77 Massachusetts Ave, Room 38-476
Cambridge, MA 02139
Tel: +1 617 253 6038
MIT, PhD in Computer Science and Engineering, 1983
MIT, Electrical Engineer, 1978
MIT, SM in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1978
Wesleyan University, BA magna cum laude in Physics, 1973
Professional Experience
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
Senior Lecturer Emeritus, Dept. of EECS (7/18 - present)
Senior Lecturer, Dept. of EECS (4/97 - 6/18)
Undergraduate Officer, Dept. of EECS (7/09 - 6/11, 6/15 - 6/18)
Co-Director, CSAIL (7/11 - 5/12)
Associate Director, LCS/CSAIL (9/01 - 6/04, 7/09 - 6/11)
Special Assistant to the Dean of Engineering (1/98 - 6/99)
Research Scientist, Lab for Computer Science (9/95 - 4/97)
Research: educational technology for design-oriented courses,
System-on-chip architectures for FPGAs, system architectures
for delivering information services, new infrastructure for
World-Wide Web, very high performance DSP architectures,
processor implementations for embedded applications.
Introduction to EECS II: Digital Communication Systems (6.02)
Computation Structures (6.004)
Interactive Tutor Systems (6.099)
Introductory Digital Systems Lab (6.111)
Multicore Systems Lab (6.173)
Introduction to VLSI Design (6.371)
Administration: Research Director for the T-Party project, a $45MM,
10-year research collaboration with Quanta Computer, Inc. Formerly
Associate Director and then Co-Director of the MIT Laboratory for
Computer Science, a large, interdepartmental lab with ~800 faculty,
students and staff and an annual research volume of ~$45MM.
Other: Chair of client committee for Stata Center project (713,000SF complex
designed by Frank O. Gehry & Assoc.).
VDD, Inc., Newton, MA
President (6/95 - 12/97)
VLSI engineering services for clients including Lucent Technologies,
Analog Devices, Simplex Solutions, Radiata Inc. Projects include:
architecture of Video DSP incorporating 16 Sparc processors, very high
bandwidth memory interface, and several special purpose processing
units. VHDL modeling, full custom mask design (.35u CMOS).
Synthesizable VHDL Version 8 Sparc processor module.
transistor-level simulator using table-lookup models and fast
solution techniques for very large (> 1MM fets) circuits.
TLW, Inc., Burlington, MA
Co-founder, vice president (8/89 - 6/95)
Designed custom CMOS VLSI modules for clients including AT&T, Analog
Devices, Philips Consumer Electronics, Thomson Consumer Electronics.
Projects include:
a Version 8 Sparc processor module for embedded applications (full
custom .5u CMOS, 67MHz @ 2.7V, 85K transistors, 4mm^2).
a reconfigurable FFE/DFE equalizer for cable and broadcast QAM
transmissions incorporating 30 complex/120 real taps and an on-chip
32-bit Sparc core which performed the adaptation computations. (full
custom .5u CMOS, 3V, filter taps @ 64MHz, ?K transistors, 100mm^2).
RISC core and YUV interpolator/RGB conveter for AT&T AVP MPEG decoder
chip (full custom .9u CMOS)
Several cell-based ASICs that performed system-layer demultiplexing
for MPEG 1.5 and MPEG 2 transport streams (LSI Logic 100K and 300K
standard cells).
a very-lower power 8-channel decimating filter for portable medical
electronics (full custom .9u CMOS, 50K transistors).
Architecture and board-level design for Symbolics' XL1200, NX400P and
MacIvory III hardware products.
A variety of CAD tools including gate- and transistor-level simulators
that can handle very large circuits, concurrent fault simulation,
all-angle mask tools.
Responsible for finance, administration, benefits; shared responsibility
for business development.
Agile Systems, Inc., Cambridge, MA (8/88 - 8/89)
Co-founder (8/88 - 8/89)
Undertook design of parallel system architecture for NASA space station
utilizing multiple Lisp processor chips; designed FLEXFIR, a
reconfigurable 40MHz FIR filter/interpolator for HDTV video signal
processing. Responsible for technical and business contributions to
joint TRW/Agile proposal to NASA.
