Lecture 5: Inductive Synthesis with Stochastic Search.
Back in 2013, a group at Stanford started publishing a series
of papers where they showed the potential of using stochastic
search techniques to attack complex synthesis problems that
were beyond the capabilities of other synthesis methods.
The first of these papers was published in ASPLOS 2013
by Eric Schkufza, Rahul Sharma and Alex Aiken, and it demonstrated
the use of stochastic search for superoptimization problems, where
the goal is to find a sequence of X86 instructions that are close
to optimal for a particular task.
The basis for a lot of this work is a stochastic search technique
known as Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. This technique also
forms the basis of the search algorithms used by many probabilistic
programming languages such as Church. Back in 2009, Persi Diaconis wrote
a very nice tutorial on MCMC that provides a good introduction to the
Diaconis09. In this lecture we will cover some of the highlights, starting
with some notation for Markov Chains, before moving into
it's application in program synthesis.
Markov Chains
A Markov process is a probabilistic process
where there is a finite set of states $\chi$, and at each step of the process,
the probability of
transitioning from a given state $x$ to a different state $y$ is given
by a matrix $K(x,y):\chi\times\chi \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$. Because
the values of $K$ are probabilities then it must be the case that $\forall x,y. 0 \leq K(x,y) < 1.0$,
and at every state there will be a transition (potentially to the same state), so
$\forall x. \sum_{y\in \chi} K(x,y) = 1.0$.
Markov Chain is a sequence of states $x_0, x_1, x_2,...$ in a Markov process. The probability
of the whole chain can be computed as the product of the probability of each transition, so
P(x_1=y | x_0=x) = K(x, y)\\
P(x_2=z, x_1=y | x_0=x) = K(x,y)*K(y,z)
Now, if I want to know the probability that $x_2=z$ given that I started at $x_0=x$, then
I need to consider all the possible states for $x_1$ that I could have taken to get from $x$ to $z$.
This can be computed as $\sum_{y\in \chi} K(x,y)*K(y,z)$. One of the key observations about Markov
chains is that this is actually matrix multiplication. Another way to say this is that $K$ is a matrix
that tells me the probability of transitioning from $x$ to $y$ in one step. $K^2$ is the probability
of transitioning in two steps, $K^3$ is the probability of transitioning in 3 steps, and $K^n(x,y)$ is
the probability of transitioning from a state $x$ to a state $y$ in exactly $n$ steps.
Stationary distributions
We notice that the matrix $K$ and its powers tell us the probability of being in a particular state
after some number of steps. Intuitively, we can see that if I start at some state $x$, then
the state $y$ that I end up after one step is heavily determined by $x$. But if a process
has been running for a long time, then my current position will be determined more by the overall
structure of the markov process than by where I started. So in a Markov process, we can talk of the
Stationary Distribution $\pi(x)$ as the probability that a Markov process will
be at a particular state in the long run.
The stationary distribution has the interesting property that $\pi(x) = \sum_{x \in \chi} \pi(x)*K(x,y)$.
In other words, $\pi = K*\pi$, so the stationary distribution $\pi$ is an eigenvector of $K$ with
eigenvalue 1. The Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm (MCMC) is based on a very important
property of Markov Chains known as the
Fundamental Theorem of Markov Chains, which states
that if a Markov chain satisfies a few technical requirements,
then $\forall_{x\in \chi} \lim_{n->\infty} K^n(x,y) = \pi(y)$. This is a very powerful
statement because it tells us that we can compute the stationary distribution by starting at
some state and then running the markov process for a long time, and it won't even matter where
we started. In order for the theorem to hold, there are a few important technical requirements,
the most important one for our purposes is that the markov chain must be fully connected, i.e. it must be possible
to reach every state from every other state.
Another important requirement is that the markov process must be aperiodic. The aperiodic property
rules out, for example, a markov process that alternates from one state to another,
as defined by the matrix $\left[\begin{array}{cc} 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 \end{array}\right]$. Such a process
spends all the even steps in one state, and all the odd steps in another state, and the limit
in the theorem is not even well defined.
Search with Metropolis-Hastings
The fundamental theorem of Markov Chains suggests an approach for synthesizing programs.
First, let $\chi$ be the space of programs. We are going to engineer a
$K(x,y)$ such that $\pi(x)$ is high for “good programs” and low for “bad programs”.
Then we can pick a random start state $x_0$ and simulate the markov process for n steps for some large n.
By the fundamental theorem, the probability that $x_n$ is a good program will be higher
than the probability that it is a bad program. The key for this strategy to work, then,
is to develop a $K(x,y)$ that has exactly the right properties.
The key step for the above approach to work is to
engineer a transition matrix $K$ that has a desired $\pi(x)$ as a stationary
distribution. The most popular approach is the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm (MH),
first presented in a completely different context by Metropolis, Rosenbluth, Rosenblith, Teller and Teller
and later generalized by Wilfred Hastings.
