Names of design patterns appear in small capitals: e.g., ADAPTER. Page numbers in bold indicate the definition of a term. Numbers in italics indicate a diagram for the term. Letters after a diagram's page number indicate the kind of diagram: a "c" denotes a class diagram, an "i" denotes an interaction diagram, and an "o" denotes an object diagram. For example, 88co means that a class and object diagram appears on page 88.


lazy initialization 112
participant of COMPOSITE164c, 165, 165o, 168
Lempel-Ziv compression 183
Lexi 33
document structure 35
document traversal and analysis 64
look-and-feel standards 47
multiple window systems 51
user interface 33, 34
user operations 58
use of BRIDGE 160
lifecycle of software 353, 354
Linton, Mark 344
List 257, 257c, 258c, 263, 369
list box 274
list traversal 257
ListBox 274o, 275ci, 279
ListIterator 67, 257, 257c, 258c, 264, 372
ListTraverser 267
LiteralExpression 244co, 344
implemented in Smalltalk 250
look-and-feel standards 87
support in Lexi 35, 47