underlined letters have entries.

next: Text navigation Bottom Navigation Bar

Clicking on a pattern name will load the corresponding pattern discussion into the text window. A yellow highlight indicates the current pattern being displayed.

next: navigation Text Navigation

jumps to the next section/chapter of the book.
jumps to the previous section/chapter of the book.
moves to the next heading of the current document.
jumps to the top of the current document.

Standard Hyperlinks:

Figure callouts: jump to figure.
[ref]: jumps to the bibliography entry.
Superscript #: jumps to appropriate footnote at bottom of page.
Pattern (#): jumps to the appropriate design pattern discussion.
Page #, section #, etc.: jumps to the CD text that corresponds to the printed book on that page #.