The starting point for the Metropolis-hastings approach is
a Markov matrix $J(x,y)$ that is known as
proposal distribution. The only formal requirement on the
proposal distribution is that $J(x,y)>0$ iff $J(y,x)>0$, although
in practice the specific form of the proposal distribution can
have a big impact on how fast the algorithm converges.
Starting with the proposal distribution $J(x,y)$ and
the desired stationary distribution $\pi(x)$, the approach
defines a quantity $A(x,y)=\frac{\pi(y)*J(y,x)}{\pi(x)*J(x,y)}$ it calls the acceptance ratio,
and from that it defines the distribution $K(x,y)$ as follows.
K(x,y) =
J(x,y) & \mbox{if } x \neq y \mbox{ and } A(x,y) \geq 1 \\
J(x,y)*A(x,y) & \mbox{if } x \neq y \mbox{ and } A(x,y) < 1 \\
J(x,y)+\sum_{z:A(x,z)<1} J(x,z)(1-A(x,z)) & \mbox{if } x = y
The argument for why this $K(x,y)$ will have the desired stationary distribution
$\pi(x)$ is relatively straightforward. The key observation is
that $\pi(x)*K(x,y)=\pi(y)*K(y,x)$. From that
observation it follows that $\sum_{x} \pi(x)*K(x,y)=\sum_{x} \pi(y)*K(y,x) = \pi(y)\sum_{x} K(y,x)= \pi(y)$,
so $\pi = K\pi$.
An important advantage of this definition of $K$ is that it
is relatively easy to sample from this distribution, assuming
we can easily sample from the proposal distribution $J$.
Given a state $x$, the approach is to take a sample from the
distribution $J(x,y)$, and compute the value of $A(x,y)$ by comparing
the value of $\pi(x)$ with the value of $\pi(y)$. If $A(x,y)>1$,
which usually means that $\pi(y)$ is better than $\pi(x)$, then
we transition to state $y$. If $A(x,y)$ is worse, then we transition
to $y$ with probability $A(x,y)$ and otherwise we stay in $x$.
Another important feature of the MH approach is that $\pi$
only appears as a ratio $\pi(y)/\pi(x)$. This means that
the algorithm can work even if the function $\pi$ is not
normalized. In fact, most approaches just use a scoring
function as opposed to a distribution.
Metropolis-Hastings for Program Synthesis
Applying the MH approach to program synthesis boils down to defining
the program space, defining
a desired stationary distribution $\pi$ and a proposal distribution $J$.
Given a programming by example problem, it is tempting to simply
define $J$ as a uniform distribution (so transition from any program to
any other program has the same probability) and $\pi$ as having
probability $1$ for the correct program and zero for every other program.
Unfortunately, it's not so simple. For one, the $K$ would not be
well defined, since the MH approach would lead to a divisions by zero
(note that the requirement of the fundamental theorem of markov
chains implies that $\pi(x)$ cannot be zero for any $x$).
We could make $\pi(x)$ for incorrect programs $x$ be some $\epsilon>0$,
so that at least we satisfy the formal requirements of the algorithm, but
even that would not be particularly effective as a search mechanism.
Under such a distribution, the search would devolve to randomly generating programs
and testing them against the examples, hardly an efficient search strategy.
In order for MH to actually be effective as a search strategy, we need
a stationary distribution $\pi$ that allows us to tell whether a program
is getting closer to being correct, and we need a proposal distribution
$J$ that gives priority to programs whose behavior is going to be similar
to the current program, so that we do not easily lose track of what we had already
learned from the current search by just jumping to a completely different program
every time (jumping to a completely different program occasionally is good, because
it helps the algorithm escape from local minima).
As an example, consider the system of Schkufza, Sharma and Aiken.
In that system, the goal is to synthesize a sequence of
assembly instructions $\mathcal{R}$ that is equivalent to some
reference program $\mathcal{T}$
but more efficient.
The program space:
The program space for the paper corresponds to sequences of assembly instructions of
a bounded length. The bound on the length is what makes the space finite.
The proposal distribution:
Rather than explicitly define the proposal distribution $J(\mathcal{T}, \mathcal{R})$,
the paper defines the probabilistic process by which a program trying to
simulate the Markov process would transition from a program $\mathcal{T}$ to a program
$\mathcal{R}$. This process is defined by five separate probabilities:
- $p_c$: the probability of swapping the opcode of an instruction in $\mathcal{T}$
for a compatible opcode, one that requires the same number and type of parameters.
That means that given a program $\mathcal{T}$, if there are $K$ ways of swapping
any of it's opcodes for another legal one, then the actual probability
$J(\mathcal{T}, \mathcal{R})$ for another program $\mathcal{R}$ that
differs from $\mathcal{T}$ by the opcode of one of its instructions would
be $p_c / K$.
