Lecture 14: Introduction to SMT.
The constraint-based verification techniques studied so far relied on our ability to establish the validity of logical formulas that not
only include boolean structure, but also integer constraints. Moreover, as we attempt to use those techniques to reason about more complex programs,
we need to reason about logical formulas that also include arrays, strings, as well as other recursive data-structures.
Part of the popularity of constraint-based verification and synthesis techniques stems from the fact that in recent years, a class of solvers called
Satisfiability Modulo Theory Solvers (SMT solvers for short) has become increasingly powerful and able to establish the satisfiability or unsatisfiability
of logical formulas that include these combinations of constraints.
One Theory with simple boolean structure
A theory in this context corresponds to a series of axioms that give meaning to a series of predicates and functions.
An algorithm for deciding whether a formula in a given theory is valid is called a
decision procedure.
The goal in
Satisfiability Modulo Theories is to either find satisfying assignments or prove the unsatisfiability of a formula in first order
logic that includes predicates and functions in a theory. For example, consider the language of formulas shown below:
\mbox{Goals } & G:= & L ~|~ true ~|~ G_1 \wedge G_2 ~|~ H \Rightarrow G ~|~ \forall x. G \\
\mbox{Hypotheses} & H:= & L ~|~ true ~|~ H_1 \wedge H_2 \\
\mbox{Literals} & L := & p(E_1, \ldots, E_k) \\
\mbox{Expressions} & E := & x ~|~ f(E_1, \ldots E_m) \\
The literals and expressions in the language are defined in terms of the predicates and functions in the theory. The goal is to
determine whether a formula is valid for all values of $x$ in a given domain. The figure shows what it means for a formula in this
theory to be valid. Most of the definitions are straightforward. The last one basically says that a predicate is valid if it
evaluates to true according to the semantics of the predicate defined by the theory.
Now, suppose we want to prove that a formula holds. We can define a procedure $Prove(G) := Prove(true, G)$, where
$Prove(H, G)$ decides whether goal $G$ can be proved under hypothesis $H$.
The procedure can be defined recursively as follows:
Prove(H, true) & = true \\
Prove(H, G_1 \wedge G_2) & = Prove(H, G_1 ) \wedge Prove(H, G_2) \\
Prove(H, H_1 \Rightarrow G) & = Prove(H \wedge H_1 , G) \\
Prove(H, \forall x. G) & = Prove(H, G[a/x]) \mbox{where } a \mbox{ is a fresh variable}\\
How about $Prove(H, L)$? In this case, we have to prove a predicate in the theory assuming a conjunction of other predicates in the theory.
\forall x. (L_0 \wedge \ldots L_k \Rightarrow L) \\
\mbox{or equivalently}\\
\neg(\exists x. L_0 \wedge \ldots L_k \wedge \neg L)
In other words, $Prove(H, L) = UNSAT(H\wedge \neg L)$. So what this means is that proving the validity of any formula in the language of Goals above
reduces to proving unsatisfiability of conjunctions of predicates in the theory.
How to do that, depends on the specifics of the theory in question.
We now discuss a few popular theories.
Linear integer arithmetic
Consider the case where the domain $D$ corresponds to the integers, and the only function available is sum (multiplication by a constant is just a shorthand
for repeated sum). The predicates are $>$, $>=$, $=$ and $\neq$. In this case, a conjunction of predicates in the theory
corresponds to a system of linear equalities and inequalities over the integers, and there are many well known algorithms to solve such systems.
As the figure shows, the verification condition we generated for the example in
Lecture 12 can be solved
with the $Prove$ procedure using only the theory of linear arithmetic. Resolving the verification condition reduces to
proving the unsatisfiability of a series of conjunctions of linear inequalities.
More generally, we can see that with a slight modification to the rule for
relative to the one shown in
Lecture 12,
any verification condition can be proven with $Prove$ as long as the invariants and postconditions are conjunctions of literals in the theory of
integer linear arithmetic.
Equality with uninterpreted functions.
Another widely used theory is the theory of equality with uninterpreted functions. We already talked about uninterpreted functions
Lecture 13. This theory is often refered as the
empty theory because it does not impose
any additional semantics on the function symbols and the only available predicate is the equality predicate.
