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On relational compilation

The traditional process for developing a verified compiler is to define types that model the source (\(S\)) and target (\(T\)) languages, and to write a function \(f: S \rightarrow T\) that transforms an instance \(s\) of the source type into an instance \(t = f(s)\) of the target type, such all behaviors of \(t\) match existing behaviors of \(s\) (“refinement”) and sometimes additionally such that all behaviors of \(s\) can be achieved by \(t\) (“equivalence”, or “correctness”).

Naturally, proving correctness for such a compiler requires a formal understanding of the semantics of languages \(S\) and \(T\) (that is, a way to give meaning to programs \(s \in S\) and \(t \in T\), so that it is possible to speak of the behaviors of a program: return values, I/O, resource usage, etc.). Then the refinement criterion above translates to \(\sigma _T(t) \subseteq \sigma _S(s)\) (where \(\sigma _S(s)\) denotes the behaviors of \(s\) and \(\sigma _T(t)\) those of \(t\)), and the correctness criterion defines a relation \(~\) between source and target programs such that \(t \sim s\) iff. \(\sigma _T(t) = \sigma _S(s)\). With that, a compiler \(f\) is correct iff. \(f(s) \sim s\) for all \(s\).

Relational compilation is a twist on that approach: it turns out that instead of writing the compiler as a monolithic program and separately verifying it, we can break up the compiler's correctness proof into a collection of orthogonal correctness theorems, and use these theorems to drive a code-generating proof search process. It is a Prolog-style “compilers as relations” approach, but taken one step further to get “compilers as (constructive) decision procedures”.

Instead of writing our compiler as a function \(f: S \rightarrow T\), we will write the compiler as a (partial) decision procedure: an automated proof-search process for proving theorems of the form \(\exists t, \sigma _T(t) = \sigma _S(s)\). In a constructive setting, any proof of that statement must exhibit a witness \(t\), which will be the (correct) compiled version of \(s\). (Note that the theorem does not \(\forall \)-quantify \(s\), as we want to generate one distinct proof per input program — otherwise, with a \(\forall s\) quantification, the theorem would be equivalent by skolemization to \(\exists f, \forall s, \sigma _T(f(s)) = \sigma _S(s)\), which is the same as defining a single compilation function \(f\)… and precisely what we're trying to avoid.)

The two main benefits of this approach are flexibility and trustworthiness: it provides a very natural and modular way to think of compiler extensions, and it makes it possible to extract shallowly embedded programs without trusting an extraction routine (in contrast, extraction in Coq is trusted). The main cost? Completeness: a (total) function always terminates and produces a compiled output; a (partial) proof search process may loop or fail to produce an output. [1]

This is not an entirely new idea: variations on this trick have been variously referred to in the literature as proof-producing compilation, certifying compilation, and, when the source language is shallowly embedded (we will get to that a bit later), proof-producing extraction, certifying extraction, or binary extraction. I have not seen a systematic explanation of it yet, so here is my attempt. I like to call this style of compilation “relational compilation”, and to explain it I like to start from a traditional verified compiler and progressively derive a relational compiler from it.

A step by step example

Here is a concrete pair of languages that we will use as a demonstration. Language \(S\) is a simple arithmetic-expressions language. Language \(T\) is a trivial stack machine. You can download the Coq code of this example

Language definitions

On the left is the Coq definition of S, with only three constructors: constants, negation, and addition; on the right is the definition of T: a program in T is a list of stack operations T_Op, which may be pushing a constant, popping the two values on the top of the stack and pushing their difference, or popping the two values on the top of the stack and pushing their sum.

Inductive S :=
| SInt z
| SOpp (s : S)
| SAdd (s1 s2 : S).
Inductive T_Op :=
| TPush z
| TPopSub
| TPopAdd.

Definition T := list T_Op.


The semantics of these languages are easy to define using interpreters. On the left, operations on terms in S are mapped to corresponding operations on \(\mathbb{Z}\), producing an integer. On the right, stack operations are interpreted one by one, starting from a stack and producing a new stack.

Fixpoint σS s : Z :=
  match s with
  | SInt z     => z
  | SOpp s     => - σS s
  | SAdd s1 s2 => σS s1 + σS s2
 Notation Stack := (list Z).

 Definition σOp (ts: Stack) op : Stack :=
   match op, ts with
   | TPush n, ts => n :: ts
   | TPopAdd, n2::n1::ts => n1+n2 :: ts
   | TPopSub, n2::n1::ts => n1-n2 :: ts
   | _, ts => ts (* Invalid: no-op *)

Definition σT t (ts: Stack) : Stack :=
  List.fold_left σOp t ts.

With these definitions, program equivalence is straightforward to define (the definition is contextual, in the sense that it talks about equivalence in the context of a non-empty stack):

Notation "t ∼ s" := (forall ts, σT t ts = σS s :: ts).


In the simplest case, a compiler is a single recursive function; more typically, compilers are engineered as a sequence (composition) of passes, each responsible for a well-defined task: typically, either an optimization (within one language, intended to improve performance of the output) or lowering (from one intermediate language to another, intended to bring the program closer to its final form), though these boundaries are porous. Here is a simple one-step compiler for our pair of languages:

Fixpoint StoT s := match s with
  | SInt z     => [TPush z]
  | SOpp s     => [TPush 0] ++ StoT s ++ [TPopSub]
  | SAdd s1 s2 => StoT s1 ++ StoT s2 ++ [TPopAdd]

The SInt case maps to a stack machine program that simply pushes the constant z on the stack; the SOpp case returns a program that first puts a 0 on the stack, then computes the value corresponding to the operand s, and finally computes the subtraction of these two using the TPopSub opcode; and the SAdd case produces a program that pushes both operans in succession before computing their sum using the TPopAdd opcode.

