Name: Lawrence Bush RCS Account: bushl2 Student Number: 074640477 Section: 1 Email: Project 4 _________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION MAKEFILE PURPOSE OF EACH SOURCEFILE COMPILE AND RUN INSTRUCTIONS Command line arguments RESULTS - 1: Results of testing the program on a matrix of configurations. 2: Discussion of results. 3: Best teams discovered for the salary caps $30M,$35M and $40M. 4: Explaination of C1 sort. __________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION The program (NBA) implements a restricted backtracking algorithm to select 10-12 players for a basket ballteam. The goal is to mazimize the sum of the players ratings. The team must also satisfy the following constraints: 1. A team can not have less than 10 players. 2. A team can not have more than 12 players. 3. A team must have at least 4 guards. 4. A team must have at least 3 forwards. 5. A team must have at least 1 center. 6. Total sum of players salaries must be less than or equal to the salary cap. __________________________________________________________________ MAKEFILE: NBA.mak PURPOSE OF EACH SOURCEFILE: NBA.cpp - Main program. Reads in player data file. Creates draft list of players. Implements restricted backtracking algorithm. player.h - Contains a player class. The player object stores player information, and performs formated output as well as other functions on player data. player.cpp - Contains functions for the player class. draft_list.h - Contains a draft_list class. Stores a vector of players read in from file. Performs functions on the vector such as sort and accessor []. draft_list.cpp -Contains functions for the draft_list class. team.h - Contains a team class. Stores a vector of players (team) that are inserted (hire) from the draft_list. Performs various functions on the team such as hire, cut, criteria (does team meet the criteria), and print. team.cpp - Contains functions for the team class. __________________________________________________________________ COMPILE AND RUN INSTRUCTIONS: Unzip all files into a folder. Open NBA.cpp in MS Visual C++. Build a project. Add the files player.cpp, draft_list.cpp, team.cpp to the project. Compile and run( ! button ). The .h files (player.h, draft_list.h, team.h) should be in the same directory as NBA.cpp, as well as the .cpp function files. Command line arguments: Note: If you input the command line arguments incorrectly, the program will instruct you on how to input them. The NBA program takes as command line arguments; two file names (input file of players and an output file), a salary cap, a sorting criteria and 12 numbers which determine the scope (number of nodes for each level) of the tree exploration. example: players.txt output.txt 30000000 salary 50 20 10 5 2 1 1 2 5 10 20 50 _________________________________________________________________ RESULTS - I tested the program using the following configurations: Normal Scope 50 10 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 10 Criteria __________________________ Cap Salary Rating Value C1 30M 0 234 221 248 35M 0 246 221 269 40M 0 259 221 295 Average 0 246 221 271 Increased Depth Scope 100 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 50 Criteria __________________________ Cap Salary Rating Value C1 30M 0 200 209 241 35M 0 221 209 250 40M 183 247 209 288 Average 61 223 209 260 Increased Breadth Scope 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Criteria __________________________ Cap Salary Rating Value C1 30M 0 215 137 239 35M 0 270 137 263 40M 0 277 137 294 Average 0 254 137 265 Scope: The experiment tested three scope configurations, four criteria, and three salary caps for a total of 36 configurations. The three scope configurations that I explored a tree with I refer to as normal, increased depth and increased breadth. The configurations test about the same number of teams and have similar running times. The normal is a configuration which works well in many situations(works best on the average). Increased depth goes deeper, by having a larger number in the begining and end, but lower numbers is thin in the middle. The increase breadth does not go very deep but explores more combinations of the players at the beginning of the vector. The experiment shows that the deeper exploration works well for the salary criteria and the increased depth scope works well for the rating and C1 criteria but poorly for the value criteria. Criteria: