Note: These lecture notes were slightly modified from the ones posted on the 6.824 course website from Spring 2015.
You have a bunch of computers that do different things (not replicas). Like two computers, one stores events for people in A-L, another for people in M-Z. If you want to create an event for Alice and Mike you need to interact with both servers and make sure that the event is either created on both or on neither.
The challenges are crashes and network failures which inject ambiguities ( not responding cause of crash or network failure?)
In Ivy and TreadMarks if one of the machines crashed it had no way to recover. We also saw MapReduce and Spark which had a story for crash recovery.
schedule(u1 user, u2 user, t time):
ok1 = reserve(u1, t) # reserve for the 1st user
ok2 = reserve(u2, t) # reserve for the 2nd user
# Tricky: if the 1st reserve succeeded and the 2nd didn't => trouble
# We'd like to deal with this in the following way:
if ok1 and ok2
# One bad way to make this work is to let the servers chit-chat and
# make sure they both committed.
# At no stage in a transaction like this can the servers finish
# - S1: I'll do it if you do it
# - S2: I'll do it if you do it
# - S1: I'll do it if you do it
# - S2: I'll do it if you do it
# (sounds like the two generals problem?)
reserve(u user, t time):
if u[t] = free # if user's calendar is free at time t
tent[t] = taken # ...then tenatively schedule
copy tent[t] to u[t]
discard tent[t]
client TC A B
| |
<--------------------/ |
----- GO ----> | |
| | |
<------------/ | |
Used frequently in real distributed databases.
client TC A B
---- GO ----> --\
prepare |
------------> |
------------------------> | Phase 1
yes/no | | |
<-----------/ | |
<-----------------------/ --/
------------> --\
------------------------> | Phase 2
commit/abort |
<------------- --/
asks "are you still alive and willing to commit this transaction?"
B hasn't replied to prepare =>
TC hasn't sent commit to the
participants =>
TC can send abort=>
B can abort because it knows the TC will abort everyone =>
B said yes to TC and TC could have received yes
from everyone else (or not)
outcome can be either commit or abort =>
B has to waitB
could decide to abort/commit if
tells it via another channelDoes this waiting make 2PC impractical? People are split up?
What about reboots? If one of the participants said yes to a prepare, it has to remember that across reboots or crashes, so that it can be able to finish the transaction (commit or abort).
What happens if TC crashes in the middle of sending commits?
Resemblance to Paxos?
Atomic distributed transactions: write your transaction code without thinking about what other transactions could be going on
Bank example:
addToBal(x, 1)
addToBal(y, -1)
# Need this to be a transaction to implement a transfer correctly
tmp1 = getBal(x)
tmp2 = getBal(y)
print(tmp1, tmp2)
# We cannot have the execution of T1 interleave with the execution of
# T2. T2 had better see both addToBal calls or no addToBal calls from T1
This is called serializability: The effect of running a bunch of transactions is the same as if they were run in some sequential order (no interleaving allowed: exec first half of T1, exec first half of T2, finish second half of T1, finish T2).
One way to implement transactions is to use locks for each data record that are acquired before a transaction begins operating on those records and holds them until it commits or aborts. This is called two-phase locking.
Deadlock can occur if T1 acquires x and then y while T2 acquires y and then x. Database systems for instance have ways to deal with this::
Nobody ever likes to use 2PC.
When participants acquire locks they are holding them across multiple RTTs in the network because you have to wait for the commit message.
6.824 2015 Lecture 20: Two-Phase Commmit
distributed commit, two-phase commit
distributed transactions
Argus -- language for distributed programming
Distributed commit:
A bunch of computers are cooperating on some task, e.g. bank transfer
Each computer has a different role, e.g. src and dst bank account
Want to ensure atomicity: all execute, or none execute
"distributed transaction"
Challenges: crashes and network failures
calendar system, each user has a calendar
want to schedule meetings with multiple participants
one server holds calendars of users A-M, another server holds N-Z
[diagram: client, two servers]
sched(u1, u2, t):
ok1 = reserve(u1, t)
ok2 = reserve(u2, t)
if ok1 and ok2:
the reserve() calls are RPCs to the two calendar servers
We want both to reserve, or both not to reserve.
