Lecture 17: Deductive Synthesis.
Deductive synthesis is the oldest form of program synthesis, and for many years
program synthesis was assumed to mean deductive synthesis. The roots of this
style of synthesis go back to the work of Burstall and Darrington
In their original paper, they present the idea of starting with a clean version of a
recursive program and applying semantics preserving transformations in order to
get a new program that is more efficient even if it is unreadable.
At that level of description, it sounds an awful lot like a compiler, and at some
level, the line between deductive synthesis and compilers is even blurrier than
the already blurry line between synthesis and compilation in general. What makes
these systems different from compilers is that the set of transformations
required to go from a specification to an implementation, especially the implementation
that the user actually wants, is not always straightforward, so unlike compilers, which
usually apply transformations in some simple predefined order, these systems usually
require a combination of user guidance and sophisticated search techniques in order
to arrive at a good implementation (or in some cases to arrive at any implementation at all).
A Transformation System for Developing Recursive Programs
The original paper by Burstall and Darrington
Burstall:1977 which launched
the field of deductive synthesis argued for a system that would allow programmers to
write the clean simple version of their implementation and then, by applying a series of
transformation rules, convert that implementation into a more efficient one. One of the
key observations in the paper was that a few simple rules could, in some cases, even
change the asymptotic complexity of a solution.
The starting point in the system is a recursive definition of a simple function.
One of the examples given by the paper is the Fibonacci function, defined
in terms of the recurrence:
f(0) &=& 1 \\
f(1) &=& 1 \\
f(x+2) & = & f(x+1) + f(x)
The paper then provides a series of rules that can be used to manipulate
such a definition in order to get a more efficient implementation.
In the case of this example, the rules can be used to transform the function
from exponential to a linear implementation.
The application of the transformation rules is not straightforward, and
transforming the program often involves clever steps that may not be obvious
at first. For example, in optimizing the fibonacci function, the first clever
step, what they call the eureka step, is to introduce a new function
g(x) = \langle f(x+1), f(x) \rangle
The transformation then proceeds to apply the transformation rules to the
definitions of $g$ or $f$. The key rules are listed below.
- Instantiation: This rule just says that whenever you have
a function definition of the form $f(x) = expr$, you can
instantiate $x$ to some other expression, for example to $f(a+b) = expr[x \rightarrow a+b]$.
In the case of this example, this rule is used on $g(x)$ to replace $x$ with
$x+1$ to get
g(x+1) = \langle f(x+1+1), f(x+1) \rangle = \langle f(x+2), f(x+1) \rangle
Unfold: This rule just corresponds to inlining; it replaces a use of a function with its
definition. For example, in the instantiation of $g$ above, unfolding the
definition of $f$ in $f(x+2)$ yields the definition below.
g(x+1) = \langle f(x+1)+ f(x), f(x+1) \rangle
Abstraction: This rule says that you can give names to sub-expressions,
so if you have an expression $E$ with a subexpression $F$, you can give a
fresh name $u$ to the subexpression and
replace $E$ with $E[F \rightarrow u]~ where ~ u=F$. This rule allows
us to transform the definition of $g$.
g(x+1) = \langle u+ v, u \rangle ~ where ~ \langle u, v \rangle = \langle f(x+1), f(x) \rangle
Is the opposite of unfold. This transformation identifies instances of a function body and replaces
them with a call to the function. For example, applying unfold to the definition of $g(x+1)$ above
transforms it into
g(x+1) = \langle u+ v, w \rangle ~ where ~ \langle u, v \rangle = g(x)
The rules above are enough to complete the transformation of $f(x)$ into a linear-time implementation.
Applying the abstraction rule, the definition of $f(x+2)$ can be rewriten as
f(x+2) = u+v ~ where ~ \langle u, v \rangle = \langle f(x+1), f(x) \rangle
Finally, an application of the fold rule gives us a linear time implementation of Fibonacci.
f(x+2) = u+v ~ where ~ \langle u, v \rangle = g(x)
Dreams $\Rightarrow$ Programs
In 1979, waldinger and Manna published an ambitiously titled paper that presented ideas
similar to those of Burstall and Darrington but put them on a more formal footing
The paper was also much more ambitious, aiming not just to transform a simple implementation
to a more efficient one, but aiming to bridge the gap between truly declarative logical
specifications and their efficient implementation. We illustrate the key ideas of the
paper by using one of the running examples presented in the paper.
In this example, the goal is to synthesize a function $lesall(x,l)$ that determines
whether $x$ is less than all elements in a list $l$.
lesall(x,l)& \Leftarrow &
\mbox{compute } x < all(l) \\
~&~& \mbox{where } x \mbox{ is a number and}\\
~&~& l \mbox{ is a list of numbers} \\
In general, at each point in the derivation, there is a program of the form
f(in)& \Leftarrow &
expr \\
where expressions may include some assumptions $expr \mbox{ where } assumptions$.
This program will be transformed via either conditional or unconditional
transformation rules. When the rules are conditional, they will
imply a proof obligation to show that the condition in the rule is implied by the assumptions.
Below are a series of rules and their application to this example.