The equality relation is defined by the standard axioms of reflexivity, commutativity and transitivity, and there is an
additional axiom of
congruence which states that if the inputs to a function are equal, then its output is
equal as well. The figure illustrates the basic idea of the decision procedure for this theory; the basic idea is to
keep track of all the equivalence classes of values and propagate equalities based on both transitivity and congruence.
If at any point, one of the equalities contradicts an inequality, the formula is clearly unsatisfiable. If we manage to
get the closure of all the transitivities and closures without reaching a contradiction, then the formula is satisfiable.
So at this point, we know how to solve formulas that involve a single theory and a simple boolean structure.
What happens now if we have a formula that combines multiple theories?
For example, consider the formula $f(x+y) \neq f(g(u)+g(v)) \wedge g(u)=y\wedge g(v)=x$.
In 1979, Greg Nelson and Derek Oppen developed a technique for combining decision procedures for different theories
that under certain conditions yields a sound and complete algorithm to solve problems like the one above
Before Nelson-Oppen, there had been some work on decision procedures for particular combinations of theories; in fact, Shostak
published an efficient decision procedure for linear integer arithmetic and uninterpreted functions
only months before Nelson and Oppen. But the Nelson-Oppen procedure is quite general and easy to understand, so it will
be the focus of this section.
The high-level idea for the algorithm is illustrated by the figure. The first step in the algorithm is called
Purification, and it involves breaking apart a formula into a conjunction of formulas from individual
theories by introducing additional variables. The idea is that for each theory $T_j$ we want a formula $\phi_j$
such that the conjunction of all the $\phi_j$s is equisatisfiable with the original formula $\phi$.
To do this, we can start by assigning each $p(E_1, \ldots, E_n)$ to the formula for the theory $T_i$ to which $p$ belongs.
Then, for every literal $p(E_1, \ldots, E_n)$ if $p$ belongs to some theory $T_i$ and $E_k$ belongs to a different theory $T_j$,
then we need to replace $f_k$ in $p$ with a fresh variable $w$ and add a constraint $w=E_k$ to the formula $\phi_j$ for theory $T_j$.
Similarly, for every expression $E(f_1, \ldots, f_n)$, if $E$ belongs to some theory $T_i$ and $f_k$ belongs to a different theory $T_j$,
then we need to replace $f_k$ in $E$ with a fresh variable $w$ and add a constraint $w=f_k$ to the formula $\phi_j$ for theory $T_j$.
This process is illustrated in the figure for the case of the running example.
The second step in the Nelson-Oppen algorithm is
equality propagation. This is an iterative process that alternates between two phases:
Run the UNSAT procedure for each formula $\phi_i$ independently; if any returns UNSAT we are done as the whole formula is clearly unsat.
Broadcast any equalities among shared variables that were discovered as part of the process.
If no new equalities were discovered, return SAT. If additional equalities were discovered, repeat the process starting from the previous step.
So the process will keep running until either one of the theory solvers returns UNSAT, or
no new equalities are discovered.
This procedure is clearly sound; when one of the decision procedures says UNSAT, the problem is clearly unsatisfiable.
In general, the procedure is only complete (meaning it always says UNSAT when required) under a
convexity condition.
A theory is convex if for every A theory is convex if for every conjunctive formula $F$,
F \Rightarrow \wedge_i x_i = y_i \\
\mbox{implies} \\
\exists i. F \Rightarrow x_i = y_i \\
To illustrate what this means, consider the problem from the figure. The subproblems from both formulas are both satisfiable,
and there are clearly no equalities to propagate, yet it is clear that the combination of both is unsatisfiable.
The problem is that the theory on the left (Theory E) is not convex. The formula on the left clearly implies that
$(x=1) \vee (x=2)$, but it does not imply either of those equalities individually. Therefore, there is no single equality
that can be propagated.
A way to avoid this problem is to introduce backtracking search. For example, as the figure illustrates, in the case of the
example, both possibilities ($x=1$ or $x=2$) lead to unsatisfiability, which allows us to conclude that the problem
is unsatisfiable.
General SMT and DPLL(T)
For problems with more arbitrary boolean structure, it is essential to be able to leverage the power
of modern SAT solvers discussed in
Lecture 9. There are two general
approaches for leveraging SAT in the context of these problems: the
eager approach and the
approach. To understand both of these approaches, we first need to introduce the concept of a
boolean abstraction of a SAT problem. A boolean abstraction of a formula $F$ is a boolean formula
$B_F$ such that $UNSAT(B_F) \Rightarrow UNSAT(F)$.
