User authentication

Note: These lecture notes were slightly modified from the ones posted on the 6.858 course website from 2014.

Core challenge: How can human users prove their identity to a program?


A password is a secret that is shared between the user and a server.

How should a client transmit a password to a server?


   Client             Server

        Hi, I'm Alice.

          Challenge C

        H(C || password)

                     - Server checks whether the
                       response is H(C || password).

To prevent brute force attacks, we can implement anti-hammering defenses.

Password recovery is extremely important, but often overlooked.

The quest to replace passwords

In the reading for today, the authors propose a bunch of factors that can be used to evaluate authentication schemes (the goal is to determine whether passwords are as bad as they seem). The authors consider three high-level metrics: usability, deployability, and security.


Biometrics: Leverage the unique aspects of a person's physical appearance or behavior.

Biometrics vs. passwords

    Usability metric     Passwords        Biometrics
    ---                  ---              ---
    Easy-to-learn:       Yes              Yes
    Infrequent errors:   Quasi-yes        No
    Scalable for users:  No               Yes
    Easy recovery:       Yes              No
    Nothing to carry:    Yes              Yes

                       Usability score: 3.5 vs 3    

    Deployability metric Passwords        Biometrics
    ---                  ---              ---
    Server-compatible:   Yes              No
    Browser-compatible:  Yes              No
    Accessible:          Yes              Quasi-yes (entering biometrics is error-prone)    

                       Deployability score: 3 vs 0.5

    Security metric         Passwords        Biometrics
    ---                     ---              ---
    Res-to-Phys-Obs:        No               Yes
    Res-to-Trgtd-Imp:       Quasi-yes        No (e.g., replaying voice recording, lifting fingerprints from surfaces)
    Res-to-Thrtld-Guess:    No               Yes
    Res-to-UnThrtld-Guess:  No               No (key space isn't much bigger than that of passwords)
    Res-to-Internal-Obv:    No               No (captured biometric data can be replayed)
    Res-to-Phishing:        No               No
    No-trusted-3rd-Party:   Yes              Yes
    Res-Other-Ver-Leaks:    No               No (same biometrics are used by all verifiers)

                        Security score: 1.5 vs 3

So, final score is 8 vs 6.5. Of course, one could assign non-unity weights to each category, but the point is that it's not obvious that biometrics are "better" than passwords!

Some sets of goals seem difficult to achieve at the same time.

    Memorywise-Effortless + Nothing-to-Carry.
    Memorywise-Effortless + Resilient-to-Theft.
         // Either the user remembers something, or
         // it can be stolen (except for biometrics).

    Server-Compatible + Resilient-to-Internal-Observation.
    Server-Compatible + Resilient-to-Leaks-from-Other-Verifiers.
         // Server compatible means sending a password.
         // Passwords can be stolen on user machine,
         // replayed by one server to another.

Multi-factor authentication (MFA): defense using depth

Homework Q

What are potential answers to the homework questions? What factors matter?


Conclusion of paper: There is no authentication scheme which clearly dominates passwords! For example, according to the authors, the CAP reader has perfect scores on security!


                            CAP reader
        Easy-to-learn:      Yes
        Infrequent errors:  Quasi-yes
        Scalable for users: No (users require card+PIN per verifier)
        Easy recovery:      No
        Nothing to carry:   No
                            Score: 1.5

                            CAP reader
       Server-compatible:   No
       Browser-compatible:  Yes
       Accessible:          No (blind people can't read 8-digit code)
                            Score: 1

                            CAP reader
    Res-to-Phys-Obs:        Yes\
    Res-to-Trgtd-Imp:       Yes \__ One-time codes!
    Res-to-Thrtld-Guess:    Yes /
    Res-to-UnThrtld-Guess:  Yes/
    Res-to-Internal-Obv:    Yes     Dedicated device
    Res-to-Phishing:        Yes     One-time codes
    No-trusted-3rd-Party:   Yes     Each site is its own verifier
    Res-Other-Ver-Leaks:    Yes     One-time codes
                            Score: 8