Empty lists: There is a rule that says that for any predicate $P$,
P(all(l)) \Rightarrow true \mbox{ if } l \mbox{ is an empty list}
The rule could in principle be applied to our specification by making $P(t)=x \lt t$, however, that
would lead to an obligation to prove that $l$ is an empty list, which cannot be proven from the assumptions
in the definition of $lesall$.
Conditional formation:
We can add more assumptions by using the conditional formation rule. The rule says that whenever
we have a program of the form $S~where~Q$, we can use any predicate $P$ to split it into two cases.
S~where~Q & \Rightarrow & if(P)~ S~where~(P \wedge Q) \\
~ & & else~ S~where~(\neg P \wedge Q) \\
In the context of the running example, this means the definition of $lesall$ can be split into two cases
lesall(x, l) & \Leftarrow & if(empty(l))~ \mbox{compute } x \lt all(l) ~where~(empty(l) \wedge Q) \\
~ & & else~ \mbox{compute } x \lt all(l) ~where~(\neg empty(l) \wedge Q) \\
where $Q$ is the original assumption that $x$ is a number and $l$ is a list.
Application of this rule now makes it possible for us to apply the rule for empty lists to the
first case, leaving us with the definition below.
lesall(x, l) & \Leftarrow & if(empty(l))~ true ~where~(empty(l) \wedge Q) \\
~ & & else~ \mbox{compute } x \lt all(l) ~where~(\neg empty(l) \wedge Q) \\
Non-empty lists: There is another rule for non-empty lists that says that for all $P$,
P(all(l)) & \Rightarrow & P(head(l)) \wedge P(all(tail(l))) \\
~&~& \mbox{if } l \mbox{ is a nonempty list.}
Note that this rule can be applied to the $else$ case of the program. The requirement of the
rule that $l$ be nonempty matches the assumption in this else case, so we are left with:
lesall(x, l) & \Leftarrow & if(empty(l))~ true ~where~(empty(l) \wedge Q) \\
~ & & else~ x < head(l) \wedge x < all(tail(l)) ~where~(\neg empty(l) \wedge Q) \\
Recursive call formation:
Finally, there is a rule that is analogous to the fold rule of Burstall and Darrington
that allows us to replace an code fragment that matches a function definition to a call for that function.
Given a function definition of the form $f(x) \Rightarrow \mbox{compute } P(x) ~ when ~ Q $, we can
perform the replacement
P(t) & \Rightarrow & f(t) \\
~&~& \mbox{if } Q \mbox{ is satisfied and } f(t) \mbox{ terminates}
In the case of the running example, $Q$ is the condition from the original definition of $lesall$,
which is clearly satisfied by $tail(l)$, so the program can be further transformed to
lesall(x, l) & \Leftarrow & if(empty(l))~ true ~where~(empty(l) \wedge Q) \\
~ & & else~ x < head(l) \wedge lesall(x, tail(l)) ~where~(\neg empty(l) \wedge Q) \\
At this point, we have a recursive implementation. Termination is guaranteed by the
fact that the list passed to the recursive call is smaller than the input list.
The deductive approach explained in the paper has a number of advantages; the most important is that
it is
correct by construction. Unlike, say, the CEGIS approach, which relies on an independent
verification step to ensure the correctness of the final artifact, the deductive approach starts with
a correct specification, and by applying semantics preserving transformations ensures that at every
step the current program is a correct representation of the specification. There are still
some checks that need to be performed along the way, to ensure that the conditions in the transformation
rules are valid given the available assumptions, but these tend to be local checks that are easy
to discharge automatically.
Modern deductive systems
The correct by construction aspect of deductive synthesis systems has made it very appealing
in constructing software with high correctness guarantees. The Kesterel institute, for example,
has a number of success stories around the development of complex verified systems
such as high performance schedulers
Traditionally, though a few aspects have hampered the large-scale adoption of deductive synthesis systems.
The most commonly cited shortcoming is that deductive systems are challenging to use.
It is not always obvious which rules to apply, and some rules like the conditional formation rule above,
require the user to know exactly what predicate to use when applying the rule. Sometimes it takes
a very large number of transformation steps to get from the high-level specification to the
desired implementation, and the user really needs to internalize all the quirks in the transformation
system to use it effectively. Moreover, for every new domain, the systems have to be extended with new
transformations specific to that domain.
In recent years, though, there have been some significant success stories from deductive synthesis systems.
The best known one is the Spiral system
PuschelMJPVSXFG05, which was originally designed for signal processing kernels, including
FFTs and other linear transformations, but has more recently been extended to a variety of other
domains. Part of the success of the Spiral family of systems has been due to very well designed
systems of transformation rules and strategies for how to apply them that are tailored for very narrow domains.
The domain specificity makes it possible to incorporate a lot of domain knowledge into the rules and
the application strategies, enabling fully automated transformation from high-level specifications to
highly efficient implementations. For many domains, they have demonstrated they can generate implementations
that are much better even than those hand crafted by performance experts.
A very recent and promising system is the Fiat system, developed by
Delaware, Pit--Claudel, Gross and Chlipala
Fiat is built on top of the Coq proof assistant, and leverages the
automation that Coq's tactic language makes possible in order to
provide a high-degree of automation while raising the level of abstraction
at which users need to provide input.