Today: Title, Wednesday, April 1st, 2015


IND-CCA2: Indistinguishability under chosen-ciphertext attack

Phase I: 
    keygen -> (pk, sk)
    adversary can use encryption oracle
    adversary can use decryption oracle
        except on the challenge ctexts

    adversary produces two message of the 
    same length m0, m1 and some state s

Phase II:
    examiner flips a coin b \in {0,1}
    examiner encrypts one of the messages, computes c* = Enc(m_b)
    examiner sends c* to the advesary

    adversary has to figure out in time polynomial in the security
    parameter whether c* is the encryption of m0 or m1

    adversary outputs b* and wins if b = b*

This is the strongest notion of security nowadays.

Basic ElGamal does not satisfy this security definition because ciphertexts can be rerandomized and given to the decryption oracle.

What if the decryption function only decrypts messages that it knows it was created by the encryption box, as opposed to other things: like playing with bits, playing with the homomorphic property, etc.


An extension of ElGamal.

We have G_q a group of prime order q (remember g^q = 1).

TODO: Are g1/g2 generators of G_q?

    g1, g2           <--R-- G_q
    x1,x2, y1,y2, z  <--R-- Z_q (additive group mod q)
    c <- g1^x1 * g2^x2
    d <- g1^y1 * g2^y2
    h <- g1^z           (ElGamal-like feature)

    pk = (g1, g2,  c,  d, h)
    sk = (x1, x2, y1, y2, z)

Let H be a hash function which maps G_q triples to Z_q

Enc(m \in G_q):
    r <--R--- Z_q
    u1 <- g1^r          (ElGamal-like)
    u2 <- g2^r          (for the checking portion)
    e  <- m * h^r       (ElGamal-like)
    \alpha <- H(u1, u2, e)
    v  <- c^r * d^(r*\alpha)

    ctext = (u1, u2, e, v)

Decrypt(ctext = u1, u2, e, v):
    \alpha = H(u1, u2, e)

    [ u1^x1 u2^x2 = g1^rx1 g2^rx2 = c^r ]
    [ u1^y1 u2^y2 = d^r ]
    [ u1^(x1+y1*\alpha) * u2^(x2+y2*\alpha) =
      u1^x1 u2^x2 * u1^(y1*\alpha) * u2^(y2*\alpha) =
      u1^x1 u2^x2 * (u1^y1 * u2^y2)^\alpha = c^r * (d^r)^alpha = v ]

    checks that u1^(x1+y1*\alpha) * u2^(x2+y2*\alpha) == v
        if not equal, then reject

    [ need to divide by (invert) h^r to get m out of e ]
    [ don't have r, have z => have h = g1^z ]
    [ u1 = g1^r, u1^z = (g1^r)^z = h^r ]
    return e/u1^z

Theorem: Cramer-Shoup is IND-CCA2 secure, assuming:

This is really cool because at the time it solved an open-problem of whether IND-CCA2-secure public key encryption schemes exist.

RSA (1977)

Z_n* = all numbers < n relatively prime to n

    find large *random* primes p, q
    let n = pq

    \phi(n) = |Z_n*| = (p-1)(q-1)
        this is unknown to the adversary
        knowing \phi(n) <=> knowing factorization of n 

    e <--R-- Z*_\phi(n)
        just means that gcd(e, \phi(n)) = 1

    d <- e^-1 (mod \phi(n))
        computed using Extended Euclidian Algorithm

    pk <- (n, e)
    sk <- (p, q, d)

Enc(m \in Z_n*):
    c = m^e (mod n)

Dec(c \in Z_n*):
    m = c^d (mod n)

Note: m and c need to be \in Z_n* => need to be relatively prime to n, so certain messages cannot be encrypted? The only messages that cannot be encrypted are p and q and their multiples. Note that if an adversary wanted to encrypt such messages, he would literally have the factorization of n

We can prove using the Chinese Remainder Theorem that RSA works even for m \notin Z_n*, but m \in Z_n (i.e. m does not need to be coprime to n)

Chinese Remainder Theorem:

n=pq, \forall x,y \in Z_n*, x = y (mod n) <=> x = y (mod p) AND x = y (mod q)

We know, by definition, that e*d = 1 (mod \phi(n)) => e*d = 1 + t*(p-1)(q-1) => e*d = 1 (mod p-1) => d = e^-1 (mod p-1)

We want to show that (m^e)^d = m (mod n), \forall m \in Z_n

Suffices to show that (m^e)^d = m (mod p) and then use the Chinese Remainder Theorem.

Case 1: m = 0 (mod p) => 0^ed = 0 (mod p) q.e.d.

Case 2: m != 0 (mod p), m \in Z_p*

m^(p-1) = 1 (mod p)     [ element of group raised to group order == identity]
                        [ or Fermat's theorem ]
m^(ed) = m^(1 + u*(p-1)) = m^1 * (m^(p-1))^u = m * 1^u = m (mod p)

Security of RSA

Relies on assumption that n = pq is hard to factor when p and q are large primes.

Best factoring algorithms today have running time exp(c*(ln(n))^(1/3) * ln(ln(n))^(2/3)), where n is the number of bits in the N = pq number, subexponential time. (According to Wikipedia, it's the number of bits in n.)

Q: Why is it important to keep \phi(n) secret?
A: You can factor n knowing \phi(n)?

    \phi(n) = (p-1)(q-1) => \phi(n) = pq - p - q + 1 =>
    p + q = pq - \phi(n) + 1 => p + q = n - \phi(n) + 1

    We expect p and q to be about the same size, so we can
    guess them easily? Sure, but we can do better

    We have:
    (1) n = pq
    (2) p + q = n - \phi(n) + 1
    q = (n - \phi(n) + 1) - p
      => (substitute in (1))
    n = p((n - \phi(n) + 1) - p)
      = - p^2 * p((n+1) - \phi(n))
    p^2 - p((n+1) - \phi(n)) + n = 0
      <=> (2nd degree equation w/ a,b,c coeff.)
    p = (-b +/- sqrt(b^2 - 4ac))/(2a)
      = ...

Q: If d is lost, can you factor n?
A: You can definitely decrypt and sign messages arbitrarily with d. The RSA paper in section IX.C says that you can also efficiently factor n with knowledge of e and d.

OAEP: Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding

Assume G and H are random oracles

|       m       |       0^k1    |       |   r   |
---------------------------------       ---------
       \------> | <------/                  |
                / t+k1                      / k0
                |                           |
               \|                          \| 
                + <---------- | G | <-------*
                |                           |
               \|                           |
                +-----------> | H | ------> +
                |                           |
               \|                          \|
            |                   |               |
            ------------------------------------- x
                            | RSA   |
                            x^e (mod n)


Theorem: RSA+OEAP is IND-CCA2 secure assuming