As an example, consider the following formula:
~ & f(x) \neq f(y) \\
\wedge & x = a \vee x = b \\
\wedge & y = a \vee y = b \\
\wedge & a = b
One way to construct a boolean abstraction of a formula like this is to take all the predicates in the theory
and replace them with boolean variables. For example, in the example above we can replace each predicate with a variable, for example,
$t_1 \equiv f(x) = f(y)$. The result is the boolean abstraction below; this is also referred sometimes as the
boolean skeleton of the formula.
Clearly, if the boolean skeleton is unsatisfiable, then the formula itself would also be unsatisfiable.
~ & \neg t_1 \\
\wedge & t_2 \vee t_3 \\
\wedge & t_4 \vee t_5 \\
\wedge & t_6
In the Eager approach to SMT, the goal is to construct a boolean abstraction that is equisatisfiable with the
original formula, i.e. $UNSAT(F) \Rightarrow UNSAT(B_F)$.
One way to do this is to explicitly generate boolean constraints corresponding to all the axioms in the theory.
For example, in the example above, we can introduce an extra variable $t_8 \equiv x=y$. Then,
we can add constraints corresponding to all the axioms from the theory of uninterpreted functions.
For example, from congruence, we get that $t_8 \Rightarrow t_1$, and from transitivity
we get all the following implications:
t_2 \wedge t_4 \Rightarrow t_8 & ~ & t_3 \wedge t_5 \Rightarrow t_8 \\
t_2 \wedge t_6 \Rightarrow t_3 & ~ & t_4 \wedge t_6 \Rightarrow t_5 \\
t_3 \wedge t_6 \Rightarrow t_2 & ~ & t_5 \wedge t_6 \Rightarrow t_4 \\
We can define a boolean abstraction by adding these additional constraints to the boolean skeleton, and the
resulting formula will now be unsatisfiable like the original constraint.
This approach can be quite effective for some theories, such as the theory of bit-vectors, but in general,
the main problem with this approach is that the number of boolean constraints we need to add to fully
represent the theory may be prohibitively large. Instead, the idea behind the $lazy$ approach is to
have a theory solver interact with the SAT solver to incrementally add constraints to the boolean abstraction.
The DPLL(T) approach is a framework for structuring this kind of interaction between the SAT solver and
the theory solver
The high-level idea is that the SAT solver starts with the boolean skeleton of the problem and
proposes assignments to all the variables. The Theory solver then tries to solve a problem that
is consistent with these assignments. If it succeeds, then the problem is satisfiable and
we are done. If it fails, on the other hand, the theory solver must now generate a conflict clause
that summarizes why that assignment did not work, and that clause can then be added to the SAT problem
to force the SAT solver to produce a new assignment.
For the running example, suppose the SAT solver produces the following assignment
$[t_1 = F, t_2=T, t_3=F, t_4=T, t_5=F, t_6=T]$. The theory solver could immediately
see that this assignment is not consistent with the theory, so in principle, it could
return a conflict clause of the form $t_1 \wedge \bar{t_2} \wedge t_3 \wedge \bar{t_4} \wedge t_5 \wedge \bar{t_6}$
to ensure such a bad assignment never appears again. Eventually, after many attempts, the SAT
solver will have accumulated enough constraints to prove that the problem is unsatisfiable.
In order for this process to be efficient, we need two things. First, it is important for the theory
solver to be able to check unsatisfiability as the SAT solver makes assignments, rather than
having to wait until all the assignments have been made. For example, for the assignment above,
by the time the SAT solver sets $[t_1 = F, t_2=T, t_3=F, t_4=T]$, the theory solver
can prove unsatisfiability, without having to wait for $t_5$ or $t_6$ to be set. So it is important
for the theory solver to be able to check satisfiability incrementally as the SAT solver makes assignments.
Moreover, even after the aforementioned assignment, the theory solver should be able to prove
that actually, the assignments to $t_1, t_2$ and $t_4$ are enough to prove unsatisfiability, so we want it
to produce a conflict clause $t_1 \wedge \bar{t_2} \wedge \bar{t_4}$ that reflects this knowledge.
Such a compact conflict clause will help the SAT solver prove unsatisfiability much faster than the original
one with six literals.