Symbolics, Inc., Cambridge, MA
Technical Director (1/86 - 8/88)
Consultant for V.P. Technology (3/83 - 1/86)
Co-founder, Technical Director (1/82 - 3/83)
Shared responsibility for technical and product planning. During
consulting period developed hardware accelerator and support software
for logic-level IC simulation. After January 1986, was a principal
investigator in Advanced Hardware Development group, reporting to V.P.
Technology. Projects include leading group responsible for developing
system architectures and prototypes for symbolic multiprocessors; system
architecture and board-level design for products utilizing VLSI
processor (includes high-speed bus supporting symmetric multiprocessing,
architecture and design for low-end "add-in" card for MAC II and PC/AT);
integration of simulation accelerator into existing CAD tools and
continued evolution of simulation algorithms embodied in the company's
integrated CAD system; architecture and design of Laser Graphics Printer
product line.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
Assistant Professor, Dept. of EECS (6/83 - 1/86)
Research and Teaching Assistant (9/73 - 6/83)
Teaching: participated in the development and teaching of M.I.T.'s core
computer science courses "Structure and Interpretation of Computer
Languages" and "Computation Structures"; also senior-level course on
"Computer System Engineering". Served as undergraduate advisor and VI-A
faculty advisor to Digital Equipment Corp.
Research Programs (at the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science):
transistor-level simulation tools for VLSI design. Developed the
original switch-level simulation algorithms, later extended to include
timing estimation based on RC trees. Two of the simulators, ESIM and
RSIM, have been widely distributed in both the academic and industrial
processor-independent computer systems. Was a principal developer of
the NuMachine which along with the Stanford University Node (SUN) was
the prototype for the current generation of workstations. Included
specification of the NuBus, later codified as the IEEE 1196 bus, which
forms the basis for the Apple Macintosh II and later machines; this
bus originated the concept of "plug-and-play" peripherals.
portable compilers. Using a template-based machine specification,
developed a family of portable C compilers for the (then) newly
available microprocessors. These compilers were widely distributed
as the first C implementations for the x86 and 68K processors.
Awarded IBM Faculty Development Grant in 1984 and 1985.
Other professional activities
Consulting: Developed initial implementation of Viewlogic's ViewSim
simulator. Other clients have included GTE Laboratories, Harris,
Digital Equipment, RSA Security, Simplex Solutions, Analog Devices,
Lucent Technologies, Curl Corporation, Radiata Communications, R3Logic
Professional societies: active in reviewing papers for professional
journals, ICCAD program committee. Associate guest editor for October
1986 and 1987 Special Issues of IEEE Transactions on CAD of Circuits and
Systems. Member of Executive Committee for ICCAD 87.
Patent 7373639, System and method supporting type checking of options,
issued May 13, 2008.
Patent 7340720, System and method supporting mapping of option bindings,
issued March 4, 2008.
Patent 6769001, System and method supporting nonlocal values,
issued July 27, 2004.
Patent 5034907, Dynamically Configurable Signal Processor
and Processor Arrangement, issued July 23, 1991.
Book chapters, technical reports
- C. J. Terman, "Simulation Tools for VLSI," in VLSI CAD Tools and Applications (W.