The Coq command Compute lets us run this compiler and confirm that it seems to operate correctly:

Example s7 :=
  SAdd (SAdd (SInt 3) (SInt 6))
        (SOpp (SInt 2)).
  • Running the example program s7 directly returns 7:

    = 7 : Z
  • Compiling the program and then running it produces the same result (a stack with a single element, 7):

    = [TPush 3; TPush 6; TPopAdd; TPush 0; TPush 2; TPopSub; TPopAdd] : list T_Op
    = [7] : Stack

Compiler correctness

Of course, one example is not enough to establish that the compiler above works; instead, here is a proof of its correctness, which proceeds by induction with three cases:

forall s, StoT s ∼ s
z: Z

StoT (SInt z) ∼ SInt z
s: S
IHs: StoT s ∼ s
StoT (SOpp s) ∼ SOpp s
s1, s2: S
IHs1: StoT s1 ∼ s1
IHs2: StoT s2 ∼ s2
StoT (SAdd s1 s2) ∼ SAdd s1 s2
z: Z
ts: Stack

z :: ts = z :: ts
s: S
IHs: StoT s ∼ s
ts: Stack
fold_left σOp (StoT s ++ [TPopSub]) (0 :: ts) = - σS s :: ts
s1, s2: S
IHs1: StoT s1 ∼ s1
IHs2: StoT s2 ∼ s2
ts: Stack
fold_left σOp (StoT s1 ++ StoT s2 ++ [TPopAdd]) ts = σS s1 + σS s2 :: ts
z: Z
ts: Stack

z :: ts = z :: ts
s: S
IHs: StoT s ∼ s
ts: Stack

fold_left σOp (StoT s ++ [TPopSub]) (0 :: ts) = - σS s :: ts
s: S
IHs: StoT s ∼ s
ts: Stack

fold_left σOp [TPopSub] (fold_left σOp (StoT s) (0 :: ts)) = - σS s :: ts
s: S
IHs: StoT s ∼ s
ts: Stack

fold_left σOp [TPopSub] (σS s :: 0 :: ts) = - σS s :: ts
s1, s2: S
IHs1: StoT s1 ∼ s1
IHs2: StoT s2 ∼ s2
ts: Stack

fold_left σOp (StoT s1 ++ StoT s2 ++ [TPopAdd]) ts = σS s1 + σS s2 :: ts
s1, s2: S
IHs1: StoT s1 ∼ s1
IHs2: StoT s2 ∼ s2
ts: Stack

fold_left σOp [TPopAdd] (fold_left σOp (StoT s2) (fold_left σOp (StoT s1) ts)) = σS s1 + σS s2 :: ts
s1, s2: S
IHs1: StoT s1 ∼ s1
IHs2: StoT s2 ∼ s2
ts: Stack

fold_left σOp [TPopAdd] (σS s2 :: σS s1 :: ts) = σS s1 + σS s2 :: ts
reflexivity. Qed.

This compiler operates in a single pass, but arguably even a small compiler like this could benefit from a multi-pass approach: for example, we might prefer to separate lowering in two phases translating all unary SOpp operations to a new binary operator SSub (SOpp x SSub (Sconst 0) x) in a first pass, and dealing with stack operations in a second pass.

Compiling with relations

We will observe two things about StoT and its proof.

First, StoT, like any function, can be rewritten as a relation (any function \(f: x \mapsto f(x)\) defines a relation \(\sim _f\) such that \(t \sim _f s\) iff. \(t = f(s)\); this is sometimes called the graph of the function). Here is one natural way to rephrase StoT as a relation ; notice how each branch of the recursion maps to a case in the inductive definition of the relation (each constructor defines an introduction rule for , which corresponds to a branch in the original recursion, and each x y premise of each case corresponds to a recursive call to the function):

Inductive StoT_rel : T -> S -> Prop :=
| StoT_RNat : forall z,
    [TPush z] ℜ SInt z
| StoT_ROpp : forall t s,
    t ℜ s ->
    [TPush 0] ++ t ++ [TPopSub] ℜ SOpp s
| StoT_RAdd : forall t1 s1 t2 s2,
    t1 ℜ s1 ->
    t2 ℜ s2 ->
    t1 ++ t2 ++ [TPopAdd] ℜ SAdd s1 s2
where "t 'ℜ' s" := (StoT_rel t s).

Now, what does correctness mean for StoT? Correctness for this compilation relation is… just a subset relation:

The relation is a correct compilation relation for languages \(S\) and \(T\) if its graph is a subset of the graph of \(\sim \).

And that condition is sufficient: any relation that is a subset of \(\sim \) defines a correct (possibly one-to-many, possibly suboptimal, but correct) mapping from source programs to destination programs.

And indeed, the relation above is a correct compilation relation:

forall t s, t ℜ s -> t ∼ s
z: Z

[TPush z] ∼ SInt z
t: T
s: S
H: t ℜ s
IHStoT_rel: t ∼ s
[TPush 0] ++ t ++ [TPopSub] ∼ SOpp s
t1: T
s1: S
t2: T
s2: S
H: t1 ℜ s1
H0: t2 ℜ s2
IHStoT_rel1: t1 ∼ s1
IHStoT_rel2: t2 ∼ s2
t1 ++ t2 ++ [TPopAdd] ∼ SAdd s1 s2
z: Z
ts: Stack

z :: ts = z :: ts
t: T
s: S
H: t ℜ s
IHStoT_rel: t ∼ s
ts: Stack
fold_left σOp (t ++ [TPopSub]) (0 :: ts) = - σS s :: ts
t1: T
s1: S
t2: T
s2: S
H: t1 ℜ s1
H0: t2 ℜ s2
IHStoT_rel1: t1 ∼ s1
IHStoT_rel2: t2 ∼ s2
ts: Stack
fold_left σOp (t1 ++ t2 ++ [TPopAdd]) ts = σS s1 + σS s2 :: ts
z: Z
ts: Stack

z :: ts = z :: ts
t: T
s: S
H: t ℜ s
IHStoT_rel: t ∼ s
ts: Stack

fold_left σOp (t ++ [TPopSub]) (0 :: ts) = - σS s :: ts
t: T
s: S
H: t ℜ s
IHStoT_rel: t ∼ s
ts: Stack

fold_left σOp [TPopSub] (fold_left σOp t (0 :: ts)) = - σS s :: ts
t: T
s: S
H: t ℜ s
IHStoT_rel: t ∼ s
ts: Stack

fold_left σOp [TPopSub] (σS s :: 0 :: ts) = - σS s :: ts
t1: T
s1: S
t2: T
s2: S
H: t1 ℜ s1
H0: t2 ℜ s2
IHStoT_rel1: t1 ∼ s1
IHStoT_rel2: t2 ∼ s2
ts: Stack

fold_left σOp (t1 ++ t2 ++ [TPopAdd]) ts = σS s1 + σS s2 :: ts
t1: T
s1: S
t2: T
s2: S
H: t1 ℜ s1
H0: t2 ℜ s2
IHStoT_rel1: t1 ∼ s1
IHStoT_rel2: t2 ∼ s2
ts: Stack

fold_left σOp [TPopAdd] (fold_left σOp t2 (fold_left σOp t1 ts)) = σS s1 + σS s2 :: ts
t1: T
s1: S
t2: T
s2: S
H: t1 ℜ s1
H0: t2 ℜ s2
IHStoT_rel1: t1 ∼ s1
IHStoT_rel2: t2 ∼ s2
ts: Stack

fold_left σOp [TPopAdd] (σS s2 :: σS s1 :: ts) = σS s1 + σS s2 :: ts
reflexivity. Qed.

