Multiselector Definitions

Let W = W_1, W_2, ..., W_m be a set of functions that map from [n] to [c] U {\bot}. W is a (n,c,k)-multiselector if every subset S of [n], such that |S| = k, there exists a subset S' of S, such that |S'| = min{c,k}, and there exists W_i in W that maps each element in S' to a unique element in [c] and each element in S \ S' to \bottom.


Selector Definitions

(n,k)-selective family
A family F of subsets of [n] is (n,k)-selective if for every non-empty subset Z of [n], such that |Z| <= k, there is a set f in F that intersects Z at exactly one element.
(n,k)-strongly-selective family
A family F of subsets of [n] is (n,k)-strongly-selective if for every non-empty subset Z of [n], such that |Z| <= k, and for every z in Z, there is a set f in F that intersects Z at only element z.
Given integers k, r, n, with 1 <= r <= k <= n, we say that a boolean matrix M with t rows and n columns is a (k,m,n)-selector if any submatrix of M obtained by choosing k out of n arbitrary columns of M contains at least r distinct rows of the identity matrix I_k.
(n,k,l)-intersection free
Let l <= k <= n. A family F of k-subsets of [n] is (n,k,l)-intersection free if F1 does not intersect F2 at exactly l points for every pair F1 and F2 from F.
r-different sequences
Two sequences x and y of equal length over the alphabet {0} U [r] are r-different if for any z in [r] there is a coordinate i for which {x[i], y[i]} = {z,0}.


Selector Papers

Title: Distributed broadcast in radio networks of unknown topology
Authors: Andrea E. F. Clementi, Angelo Monti, and Riccardo Silvestri
Year: 2003
Description: [Expand]
BibTex: [Expand]
Title: Generalized Framework for Selectors with Applications in Optimal Group Testing
Authors: Annalisa De Bonis, Leszek Gasieniec, and Ugo Vaccaro
Year: 2003
Description: [Expand]
BibTex: [Expand]
Title: On Computing Ad-hoc Selective Families
Authors: Andrea E.F. Clementi, Pilu Crescenzi, Angelo Monti, Paolo Penna, and Riccardo Silvestri
Year: 2001
Description: [Expand]
BibTex: [Expand]