- $p_o$: the probability of replacing one random operand from one
random instruction in $\mathcal{T}$ with an alternative legal operand.
- $p_s$: the probability of transforming from $\mathcal{T}$ to $\mathcal{R}$ by swapping two instructions.
- $p_i$: this is the probability of replacing an instruction in $\mathcal{T}$
with a random instruction.
- $p_u$: the probability of replacing an instruction in $\mathcal{T}$
with a NOOP.
So what that means is that in simulating the Markov process,
given a program $\mathcal{T}$, then with probability
$p_s$, for example, you can pick two instructions at random and swap them, or
with probability $p_u$, you can pick one instruction and random and replace it
with a NOOP.
The stationary distribution:In that context, the target stationary distribution
has two components, a correctness component $eq(\mathcal{R}, \mathcal{T})$
and a performance component $perf(\mathcal{R}, \mathcal{T})$
\pi(\mathcal{T}) = \frac{1}{Z}(exp(-\beta(eq(\mathcal{R}, \mathcal{T}) + perf(\mathcal{R}, \mathcal{T}))))
We can ignore the normalization constant $1/Z$ from now on because as mentioned
before, it is not relevant for the algorithm. The constant $\beta$ is just a tuning
The correctness component is computing by running the candidate program $\mathcal{R}$
on the test inputs and computing a distance between its output and the output
of the original program. Because the paper deals with assembly programs, the output
includes the values of all registers, as well as the values of memory accessed by
either program, and the distance is just the bitwise Hamming distance.
The performance component is computed by evaluating the candidate program through a performance
model that assigns a cost to each instruction.
Additional embellishments
The program space, the proposal distribution and the stationary distribution
can be used together to find programs using MH, although the paper also describes
some additional embellishments that help the system converge to efficient programs
more efficiently. The most important of them is that the search is conducted in two
stages. In the first stage, the performance component is completely ignored, allowing
the search to discover correct programs that are very different from the initial one,
even if their performance is not great. Then, a set of these correct programs discovered
in the first phase are used as starting points for a second phase search that includes
the performance term.
The reason for doing this is illustrated in the figure. The idea is that in general,
in any Markov process, if you have two tightly connected clusters of states with
only a few low probability paths between them, then MH can take a long time to
transition from one to another. If, on the other hand, you increase the probability of
those paths, or you add more paths, then it will be easier for MH to switch from
one cluster to the other. The performance term reduces the probability of any transition
that involves a step that reduces the performance of the program. By eliminating
the performance term during stage 1, it becomes easier for the algorithm to
escape its initial cluster and find
programs that are very different from the original program.
Metropolis-Hastings with ASTs
The MH approach has also been used to search simpler expression trees in an expression language.
For example, the survey by Alur et al.
AlurBJMRSSSTU13 which introduced
the syntax guided synthesis format (SyGuS) describes a stochastic synthesis approach
over ASTs. As before, the approach is sumarized by the space of programs,
the proposal distribution and the stationary distribution.
The program space:
In this setting, the space of programs corresponds to the space of ASTs up to
a size bound $N$.
The proposal distribution:
As in the previous example, the proposal distribution is described in terms of
the probabilistic process by which a program trying to
simulate the Markov process would transition from a program $e$ to a program
In this process, the algorithm first picks an AST node $v$ uniformly at
random from the AST for $e$. Let $e_v$ be the entire sub-expression rooted
at $v$. The expression at $v$ can then be replaced by a randomly generated
expression of the same size as $e_v$.
The stationary distribution
The stationary distribution, is defined in terms of a cost function $C(e)$.
\pi(e) = \frac{1}{Z} exp(−\beta C(e))
Where the cost $C(e)$ is equal to the number of examples that the function got wrong.
This very generic algorithm is quite simple, although it is not very effective, as the
comparison with other algorithms done in the survey
AlurBJMRSSSTU13 illustrated.
Although the root causes for the poor performance were not explored in the paper, we can
suggest a few possibilities. First, the stationary distribution, the scoring function, is not
precise enough. Programs that are close to correct but still fail all the examples
will get the same low score as completely wrong programs. In the superoptimization paper,
by contrast,
the fact that a program will potentially touch many different memory locations and
registers means that almost correct programs have a higher likelihood of getting at least
some bits of the output correct.
Another thing we observe in this approach is that the proposal distribution can really only
make big changes to the program. If a program is close to correct, and only one node
in the middle of the AST has to be changed, then the proposal distribution cannot
make this local change without re-randomizing the entire subtree below that AST node.
In general, the MH approach can be a very powerful search method, particularly in cases
where we need to search for programs larger than what explicit search techniques, and
where we have enough intuition about the space to define good proposal distributions and
scoring functions. Carefully defining these two functions is crucial for this
method to actually work.