Now that we have , we can use it to prove specific program equivalences: for example, we can write a proof to show specifically that the compiled version of our example program s7 matches the original s7 by applying each of the constructors of the relation one by one:

([TPush 3] ++ [TPush 6] ++ [TPopAdd]) ++ ([TPush 0] ++ [TPush 2] ++ [TPopSub]) ++ [TPopAdd] ℜ SAdd (SAdd (SInt 3) (SInt 6)) (SOpp (SInt 2))

[TPush 3] ++ [TPush 6] ++ [TPopAdd] ℜ SAdd (SInt 3) (SInt 6)

[TPush 0] ++ [TPush 2] ++ [TPopSub] ℜ SOpp (SInt 2)

[TPush 3] ++ [TPush 6] ++ [TPopAdd] ℜ SAdd (SInt 3) (SInt 6)

[TPush 3] ℜ SInt 3

[TPush 6] ℜ SInt 6

[TPush 3] ℜ SInt 3
apply StoT_RNat.

[TPush 6] ℜ SInt 6
apply StoT_RNat.

[TPush 0] ++ [TPush 2] ++ [TPopSub] ℜ SOpp (SInt 2)

[TPush 2] ℜ SInt 2

[TPush 2] ℜ SInt 2
apply StoT_RNat. Qed.

Now, how can we use this relation to run the compiler instead? By using proof search! This is standard practice in the world of logic programming. To compile our earlier program s7, for example, we can simply search for a program t7 such that t7 s7, which in Coq terms looks like this:

{t7 : T | t7 ℜ s7}

?t7 ℜ SAdd (SAdd (SInt 3) (SInt 6)) (SOpp (SInt 2))

Now the goal includes an inderminate value ?t7, called an existential variable (evar), corresponding to the program that we are attempting to derive, and each application or a lemma refines that evar by plugging in a partial program:


?t1 ℜ SAdd (SInt 3) (SInt 6)

?t2 ℜ SOpp (SInt 2)

After applying the lemma StoT_RAdd, we are asked to provide two subprograms, each corresponding to one operand of the addition:


?t1 ℜ SAdd (SInt 3) (SInt 6)

?t1 ℜ SInt 3

?t20 ℜ SInt 6

?t1 ℜ SInt 3
apply StoT_RNat.

?t20 ℜ SInt 6
apply StoT_RNat.

?t2 ℜ SOpp (SInt 2)

?t ℜ SInt 2

?t ℜ SInt 2
apply StoT_RNat. Defined.

We get the exact same program, but this time instead of validating a previous compilation pass, we have generated the program from scratch:

= exist [TPush 3; TPush 6; TPopAdd; TPush 0; TPush 2; TPopSub; TPopAdd] : {t7 : T | t7 ℜ s7}

We can also use Coq's inspection facilities to see the proof term as it is being generated (this time the interstitial boxes show the internal proof term, not the goals):

(exist ?t7)
apply StoT_RAdd.
(exist (?t1 ++ ?t2 ++ [TPopAdd]))
- apply StoT_RAdd.
(exist ((?t1 ++ ?t20 ++ [TPopAdd]) ++ ?t2 ++ [TPopAdd]))
+ apply StoT_RNat.
(exist (([TPush 3] ++ ?t20 ++ [TPopAdd]) ++ ?t2 ++ [TPopAdd]))
+ apply StoT_RNat.
(exist (([TPush 3] ++ [TPush 6] ++ [TPopAdd]) ++ ?t2 ++ [TPopAdd]))
- apply StoT_ROpp.
(exist (([TPush 3] ++ [TPush 6] ++ [TPopAdd]) ++ ([TPush 0] ++ ?t ++ [TPopSub]) ++ [TPopAdd]))
+ apply StoT_RNat.
(exist (([TPush 3] ++ [TPush 6] ++ [TPopAdd]) ++ ([TPush 0] ++ [TPush 2] ++ [TPopSub]) ++ [TPopAdd]))

This shows how the program gets built: each lemma application is equivalent to one recursive call in a run of the compilation function StoT.

Coq has facilities to automatically perform proof search using a set of lemmas, which we can use to automate the derivation of t7: it suffices to register all constructors of in a “hint database”, as follows: [2]

Create HintDb cc.
Hint Constructors StoT_rel : cc.

{t7 : T | t7 ℜ s7}
Proof. eauto with cc. Defined.
= exist [TPush 3; TPush 6; TPopAdd; TPush 0; TPush 2; TPopSub; TPopAdd] : {t7 : T | t7 ℜ s7}

And of course, the result is correct-by-construction, in the sense that it carries its own proof of correctness:

= [TPush 3; TPush 6; TPopAdd; TPush 0; TPush 2; TPopSub; TPopAdd] ℜ s7 : Type

This is traditional logic programming, applied to compilers. We have now learned one fact:

Correctly compiling a program \(s\) is the same as proving \(\exists \: t, t \sim s\).

Open-ended compilation

The proofs of correctness for the functional version of the compiler (StoT, 1) and for the relational version (StoT_rel, 2) have the exact same structure. They are both composed of three orthogonal lemmas:

  1. [TPush z] ∼ SInt z
  2. [TPush 0] ++ t ++ [TPopSub] ∼ SOpp s
  3. t1 ++ t2 ++ [TPopAdd] ∼ SAdd s1 s2

Each of these is really a standalone fact, and they each correspond to a partial relation between \(S\) and \(T\), each connecting some programs in \(S\) to some programs in \(T\). In other words:

A relational compiler is really just a collection of facts connecting programs in the target language to programs in the source language.

