p <- k-bit integer
until p is prime
What we need:
-bit primes?p
is prime?Prime number theorem: about 2^k/log(2^k)
k-bit primes. One out of 0.69k k-bit integers is a prime.
Primality test: if p
is a prime, then 2^(p-1) = 1 (mod p)
. The other way
is not necessarily true, but we can be fairly confident that if 2^(p-1) = 1
(mod p)
and p
was chosen randomly then p
is prime. (Why? How confident?)
Other primality testing algorithms:
A m, t=MAC(t) B
key = (slope,y-intercept) coordinates of the line?
| /
tag |----*
| /|
| / |
| / |
|/ |
------------------ M
large prime 128-bits(a,b), 1 <= a,b <= p-1
a = slope
b = y-intercept
T = MAC_k(m) = am+b (mod p)
Security: If Eve learns (M,T)
on the line and replaces with (M', T')
then Pr[ Bob accepts M', T' ] = 1/p
For fixed m, m', t
s.t. t = am + b (mod p)
(Equation 1)
For each T', \exists
exactly one key (a,b)
that satisfies Eq. 1 and T' = aM' + b (mod p)
Note: If you MAC two messages with the same a,b,p
then you break the security
Notation: d
divides a
or d
is a divisor of a
-> d | a <=> \exists k, s.t. a = dk
\forall d, d | 0
\forall a, 1 | 0
divisor of a
and b
then d
is a common divisorgcd(0,0) = 0
by definitiongcd(5,0) = 5
gcd(24,30) = 6
gcd(33,12) = 3
gcd(a, b) = 1 <=> a
and b
are relatively prime a, if b = 0
gcd(a, b) = {
gcd(b, a mod b), otherwise
gcd(7,5) = gcd(5, 2) = gcd(2,1) = gcd(1,0) = 1
Running time:
lg(b)lg(a) bit operations
\forall (a,b), \exists (x,y)
s.t. ax + by = gcd(a,b)
When a=7, b=5, what is x,y?
7 = 7*1 + 5*0
5 = 7*0 + 5*1
2 = 7*1 + 5*-1
1 = 7*-2 + 5*3
=> (x,y)=(-2,3)
In previous lecture we said, that if a \in Z*_p
, then a^-1 = a^(p-2) mod p
What if a \in Z*_n = {x | 1 <= x <= n-1, gcd(x,n) = 1}
, where n
is not prime?
mod n
How to find a^-1
a^-1 = ?
\exists x,y s.t ax + ny = 1 ax = 1 (mod n) => a^-1 = x (mod n)
Let Z*_n
denote the group of elements that are coprime with n
. Sometimes
this is denoted as Z/nZ
when n
is not prime and Z_p
or Z*_p
when p
Notion: The order of an element in a group like Z*_p
or Z*_n
Definition: order_n(a) =
smallest t
such that a^t = 1 (mod n)
, if a
\in Z*_n
If n=p
prime, then t=p-1
In general, Euler's theorem: \forall n, \forall a \in Z*_n, a^\phi(n) = 1
(mod n)
, where \phi(n)
is the totient function, \phi(n) = # of elements
relatively prime to n = | Z*_n |
Z*_10 = {1, 3, 7, 9}
\phi(10) = 4
3^4 = 7^4 = 9^4 = 1 (mod n)
a, t, and a^t, n = 7
a\t 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 order_7(1) = 1
2 2 4 1 2 4 1 order_7(2) = 3
3 3 2 6 4 5 1 order_7(3) = 6
4 4 2 1 4 2 1 order_7(4) = 3
5 5 4 6 2 3 1 order_7(5) = 6
6 6 1 6 1 6 1 order_7(6) = 2
Generators, definition of group generated by a
: <a> = { a^t : t >= 0 }
is a subgroup of Z*_n
(<a> \includedin Z*_n
<2> = {2, 4, 1}
Theorem: The cardinatlity |<a>|
of <a>
is the order of a
(i.e order_n(a)
Theorem: |<a>| divides |Z*_n| <=> order_n(a) | \phi(n)
Theorem: If p
prime, then |<a>| divides p-1
because \phi(p) = p-1
Def: If p
prime and order_p(g) = p-1
, then g
is a generator of Z*_p
Notation: <g> = Z*_p
Theorem: If p
is prime, g
is generator mod p
, then g^x = y (mod p)
\forall y
has unique solution x
base p
of y
x = dlog_p,g(y)
Theorem: Z*_n
has generator iff n
is 2, 4, p^m
, 2*p^m
, where p
is an
odd prime & m >= 1
Theorem: If p
prime, then # of generators in Z*_p
is \phi(p-1)
p=7 => \phi(6) = |{1,5}| = 2
p=11 => \phi(10) = |{1,3,7,9}| = 4
Idea: Need to factor the size of our group \phi(p) = p-1
so that we'll know
what are all the possible subgroup sizes we can get from a generator. Then, we
make sure our randomly-picked generator does not generate the other
smaller-sized subgroups.
Definition: If p,q
primes, p=2q+1
then p
is a safe prime and q
is a
Sophie Germain prime
\phi(p) = p-1 = 2q
Emipirically, prime p
is safe with probability ~= 1/ln(p)
p = 23, q = 11
p = 11, q = 5
p = 59, q = 29
Lagrange's theorem: The order of any subgroup divides the order of its parent group. (See more here)
Theorem: If p
is a safe prime (then p-1 = 2q
), then the size of Z_p
's sub
groups can be either 1, 2, q, 2q
(because they have to divide the size of Z_p
which is p-1 = 2q
\forall a \in Z*p, order_p(a) \in {1, 2, q, 2q}
To generate Z*_p
we need a generator a
s.t. order_p(a) = p-1 = 2q
Fermat's little theorem (generalization of Euler's theorem): a^(p-1) = 1 (mod
, if p
Euler's theorem: a^\phi(n) = 1 (mod n), \forall n and a, s.t. gcd(a,n) = 1
Note that according to Fermat/Euler, we can check a potential generator a
\in Z*_p
for what size subgroup it generates by checking if a^(guessed size) = 1
(mod p)
. But that's not enough. We need to check that a^(potential smaller
size) != 1 (mod p)
or we could be picking a smaller group of size s'
divides the desired size s
(i.e. if a^2q = 1
, that could be because a^2 = 1
and a
generates a subgroup of size 2).
Finding generators in Z*_p
is a safe prime):
g <- Z*_p
until |<g>| = p-1
How do we know that |<g>| = p-1
? We check that:
g != 1 (mod p)
g^2 != 1 (mod p)
g^q != 1 (mod p)
g^2q = 1 (mod p) (p-1 = 2q and Fermat's little theorem)
Theorem: If p
is a safe prime, then # generators is \phi(p-1) = q-1
General theorem: If p
prime, then # of generators is \phi(p-1) >= (p-1)/(6*ln(ln(p-1)))
Public parameters:
large prime (2048 bit)g
generator of Z*_p
Alice's secret key is x \in Z*_p, 1 <= x <= p-1
, the public key is g^x = y (mod p)
there is a unique solution x
for the equationy
it is assumed to be very hard to find x