What if 1st reserve() returns true, and then:
2nd reserve() returns false (time not available)
2nd reserve() doesn't return (lost RPC msg, u2's server crashes)
2nd reserve() returns but then crashes
client fails before 2nd reserve()
We need a "distributed commit protocol"
Idea: tentative changes, later commit or undo (abort)
reserve_handler(u, t):
if u[t] is free:
temp_u[t] = taken -- A TEMPORARY VERSION
return true
return false
copy temp_u[t] to real u[t]
discard temp_u[t]
Idea: single entity decides whether to commit
to prevent any chance of disagreement
let's call it the Transaction Coordinator (TC)
[time diagram: client, TC, A, B]
client sends RPCs to A, B
on end_transaction, client sends "go" to TC
TC/A/B execute distributed commit protocol...
TC reports "commit" or "abort" to client
We want two properties for distributed commit protocol:
TC, A, and B start in state "unknown"
each can move to state "abort" or "commit"
but then each never changes mind
if any commit, none abort
if any abort, none commit
(since doing nothing is correct...)
if no failures, and A and B can commit, then commit.
if failures, come to some conclusion ASAP.
We're going to develop a protocol called "two-phase commit"
Used by distributed databases for multi-server transactions
And by Spanner and Argus
Two-phase commit without failures:
[time diagram: client, TC, A, B]
client sends reserve() RPCs to A, B
client sends "go" to TC
TC sends "prepare" messages to A and B.
A and B respond, saying whether they're willing to commit.
Respond "yes" if haven't crashed, timed out, &c.
If both say "yes", TC sends "commit" messages.
If either says "no", TC sends "abort" messages.
A/B "decide to commit" if they get a commit message.
I.e. they actually modify the user's calendar.
Why is this correct so far?
Neither can commit unless they both agreed.
Crucial that neither changes mind after responding to prepare
Not even if failure
What about failures?
Network broken/lossy
Server crashes
Both visible as timeout when expecting a message.
Where do hosts wait for messages?
1) TC waits for yes/no.
2) A and B wait for prepare and commit/abort.
Termination protocol summary:
TC t/o for yes/no -> abort
B t/o for prepare, -> abort
B t/o for commit/abort, B voted no -> abort
B t/o for commit/abort, B voted yes -> block
TC timeout while waiting for yes/no from A/B.
TC has not sent any "commit" messages.
So TC can safely abort, and send "abort" messages.
A/B timeout while waiting for prepare from TC
have not yet responded to prepare
so can abort
respond "no" to future prepare
A/B timeout while waiting for commit/abort from TC.
Let's talk about just B (A is symmetric).
If B voted "no", it can unilaterally abort.
So what if B voted "yes"?
Can B unilaterally decide to abort?
No! TC might have gotten "yes" from both,
and sent out "commit" to A, but crashed before sending to B.
So then A would commit and B would abort: incorrect.
B can't unilaterally commit, either:
A might have voted "no".
If B voted "yes", it must "block": wait for TC decision.
What if B crashes and restarts?
If B sent "yes" before crash, B must remember!
--- this is today's question
Can't change to "no" (and thus abort) after restart
Since TC may have seen previous yes and told A to commit
B must remember on disk before saying "yes", including modified data.
B reboots, disk says "yes" but no "commit", must ask TC.
If TC says "commit", copy modified data to real data.
What if TC crashes and restarts?
If TC might have sent "commit" or "abort" before crash, TC must remember!
And repeat that if anyone asks (i.e. if A/B/client didn't get msg).
Thus TC must write "commit" to disk before sending commit msgs.
Can't change mind since A/B/client have already acted.
This protocol is called "two-phase commit".
What properties does it have?
* All hosts that decide reach the same decision.
* No commit unless everyone says "yes".
* TC failure can make servers block until repair.
What about concurrent transactions?
We realy want atomic distributed transactions,
not just single atomic commit.
x and y are bank balances
x and y start out as $10
T1 is doing a transfer of $1 from x to y
add(x, 1) -- server A
add(y, -1) -- server B
tmp1 = get(x)
tmp2 = get(y)
print tmp1, tmp2
what if T2 runs between the two add() RPCs?
then T2 will print 11, 10
money will have been created!