This means that we don't even need to define a relation. Instead, we can have three lemmas that directly refer to the original equivalence ~:

z: Z

[TPush z] ∼ SInt z
t: T
s: S

t ∼ s -> [TPush 0] ++ t ++ [TPopSub] ∼ SOpp s
t1: T
s1: S
t2: T
s2: S

t1 ∼ s1 -> t2 ∼ s2 -> t1 ++ t2 ++ [TPopAdd] ∼ SAdd s1 s2

And from these, we can build a compiler! We just need to place all these facts into a new database of lemmas, which Coq will use as part of its proof search:

Create HintDb c.
Opaque σS σT.
Hint Resolve StoT_Int : c.
Hint Resolve StoT_Opp : c.
Hint Resolve StoT_Plus : c.

And then we can derive compiled programs and their proofs:

{t7 : T | t7 ∼ s7}
Proof. eauto with c. Defined.
= exist [TPush 3; TPush 6; TPopAdd; TPush 0; TPush 2; TPopSub; TPopAdd] : {t7 : T | t7 ∼ s7}

That is the core idea of relational compilation. On this simple example it looks mostly like an odd curiosity, but it is actually very useful for compiling (shallowly) embedded domain-specific languages (EDSLs), especially when the compiler needs to be extensible.

Use case 1: Compiling shallowly embedded DSLs

The original set up of the problem (compiling from language \(S\) to language \(T\)) required us to exhibit a function \(f: S \rightarrow T\). Not so with the new set up, which instead requires us to prove instances of the relation (one per program). What this means is that we can apply this compilation technique to compile shallowly embedded programs, including shallowly embedded DSLs [3].

Here is how we would change our previous example to compile arithmetic expressions written directly in Gallina (Gallina is functional programming language inside of the Coq proof assistant):

  1. Start by redefining the relation to use Gallina expressions on the right side of the equivalence (there are no more references to \(S\) nor σS):

    Notation "t ≈ s" := (forall ts, σT t ts = s :: ts).
  2. Add compilation lemmas (the proofs are exactly the same as before, so they are omitted). Note that on the right side we have plain Gallina + and -, not SAdd and SOp, so each lemma now relates a shallow program to an equivalent deep-embedded one:

    z: Z

    [TPush z] ≈ z
    t: T
    z: Z

    t ≈ z -> [TPush 0] ++ t ++ [TPopSub] ≈ - z
    t1: T
    z1: Z
    t2: T
    z2: Z

    t1 ≈ z1 -> t2 ≈ z2 -> t1 ++ t2 ++ [TPopAdd] ≈ z1 + z2

These lemmas are sufficient to create a small compiler: as before we populate a hint database with our compilation lemmas:

Create HintDb stack.
Hint Resolve GallinatoT_Z | 10 : stack.
Hint Resolve GallinatoT_Zopp : stack.
Hint Resolve GallinatoT_Zadd : stack.

And then we run our relational compiler on shallowly embedded input programs:

Example g7 := 3 + 6 + Z.opp 2.

{t7 : T | t7 ≈ g7}
Proof. eauto with stack. Defined.
= exist [TPush 7] : {t7 : T | t7 ≈ g7}

Of course, it is easy to package this in a convenient notation (the pattern match Set return T with _ => X end is a roundabout way to force the type of the value X):

Notation compile gallina_term :=
  (match Set return { t | t ≈ gallina_term } with
   | _ => ltac:(eauto with stack)
  (only parsing).

= exist [TPush 7] : {t : T | t ≈ 3 + 6 + - (2)}

There is something slightly magical happening here. By rephrasing compilation as a proof search problem, we are been able to make a compiler that would not even be expressible (let alone provable!) as a regular Gallina function. Reasoning on shallowly embedded programs is often much nicer than reasoning on deeply embedded programs, and this technique offers a convenient way to bridge the gap.

Use case 2: Extensible compilation

Up to this point we assumed that the input language was fixed, but in fact now that we are compiling shallowly embedded Gallina programs we can trivially extend the source language with additional constructs. Fortunately, the relational compilation technique above readily supports extending the compiler to support new source expressions.

In fact, extensible languages is one place where relational compilation shines. As an example, suppose we are modeling combinational hardware circuits in Coq. Our target type (deep-embedded Boolean expressions) is very simple:

Inductive circuit :=
| Const (z: Z)
| Read (reg_name: string)
| Mux (cond l r: circuit)
| Op (op_name: string) (args: list circuit).

Notice how the Op and Reg constructors (used to call built-in operators and to read registers) take names as strings: this means that to define an interpreter for the language we need an environment Σ of functions defining the semantics of the builtin operators of the language (3) and a context R giving the value of each register (4). The code below uses the notation c.[k] to look up key k in context c (it defaults to an arbitrary value if the key k cannot be found):

Section Interp.
  Variable Σ: string -> (list Z -> Z).3
  Variable R: list (string * Z).4

  Fixpoint cinterp (c: circuit) : Z := match c with
    | Const z => z
    | Read r => R.[r]
    | Mux cond t f =>
      if cinterp cond =? 0 then cinterp f else cinterp t
    | Op op args =>
      Σ op (List.map cinterp args)
End Interp.

Here is an example.

  • First, we define an environment of built-in functions:

    Definition testbit z n :=
      if Z.testbit z n then 1 else 0.
    Example Σ0 fn args := match fn, args with
      | "add", [z1; z2] => Z.add z1 z2
      | "xor", [z1; z2] => Z.lxor z1 z2
      | "nth", [z; n] => testbit z n
      | _, _ => 0 (* Default to 0 for simplicity *)
  • Then, we define an environment of registers:

    Example R0 :=
      [("pc", 16); ("ppc", 14); ("r1", 5); ("r2", 7)].
  • And finally we can run the interpreter on an example circuit c1:

    Example c1 :=
      Mux (Op "xor" [Read "pc"; Read "ppc"])
          (Read "r1") (Read "r2").