Fichtner and M. Morf, eds.), Kluwer Academic, 1987, pp. 57 - 103
- C. J. Terman, "Timing Simulation for Large Digital MOS Circuits," in Advances in
Computer-Aided Engineering, (A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, ed.), JAI Press, 1984, pp. 1 - 91
- C. J. Terman, Simulation Tools for Digital LSI Design, M.I.T. Laboratory for
Computer Science Technical Report TR-304, September 1983, 158 pages
- C. J. Terman, The Specification of Code Generation Algorithms, M.I.T. Laboratory for
Computer Science Technical Report TR-199, January 1978, 86 pages
Journal and magazine articles
- B. Ackland, A. Anesko, D. Brinthaupt, S. J. Daubert, A. Kalavade, J. Knobloch, E. Micca,
M. Moturi, C. J. Nicol, J. H. O'Neill, J. Othmer, E. Sackinger, K. J. Singh, J. Sweet,
C. J. Terman, J. Williams, "A Single-Chip 1.6 Billion 16-b MAC/s
Multiprocessor DSP," IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol. 35,
No. 3, March 2000, pp. 412 - 424
- J. Allen, C. J. Terman, "An Interactive Learning Environment
for VLSI Design," Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 88, No. 1, January 2000, pp. 96 - 106
- M. Hostetter, D. Kranz, C. Seed, C. Terman, S. Ward, "Curl: A Gentle-slope Language
for the Web," World Wide Web Journal, Vol. 2, No. 2, Spring 1997, pp. 121 - 134
- C. M. Baker, C. J. Terman, "Tools for Verifying Integrated Circuit Designs," Lambda Magazine
(VLSI Design), 4th Quarter 1980, pp. 22 - 30
- C. S. Gillmor, C. J. Terman. "Communications Modes in Geophysics: The Case
of Ionospheric Physics," EOS (Transactions of the American Geophysical
Union), Vol. 54, No. 10, October 1973, pp. 900 - 908
Conference papers
- Hubert Pham, Justin Mazzola Paluska, Umar Saif, Chris Stawarz,
Chris Terman, Steve Ward, "A Dynamic Platform for Runtime
Adaptation", IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing
and Communications (PerCom 2009)
- Justin Mazzola Paluska, Hubert Pham, Umar Saif, Chris Terman,
Grace Chau, and Steve Ward, "Structured Decomposition of Adaptive
Applications," IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing
and Communications (PerCom 2008) [Best Paper Award]
- Umar Saif, Hubert Pham, Justin Mazzola Paluska, Jason Waterman,
Chris Terman, Steve Ward, "A Case for Goal-oriented Programming
Semantics," System Support for Ubiquitous Computing Workshop at
the Fifth Annual Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp
- B. Ackland, A. Anesko, D. Brinthaupt, S. J. Daubert,
A. Kalavade, J. Knobloch, E. Micca, M. Moturi, C. J. Nicol,
J. H. O'Neill, J. Othmer, E. Sackinger, K. J. Singh, J. Sweet,
C. J. Terman, J. Williams, "A Single-Chip 1.6 Billion 16-b MAC/s
Multiprocessor DSP," IEEE Custom Integrated Cicuits Conference,
San Diego, CA, May 1999, pp. 537 - 540
- J. Allen, C. J. Terman, "An Interactive Learning Environment
for VLSI Design," 6th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and
Systems, Pafos, Cyprus, September 1999, pp. 1605 - 1610
- D. Brinthaupt, L. Letham, V. Maheshwari, J. Other, R. Spiwak, B. Edwards, C. Terman,
N. Weste, "A Video Decoder for H.261 Video Teleconferencing
and MPEG Stored Interactive Video Applications," IEEE International Solid-State
Circuits Conference, 1993, pp. 34 - 35
- N. Weste, C. J. Terman, et al. "The Symbolics Ivory Design and Verification Strategy,"
IEEE International Conference on Computer Design: VLSI in Computers, October 1987
- J. Arnold, C. J. Terman, "A Multiprocessor Implementation of a Logic-level Timing
Simulator," IEEE International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, November 1985,
pp. 116 - 118
- C. J. Terman, "RSIM -- A Logic-level Timing Simulator," IEEE International Conference
on Computer Design: VLSI in Computers, October 1983, pp. 437 - 440
- S. Ward, C. J. Terman, "An Approach to Personal Computing," IEEE Computer Society International
Confereence (COMPCON), February 1980, pp. 460 - 465
- C. J. Terman, "Compiling Programs to Meet Real-time Constraints," Seventh Texas
Conference on Computing Systems, October 1978, pp. 5-19 - 5-25