T2 should print 10,10 or 9,11
The traditional approach is to provide "serializability"
results should be as if transactions ran one at a time in some order
either T1, then T2; or T2, then T1
Why serializability?
it allows transaction code to ignore the possibility of concurrency
just write the transaction to take system from one legal state to another
internally, the transaction can temporarily violate invariants
but serializability guarantess no-one will notice
One way to implement serializabilty is with "two-phase locking"
this is what Argus does
each database record has a lock
the lock is stored at the server that stores the record
no need for a central lock server
each use of a record automatically acquires the record's lock
thus add() handler implicitly acquires lock when it uses record x or y
locks are held until *after* commit or abort
Why hold locks until after commit/abort?
why not release as soon as done with the record?
e.g. why not have T2 release x's lock after first get()?
T1 could then execute between T2's get()s
T2 would print 10,9
but that is not a serializable execution: neither T1;T2 nor T2;T1
2PC perspective
Used in sharded DBs when a transaction uses data on multiple shards
But it has a bad reputation:
slow because of multiple phases / message exchanges
locks are held over the prepare/commit exchanges
TC crash can cause indefinite blocking, with locks held
Thus usually used only in a single small domain
E.g. not between banks, not between airlines, not over wide area
Paxos and two-phase commit solve different problems!
Use Paxos to high availability by replicating
i.e. to be able to operate when some servers are crashed
the servers must have identical state
Use 2PC when each participant does something different
And *all* of them must do their part
2PC does not help availability
since all servers must be up to get anything done
Paxos does not ensure that all servers do something
since only a majority have to be alive
What if you want high availability *and* distributed commit?
Each "server" should be a Paxos-replicated service
And the TC should be Paxos-replicated
Run two-phase commit where each participant is a replicated service
Then you can tolerate failures and still make progress
This is what Spanner does (for update transactions)
Case study: Argus
Argus's big ideas:
Language support for distributed programs
Very cool: language abstracts away ugly parts of distrib systems
Aimed at different servers doing different jobs, cooperating
Easy fault tolerance:
Transactional updates
So crash results in entire transaction un-done, not partial update
Easy persistence ("stable"):
Ordinary variables automatically persisted to disk
Automatic crash recovery
Easy concurrency:
Implicit locking of language objects
Easy RPC model:
Method calls transparently turned into RPCs
RPC failure largely hidden via transactions, two-phase commit
We've seen the fundamental problem before
What to do if *part* of a distributed computation crashes?
IVY/Treadmarks had no answer
MR/Spark could re-execute *part* of computation, for big data
"guardian" is like an RPC server
has state (variables) and handlers
"handler" is an RPC handler
reads and writes local variables
"action" is a distributed atomic transaction
action on A
A RPC to B
B RPC to C
A RPC to D
A finishes action
prepare msgs to B, C, D
commit msgs to B, C, D
The style is to send RPC to where the data is
Not to fetch the data
Argus is not a storage system
Look at bank example
page 309 (and 306): bank transfer
Points to notice
stable keyword (programmer never writes to disk &c)
atomic keyword (programmer almost never locks/unlocks)
enter topaction (in transfer)
coenter (in transfer)
RPCs are hidden (e.g. f.withdraw())
RPC error handling hidden (just aborts)
what if deposit account doesn't exist?
but f.withdraw(from) has already been called?
how to un-do?
what's the guardian state when withdraw() handler returns?
lock, temporary version, just in memory
what if an audit runs during a transfer?
how does the audit not see the tentative new balances?
if a guardian crashes and reboots, what happens to its locks?
can it just forget about pre-crash locks?
each RPC is actually a sub-action
the RPC can fail or abort w/o aborting surrounding action
this lets actions e.g. try one server, then another
if RPC reply lost, subaction will abort, undo
much cleaner than e.g. Go RPC
is Argus's implicit locking the right thing?
very convenient!
don't have to worry about forgetting to lock!
(though deadlocks are easy)
databases work (and worked) this way; it's a sucessful idea
is transactions + RPC + 2PC a good design point?
programmability pro:
very easy to get nice fault tolerance semantics
performance con:
lots of msgs and disk writes
2PC and 2PL hold locks for a while, block if failure
is Argus's language integration the right thing?
i.e. persisting and locking language objects
it looks very convenient (and it is)
but it turns out to be even more valuable have relational tables
people like queries/joins/&c over tables, rows, columns
that is, people like a storage abstraction!
maybe there is a better language-based scheme waiting to be found