    Reducing everything but Σ0 shows the interpretation of Mux in this term:

    = if Σ0 "xor" [16; 14] =? 0 then 7 else 5 : Z

    … and reducing everything gives us the value of this example circuit:

    = 5 : Z

Relational compilation is a simple and convenient way to generate such circuits from Gallina expressions. First, we need a compilation relation:

Notation "c ≋ g @ Σ // R" := (cinterp Σ R c = g).

Then, we need compilation lemmas relating source programs in Gallina and their circuit equivalents.

First, constants:

Σ: string -> list Z -> Z
z: Z

Const z ≋ z @ Σ // R

Then variable accesses, compiled to register reads:

Σ: string -> list Z -> Z
r: string
z: Z

z = R.[r] -> Read r ≋ z @ Σ // R

Then conditionals:

Σ: string -> list Z -> Z
ccond: circuit
gcond: Z
ct: circuit
gt: Z
cf: circuit
gf: Z

ccond ≋ gcond @ Σ // R -> ct ≋ gt @ Σ // R -> cf ≋ gf @ Σ // R -> Mux ccond ct cf ≋ if gcond =? 0 then gf else gt @ Σ // R

And finally operators. Note that compilation lemmas are parametric on the environment of functions, only requiring that the one function it uses be found in the environment:

Σ: string -> list Z -> Z
c1: circuit
g1: Z
c2: circuit
g2: Z

(forall x y : Z, Σ "add" [x; y] = x + y) -> c1 ≋ g1 @ Σ // R -> c2 ≋ g2 @ Σ // R -> Op "add" [c1; c2] ≋ g1 + g2 @ Σ // R
Σ: string -> list Z -> Z
c1: circuit
g1: Z
c2: circuit
g2: Z

(forall x y : Z, Σ "xor" [x; y] = Z.lxor x y) -> c1 ≋ g1 @ Σ // R -> c2 ≋ g2 @ Σ // R -> Op "xor" [c1; c2] ≋ Z.lxor g1 g2 @ Σ // R
Σ: string -> list Z -> Z
cz: circuit
gz: Z
cn: circuit
gn: Z

(forall z n : Z, Σ "nth" [z; n] = testbit z n) -> cz ≋ gz @ Σ // R -> cn ≋ gn @ Σ // R -> Op "nth" [cz; cn] ≋ testbit gz gn @ Σ // R

That is enough to compile a simple EDSL for circuits. There are a few things worthy of note here; first, we now have a mechanism to refer to bound variables, through the R environment; second, each compilation lemma is parametric on the environment of functions, so the whole compiler is extensible. Let us see these two points in action with a more complex program:

Definition gc1 pc ppc (r1 r2: Z) :=
  let correct := pc =? ppc in
  let v := if correct then r1 else r2 in
  testbit v 4.

This program checks if its first two arguments to see if they are equal, and returns a different value in each case. The relational compilation goal will looks a bit different from previous ones, because we now need to account for an environment of variables:

{cc1 : circuit | forall pc ppc r1 r2 : Z, cc1 ≋ gc1 pc ppc r1 r2 @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]}

In other words: there exists a circuit cc1 equivalent to the Gallina program gc1 for all inputs pc, ppc, r1, and r2, assuming that these inputs are available in registers and that the circuit runs with the environment of built-ins Σ0 The proof too looks a bit different, because there now are side conditions for certain lemmas:


?cc1 ≋ testbit (if pc =? ppc then r1 else r2) 4 @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]

The program starts with a call to testbit, so we plug in the circuit primitive "nth":


forall z n : Z, Σ0 "nth" [z; n] = testbit z n

?czif pc =? ppc then r1 else r2 @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]

?cn4 @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]

We now get three subgoals: one asserting that we can call the function "nth" given the current function environment Σ, and two corresponding to each of the arguments to testbit in Gallina:


?czif pc =? ppc then r1 else r2 @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]

?cn4 @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]

Of the two argument subgoals, the first one is a conditional to which none of our compilation lemmas apply: as we defined it, compile_Mux requires a specific Gallina pattern, _ =? 0, which is not present here:

?czif pc =? ppc then r1 else r2 @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]
In environment pc, ppc, r1, r2 : Z Unable to unify "Mux ?M1440 ?M1442 ?M1444 ≋ if ?M1441 =? 0 then ?M1445 else ?M1443 @ ?Σ // ?R" with "?cz ≋ if pc =? ppc then r1 else r2 @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]".

This is the first instance where the extensibility of relational compilation comes into play. For this example, we can extend the compiler by plugging in a rewrite rule that transforms the program to match a shape supported by the compiler, after which Compile_Mux applies:

Z_lxor_eqb : forall z1 z2, (z1 =? z2) = (Z.lxor z1 z2 =? 0)

?czif Z.lxor pc ppc =? 0 then r1 else r2 @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]
apply compile_Mux.

Compiling the conditional leaves us with three more subgoals: one for the test, one for the right branch, and one for the left branch:

?ccond ≋ Z.lxor pc ppc @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]

?ct ≋ r2 @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]

?cf ≋ r1 @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]

The first part can be handled using the compile_xor lemma:


?c1 ≋ pc @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]

?c2 ≋ ppc @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]

And this is where the second interesting part of this proof comes about: handling variables. First, let us try something that looks right, but will not work:

In environment pc, ppc, r1, r2 : Z Unable to unify "?c1" with "Const pc" (cannot instantiate "?c1" because "pc" is not in its scope).

It is very important that this shouldn't work, but it is not immediately obvious why it wouldn't. The value pc is indeed not a constant, but it you look just at the types, things do line up:

?c1 ≋ pc @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]
compile_Const pc : Const pc ≋ pc @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]

The reason it doesn't work is captured in the error message above. When Coq creates the evars denoted by ?…, it associates with each of them a context that records which variables they may refer to. Here is, for example, the internal goal that Coq generated for ?c1:


In other words, the evar ?c1 cannot refer to any of the local variables — which is good, since we're trying to build a closed term! What we want, of course, is compile_Read, which reads into the environment of registers, not compile_Const:

        apply compile_Read with (r := "pc"); reflexivity.

The same lemma applies to the next three goals, in fact:

?c2 ≋ ppc @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]
apply compile_Read with (r := "ppc"); reflexivity.

?ct ≋ r2 @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]
apply compile_Read with (r := "r2"); reflexivity.

?cf ≋ r1 @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]
apply compile_Read with (r := "r1"); reflexivity.