The four criteria I tested are Salary, Rating, Value and C1. Salary is a pretty good ranking system (it puts them in a useful order) but you have to go too deep to get to the desirable players. In order for it to be useful, you have to go very deep and wide which takes a very long time. Rating works better. It puts the good players at the top without regard to their salary. With a little more depth and breadth, a very good team can be found. Value does not work well for the salary caps tested. You have to go very deep to get to the highly rated players. The highly rated players are not grouped together either. It would work better for a very low salary cap. C1 is a criteria I developed. It multiplies rating by value, with value curved by 45 (rating * (value + 45)). The curve (45) decreases the variation in value and consequently puts more emphasis on rating. It still, however, puts significant emphasis on value. C1 also gives centers additional points proportional to their value. This makes the algorithm more likely to include a center in the team, and especially those centers who have a respectable value. The C1 criteria also does an additional sort by value on the top 1/9 of the draft list which puts the highest value players of that part, at the top. It then sorts the top 1/16 by rating which puts these high value high rating players in order by rating. It then sorts the last 7/8 of the list by rating which allows the players in the lower part of the list to be selected in order of rating. C1 works better than all of the other criteria. Rating, which is the second best criteria, worked better than C1 in one configuration out of 9. __________________________________________________________________ RESULTS - The following are the best teams I discovered along with the configuration I used to explore the list: Salary Cap: $ 30,000,000 Criteria : C1 Levels: 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 5 5 20 20 10 Print Team Name Pos. Height Weight Points Rebounds Assists Salary Rating Duncan,Tim F 7ft 0in 248 23.2 12.4 3.2 3858240 32.15 Cassell,Sam G 6ft 3in 185 18.6 3.7 9.0 3500000 28.49 Carter,Vince G 6ft 7in 215 25.7 5.8 3.9 2267280 28.21 Jones,Eddie G 6ft 6in 200 20.1 4.8 4.2 2500000 26.59 Bibby,Mike G 6ft 2in 190 14.5 3.7 8.1 3092400 24.77 Brand,Elton F 6ft 8in 260 20.1 10.0 1.9 3375960 24.14 Francis,Steve G 6ft 3in 194 18.0 5.3 6.6 3020520 24.13 Pierce,Paul F 6ft 7in 220 19.5 5.4 3.0 1503960 22.64 McGrady,Tracy G 6ft 8in 210 15.4 6.3 3.3 1767120 22.23 Odom,Lamar F 6ft 10in 220 16.6 7.8 4.2 2445480 21.42 Nowitzki,Dirk F 6ft 11in 237 17.5 6.5 2.5 1583040 20.69 Miller,Oliver C 6ft 9in 325 6.3 5.1 1.3 510000 13.22 Team Rating : 288.67 Team Salary : 29424000Press any key to continue Salary Cap: $ 35,000,000 Criteria : C1 Levels: 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 20 50 10 Print Team Name Pos. Height Weight Points Rebounds Assists Salary Rating Duncan,Tim F 7ft 0in 248 23.2 12.4 3.2 3858240 32.15 Cassell,Sam G 6ft 3in 185 18.6 3.7 9.0 3500000 28.49 Carter,Vince G 6ft 7in 215 25.7 5.8 3.9 2267280 28.21 Jones,Eddie G 6ft 6in 200 20.1 4.8 4.2 2500000 26.59 Bibby,Mike G 6ft 2in 190 14.5 3.7 8.1 3092400 24.77 Brand,Elton F 6ft 8in 260 20.1 10.0 1.9 3375960 24.14 Francis,Steve G 6ft 3in 194 18.0 5.3 6.6 3020520 24.13 Pierce,Paul F 6ft 7in 220 19.5 5.4 3.0 1503960 22.64 McGrady,Tracy G 6ft 8in 210 15.4 6.3 3.3 1767120 22.23 Odom,Lamar F 6ft 10in 220 16.6 7.8 4.2 2445480 21.42 Kidd,Jason G 6ft 4in 212 14.3 7.2 10.1 6858335 32.19 Miller,Oliver C 6ft 9in 325 6.3 5.1 1.3 510000 13.22 Team Rating : 300.19 Team Salary : 34699295 Salary Cap: $ 40,000,000 Criteria : C1 Levels: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 20 10 Name Pos. Height Weight Points Rebounds Assists Salary Rating Duncan,Tim F 7ft 0in 248 23.2 12.4 3.2 3858240 32.15 Hill,Grant F 6ft 8in 225 25.8 6.6 5.2 6939000 30.11 Cassell,Sam G 6ft 3in 185 18.6 3.7 9.0 3500000 28.49 Carter,Vince G 6ft 7in 215 25.7 5.8 3.9 2267280 28.21 Jones,Eddie G 6ft 6in 200 20.1 4.8 4.2 2500000 26.59 Bibby,Mike G 6ft 2in 190 14.5 3.7 8.1 3092400 24.77 Brand,Elton F 6ft 8in 260 20.1 10.0 1.9 3375960 24.14 Francis,Steve G 6ft 3in 194 18.0 5.3 6.6 3020520 24.13 Pierce,Paul F 6ft 7in 220 19.5 5.4 3.0 1503960 22.64 McGrady,Tracy G 6ft 8in 210 15.4 6.3 3.3 1767120 22.23 Kidd,Jason G 6ft 4in 212 14.3 7.2 10.1 6858335 32.19 Cato,Kelvin C 6ft 11in 255 8.7 6.0 0.4 1299000 13.87 Team Rating : 309.52 Team Salary : 39981815