Who is Mistaken?

Benjamin Eysenbach Carl Vondrick Antonio Torralba
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Can you determine who believes something incorrectly in this scene? In this project, we study how to recognize when a person in a scene is mistaken. Above, the woman is mistaken about the chair being pulled away from her in the third frame, causing her to fall down. The red arrow indicates false belief. We introduce a new dataset of abstract scenes to study when people have false beliefs. We propose approaches to learn to recognize who is mistaken and when they are mistaken.

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Recognizing when people have false beliefs is crucial for understanding their actions. We introduce the novel problem of identifying when people in abstract scenes have incorrect beliefs. We present a dataset of scenes, each visually depicting an 8-frame story in which a character has a mistaken belief. We then create a representation of characters' beliefs for two tasks in human action understanding: predicting who is mistaken, and when they are mistaken. Experiments suggest that our method for identifying mistaken characters performs better on these tasks than simple baselines. Diagnostics on our model suggest it learns important cues for recognizing mistaken beliefs, such as gaze. We believe models of people's beliefs will have many applications in action understanding, robotics, and healthcare.


Below are some selected scenes from our dataset. These scenes highlight the many ways characters can be mistaken. In these scenes, we use red arrows to indicate which characters are mistaken. Each scene (row) contains eight images, depicting a visual story when read left to right. The caption below each scene was collected during annotation for visualization purposes only.

Animated Scenes

We animated some of the scenes in our dataset. In the videos below, red arrows indicate which characters are mistaken. The text in the bottom portion of each video is the scene-level description collected during annotation. These descriptions were not used during training. For more videos, please see this page

Person-Centric Representation

Before predicting whether a character is mistaken, we must tell our model which character to focus on. To do this, we propose a person-centric representation of the world, where the model takes the perspective of an outside ob- server focusing on a specific character. For each frame in the scene, we center the frame at the head of the specified character. We also flip the frame so the specified character always faces left. For example, in the figure below, the frame in the upper left can be viewed from each of the three characters’ perspectives, shown on the right.

Predictions from our model

In the figure below, we show predictions made by our model on five scenes. Our model performs well on the first three scenes, but fails to detect mistaken characters in the last two scenes.


Brief Technical Overview

We use a frame-wise approach to processing scenes, extracting visual features for each frame and concatenate them temporally to create a time-series. We extract visual features from the person-centric images using a convolutional network trained for object recognition. To combine information from multiple frames, we perform a 1-dimension convolution across time. Experimentally, we found that looking features from past and future frames helps the model recognize mistaken characters in the present frame. We also found that gaze and the arrow of time were important cues for recognizing mistaken characters.

Notes on Failures & Limitations

Recognizing mistaken character's is a challenging task, and our model has several limitations.

Related Works

This project builds on top of a number of great papers. We encourage you to read them!

Abstract Scenes

Beliefs and Common Sense

Please send us any references we may have accidentally missed.


To replicate our main experiment, download and run the following script: download.sh

This script will fetch the code and dependencies for our experiments and will download the preprocessed dataset. To run the main experiment, run:


Run python mistaken.py -h to show command line options. Flags such as -USE_EXPRESSION indicate which features to use. Multiple flags can be specified to include multiple features. Arguments such as --LOOKAHEAD=3 allow other model parameters to be set.

We believe strongly in collaboration and reproducible results. Please contact us know if you encounter bugs or if pieces are confusing.


We are making the scenes and annotations available for others to use:


We thank the many workers on Amazon Mechanical Turk for their creative scenes. NVidia donated GPUs used for this research. This work was supported by Samsung, a Google PhD fellowship to Carl Vondrick, and the MIT UROP program.