And finally we have the second argument to the original testbit, the index of the bit that we want to extract:

?cn4 @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]
apply compile_Const. Defined.

The resulting generated program is as expected, and correct by construction:

cc1 = exist (Op "nth" [Mux (Op "xor" [Read "pc"; Read "ppc"]) (Read "r2") (Read "r1"); Const 4]) : {cc1 : circuit | forall pc ppc r1 r2 : Z, cc1 ≋ gc1 pc ppc r1 r2 @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]}

Automating the derivation

The process above is closer to tool-assisted program derivation than to “compilation”. Automating it is not hard, but it requires tricks beyond what we have seen above. We will start by creating a hint database to hold our custom compilation lemmas:

Create HintDb circuits.

For readability, we will use Coq's Derive feature to state our compilation goal. Derive defines a dependent pair (a term and a proof of a property about it) as two separate names:

cc1':= ?Goal: circuit

forall pc ppc r1 r2 : Z, cc1' ≋ gc1 pc ppc r1 r2 @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]

forall pc ppc r1 r2 : Z, ?Goal ≋ testbit (if pc =? ppc then r1 else r2) 4 @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]

The first trick we will introduce is forward reasoning. Until now, we have used eauto to pull from a database of lemmas to try to derive a complete proof of a goal. In this mode, eauto is all-or-nothing: it will not make any progress on this goal until we introduce all relevant lemmas:


forall pc ppc r1 r2 : Z, ?Goal ≋ testbit (if pc =? ppc then r1 else r2) 4 @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]

This isn't sustainable: we need to guess exactly all lemmas that are required, or nothing happens. Instead we will use a partial progress style popularized by [CoqProlog+Zimmermann+TTT2017], in which we program eauto to take a single step and then return to its caller:

  Hint Extern 2 => simple apply compile_Const; shelve : circuits.
  Hint Extern 2 => simple apply compile_add; shelve : circuits.
  Hint Extern 2 => simple apply compile_xor; shelve : circuits.
  Hint Extern 2 => simple apply compile_nth; shelve : circuits.

Each of these hints allow eauto to shelve the current goal after applying the corresponding lemma, which removes the subgoals generated by that lemma from the pool of things the eauto is required to solve and places the on Coq's shelf.

These hints are enough to get us started with the derivation of our program. forward with is a tactic similar to eauto, but it supports partial progress:


forall z n : Z, Σ0 "nth" [z; n] = testbit z n

?czif pc =? ppc then r1 else r2 @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]

The first goal we get asks us to prove that we have the right function under the name "nth" in our function context, as before:

forall z n : Z, Σ0 "nth" [z; n] = testbit z n

forall z n : Z, Σ0 "nth" [z; n] = testbit z n
forward with circuits.

The second goal is where this new approach of partial compilation begins to be useful: we have partially compiled our program, and we can now add more hints to continue making progress. As before, compile_Mux doesn't apply:

?czif pc =? ppc then r1 else r2 @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]
In environment pc, ppc, r1, r2 : Z Unable to unify "Mux ?M1502 ?M1504 ?M1506 ≋ if ?M1503 =? 0 then ?M1507 else ?M1505 @ ?Σ // ?R" with "?cz ≋ if pc =? ppc then r1 else r2 @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]".

We could use Z_lxor_eqb as before to rewrite the equality test pc =? ppc into an exclusive-or test Z.lxor pc ppc =? 0, but for consistency we will prove a new compilation lemma instead (this gives us a unified way to handle all extensions):

Σ: string -> list Z -> Z
c1: circuit
g1: Z
c2: circuit
g2: Z
ct: circuit
gt: Z
cf: circuit
gf: Z

(forall x y : Z, Σ "xor" [x; y] = Z.lxor x y) -> c1 ≋ g1 @ Σ // R -> c2 ≋ g2 @ Σ // R -> ct ≋ gt @ Σ // R -> cf ≋ gf @ Σ // R -> Mux (Op "xor" [c1; c2]) ct cf ≋ if g1 =? g2 then gf else gt @ Σ // R

This is enough to step further in the compilation process, leaving us with four very similar goals:


forall pc ppc r1 r2 : Z, ?Goal ≋ testbit (if pc =? ppc then r1 else r2) 4 @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]

?c1 ≋ pc @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]

?c2 ≋ ppc @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]

?ct ≋ r2 @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]

?cf ≋ r1 @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]

This time, we get stuck because we did not register compile_Read:

?c1 ≋ pc @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]

?c2 ≋ ppc @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]

?ct ≋ r2 @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]

?cf ≋ r1 @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]

Why not? Because as written, compile_Read applies to all goals, often leaving an unsolvable goal: when applied to a goal _ g @ _ // R, compile_Read will simply generate a goal asking to find g in R, regardless of whether such a binding in fact exists in R. For example:


?c1 + 1 @ Σ0 // [("r0", 14)]

1 + 1 = [("r0", 14)].[?r]

There are two ways to proceed in such cases: add logic to apply compile_Read eagerly, and backtrack if no corresponding binding can be found; or use a more clever strategy to apply compile_Read more discerningly. Up to this point our derivations have all been deterministic, and we want the compiler to be as predictable as possible, so we will do the latter by restricting the use of the compile_Read lemma to cases where the Gallina term g is a single variable. Additionally, we will give compile_Read a low priority (the backtracking approach is discussed in a note at the end of this section):


?c1 ≋ pc @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]

?c2 ≋ ppc @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]

?ct ≋ r2 @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]

?cf ≋ r1 @ Σ0 // [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)]

pc = [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)].[?r]

ppc = [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)].[?r0]

r2 = [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)].[?r1]

r1 = [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)].[?r2]

The remaining goals are the preconditions of compile_Read: the variables should in fact be in context:

pc = [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)].[?r]

ppc = [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)].[?r0]

r2 = [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)].[?r1]

r1 = [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)].[?r2]

To solve these goals automatically, we will use two simple lemmas.

