A New Grid Structure for Domain Extension


We present an efficient grid structure that extends a uniform grid to create a significantly larger far-field grid by dynamically extending the cells surrounding a fine uniform grid while still maintaining fine resolution about the regions of interest. The far-field grid preserves almost every computational advantage of uniform grids including cache coherency, regular subdivisions for parallelization, simple data layout, the existence of efficient numerical discretizations and algorithms for solving partial differential equations, etc. This allows fluid simulations to cover large domains that are often infeasible to enclose with sufficient resolution using a uniform grid, while still effectively capturing fine scale details in regions of interest using dynamic adaptivity.



Bo Zhu, Wenlong Lu, Matthew Cong, Byungmoon Kim, Ronald Fedkiw. A New Grid Strcuture for Domain Extension. 2013. ACM Transaction of Graphics (Proc. of SIGGRAPH), Vol. 32, 63.1-63.8.

Paper: [pdf], Video: [mp4, 99.5M], Vimeo: [link], Presentation: [slides]