  1. assoc_hd, which handles the case in which the value we're looking for is the first in the list:

    V: Type
    H: HasDefault V
    v: V
    k: string
    tl: list (string * V)

    v = ((k, v) :: tl).[k]
  1. assoc_tl, which handles the case in which the value we're looking for is in the tail of the list:

    V: Type
    H: HasDefault V
    v, v': V
    k, k': string
    tl: list (string * V)

    v = tl.[k'] -> k <> k' -> v = ((k, v') :: tl).[k']

Here is how these come into play, on a standalone example. We start with a goal asking us to locate the value 3 in a context. Applying assoc_tl discards the first binding ("x", 1) and asks us to find 3 among the remaining bindings; then, applying assoc_hd selects the first of the remaining bindings ("y", 3):

3 = [("x", 1); ("y", 3)].[?k]

3 = [("y", 3)].[?k]

"x" <> ?k

3 = [("y", 3)].[?k]
apply assoc_hd.

"x" <> "y"

Plugging in these two lemmas completes the derivation:


pc = [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)].[?r]

ppc = [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)].[?r0]

r2 = [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)].[?r1]

r1 = [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)].[?r2]

pc = [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)].[?r]

ppc = [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)].[?r0]

r2 = [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)].[?r1]

r1 = [("pc", pc); ("ppc", ppc); ("r1", r1); ("r2", r2)].[?r2]
all: forward with circuits. Qed.
cc1' = Op "nth" [Mux (Op "xor" [Read "pc"; Read "ppc"]) (Read "r2") (Read "r1"); Const 4] : circuit

Automating the initial setup

This handles the derivation itself; the initial unfolding phase of the derivation can be also handled automatically using a simple Ltac script to reveal the evar created by Derive and unfold toplevel program definitions, like gc1 above; we do all this in a new tactic compile with <database>:

Tactic Notation "setup" "with" ident(db) :=
  intros; autounfold with db;
  lazymatch goal with c := _ |- _ => subst c end.

Tactic Notation "compile" "with" ident(db) :=
  setup with db; forward with db.

And with this, we have our first, tiny, extensible compiler! Of course, this new compiler is applicable to a wide range of programs, not just the one we just compiled:

c:= ?Goal: circuit

forall z, c ≋ z + z @ Σ0 // [("z", z)]
Proof. compile with circuits. Qed.
c = Op "add" [Read "z"; Read "z"] : circuit

Extending the compiler

There are all sorts of ways we can extend this compiler; the following are just a few examples:

Compiling open terms (macros)

Because the compilation process does not have to start into an empty environment, we can compile macros, not just functions: all that is needed is to compile the function with an indeterminate function environment and indeterminate registers. We will allow ourselves to call the add function (through Hadd), as well as an arbitrary precompiled program c (through Hc):

  Context Σ R c z
          (Hadd: forall x y, Σ "add" [x; y] = x + y)
          (Hc: c ≋ z @ Σ // R).

Σ: string -> list Z -> Z
c: circuit
z: Z
Hadd: forall x y : Z, Σ "add" [x; y] = x + y
Hc: c ≋ z @ Σ // R
c3:= ?Goal: circuit

c3 ≋ z + z + z @ Σ // R
Proof. compile with circuits. Qed.
c3 = Op "add" [Op "add" [c; c]; c] : circuit

After that, the c3 macro can be called automatically where appropriate by adding a compilation hint:

  Hint Extern 2 => simple apply c3ok : circuits.

Σ: string -> list Z -> Z
c: circuit
z: Z
Hadd: forall x y : Z, Σ "add" [x; y] = x + y
Hc: c ≋ z @ Σ // R
c6:= ?Goal: circuit

c6 ≋ z + z + z + (z + z + z) @ Σ // R
Proof. compile with circuits. Qed.
c6 = Op "add" [c3; c3] : circuit

Plugging in new builtins

We can make use of additional functions by extending the function environment Σ, which defines the semantics of builtins, and adding appropriate compilation lemmas:

Σ: string -> list Z -> Z
c1: circuit
g1: Z
c2: circuit
g2: Z

(forall x y : Z, Σ "lsl" [x; y] = x << y) -> c1 ≋ g1 @ Σ // R -> c2 ≋ g2 @ Σ // R -> Op "lsl" [c1; c2] ≋ g1 << g2 @ Σ // R
Proof. cbn; repeat intros ->; reflexivity. Qed. Hint Extern 2 => simple apply compile_lsl; shelve : circuits. Example Σ1 fn args := match fn, args with | "lsl", [z1; z2] => z1 << z2 | _, _ => Σ0 fn args end.
c4:= ?Goal: circuit

forall z, c4 ≋ z << 2 @ Σ1 // [("z", z)]
Proof. compile with circuits. Qed.
c4 = Op "lsl" [Read "z"; Const 2] : circuit

Using custom logic to prove side-conditions

Instead of the two lemmas that we proved earlier for compile_Read side-conditions (assoc_hd and assoc_tl), we can use a custom metaprogram (a tactic) to figure out the right variable name and plug it right in. For that, we need a tactic that perform a reverse lookup in an association list, defined below by induction:

Ltac assocv v ctx :=
  lazymatch ctx with
  | []             => fail
  | (?k, v) :: _    => k
  |       _ :: ?ctx => assocv v ctx
  | _ => let ctx := eval red in ctx in assocv v ctx
= "y" : string

And using assocv we can define a tactic that guesses the right variable name ?k in goals like v = ctx.[?k]. In the example below, instantiate_assoc_eq guesses "y" for the value "3":

Ltac instantiate_assoc_eq := match goal with
  | |- ?v = ?ctx.[?k] =>
    is_evar k; let k0 := assocv v ctx in unify k k0

3 = [("x", 1); ("y", 3)].[?k]

3 = [("x", 1); ("y", 3)].["y"]

And finally we add a hook in the compiler to use that tactic as appropriate:

Hint Extern 1 => instantiate_assoc_eq : circuits.

cc2:= ?Goal: circuit

forall x y : Z, cc2 ≋ x + y @ Σ0 // [("x", x); ("y", y)]
compile with circuits. Qed.
cc2 = Op "add" [Read "x"; Read "y"] : circuit

Leveraging contextual information

The last extension is important enough that it deserves its own section. It is a common pattern in functional programming languages to use a monad to describe an effect that is not supported by the language. Part of compiling the program down to a lower-level language is mapping the monadic structure to low-level primitives, and we can do that using relational compilation.

Even better, we can support native compilation of arbitrary monads (!): unlike traditional compilers that hard-code a list of built-in monads that get special compiler support (think IO in Haskell), we can plug-in native compilation support for arbitrary user-defined monads. This means that we never have to define an interpreter for a free monad (this is the usual approach in Coq for extraction effectful program: define a free monad specialized to a functor capturing effects, extract to OCaml, and define an unverified interpreter to map the effects to native OCaml effects; here, we can instead directly map the monad to effects of the target language).

We will start by exploring the example of the Writer monad with a compiler specialized for that monad, and then we will see an extra twist that allows us to define the pure parts of the compiler in a monad-agnostic way, so that they can be shared between different EDSL compilers specialized to different monads, reducing duplication. Rupicola itself has many more examples of relational compilation for monadic programs.

The writer monad

In this example, programs will return not just values, but also a list of strings, the "output" of the program:

Definition Trace := list string.
Record S {α: Type} := { val: α; trace: Trace }.

Example puts str := {| val := tt; trace := [str] |}.

The usual monadic operators are readily defined: a pure computation is like a monadic computation with an empty trace, and two effectful computations running in sequence produce the result of the second and the concatenation of the two traces:

Definition ret (a: α) : S α :=
  {| val := a; trace := [] |}.

Definition tr_bind (a: S α) (b: S β) :=
  {| val := b.(val); trace := a.(trace) ++ b.(trace) |}.

Definition bind (a: S α) (k: α -> S β) : S β :=
  tr_bind a (k a.(val)).

Notation "v ← a ; body" := (bind a%string (fun v => body)).

It is straightforward to prove that the usual monad properties hold:

α, β, γ: Type
ca: S α

v ← ca; ret v = ca
α, β, γ: Type
a: α
k: α -> S β

v ← ret a; k v = k a
α, β, γ: Type
ca: S α
ka: α -> S β
kb: β -> S γ

v ← v ← ca; ka v; kb v = a ← ca; v ← ka a; kb v

We will compile this to a simple imperative string language with traces. Here is the definition of expressions and statements in that language; this will also give us the opportunity to start discussing assignments:

Inductive Expr :=
| Ref var
| Const str
| Concat (e1 e2: Expr).
Inductive T :=
| Seq (t1 t2: T)
| Assign var (e: Expr)
| Puts (e: Expr)
| Skip.

The semantics of expressions is given by an interpreter:

Definition Ctx := list (Var * string).

Fixpoint interp ctx e : string := match e with
  | Ref var      => ctx.[var]
  | Const str    => str
  | Concat e1 e2 => interp ctx e1 ++ interp ctx e2

… and, to spice things up, the semantics of statements is given by a big-step evaluation relation:

Inductive RunsTo : Ctx -> T -> Ctx -> Trace -> Prop :=
| RunsToSeq ctx0 t1 ctx1 tr1 t2 ctx2 tr2:
    ⟨ctx0, t1⟩ ⇓ ⟨ctx1, tr1⟩ ->
    ⟨ctx1, t2⟩ ⇓ ⟨ctx2, tr2⟩ ->
    ⟨ctx0, Seq t1 t2⟩ ⇓ ⟨ctx2, tr1 ++ tr2⟩
| RunsToAssign ctx var e:
    ⟨ctx, Assign var e⟩ ⇓ ⟨(var, interp ctx e) :: ctx, []⟩
| RunsToPuts ctx e:
    ⟨ctx, Puts e⟩ ⇓ ⟨ctx, [interp ctx e]⟩
| RunsToSkip ctx e:
    ⟨ctx, Skip⟩ ⇓ ⟨ctx, []⟩
where "⟨ ctx , p ⟩ ⇓ ⟨ ctx' , tr ⟩" :=
  (RunsTo ctx p ctx' tr).

The relational compiler for expressions is routine at this point, so we omit it for brevity. We simply define a relation ~ for expressions, and prove lemmas relating outputs and inputs of interp. For very simple cases like this one, what we are really building is in fact a reification procedure, implemented by programming a decision procedure to invert the function interp:

Notation "e ~ₑ g // ctx" := (interp ctx e = g%string).
eHello:= ?Goal: Expr

forall name : string, eHello ~ₑ "hello, " ++ name // [("name", name)]
compile with str. Qed.
eHello = Concat (Const "hello, ") (Ref "name") : Expr

Conversely, there are a few new things in the relational compiler for statements. Specifically, we want to convert uses of monadic bind into a sequence, translating pure expressions using the expression compiler and using primitives to implement stateful computations like puts.

There is one significant difference from previous examples, however: our new target language has assignments, and these assignments are not directly reflected in the source language. As a result the final state of the program may contain arbitrary bindings, and it would be quite inconvenient to have to declare exactly which temporary variables may be used when starting the compilation process. Instead, we will use a slightly more complicated compilation relation. Unlike the equalities used previously, we now state that a low-level program is related to a high-level one if they produce the same traces, and if the result of the high-level program can be found in the final context, under a name specified as part of the compilation relation. Beyond this, the final context is allowed to contain arbitrary bindings.

Definition related t g var ctx :=
  (forall ctx' tr,
      ⟨ ctx, t ⟩ ⇓ ⟨ ctx', tr ⟩ ->
      g.(trace) = tr /\
      g.(val) = ctx'.[var]).

Notation "t ~ₜ g @ var // ctx" :=
  (related t g%string var ctx).

Each lemma about the new compilation relation ~ matches a corresponding constructor of RunsTo closely, but not exactly, because we need to phrase things in terms of monadic operations. First we show how to compile Puts, which writes a value out:

ctx: Ctx
e: Expr
g: string
t: T
k: unit -> S string
var: Var

e ~ₑ g // ctx -> t ~ₜ k tt @ var // ctx -> Seq (Puts e) t ~ₜ v ← puts g; k v @ var // ctx

Then Assign (quantifying over the value v prevents the expression g from getting inlined into the continuation k):

ctx: Ctx
e: Expr
g: string
t: T
k: string -> S string
var, tmp: Var

e ~ₑ g // ctx -> (forall v : string, v = g -> t ~ₜ k v @ var // (tmp, v) :: ctx) -> Seq (Assign tmp e) t ~ₜ v ← ret g; k v @ var // ctx

And finally a lemma to conclude the compilation, which uses an assignment because the way our compilation relation is phrased (see sidebar).

ctx: Ctx
e: Expr
str: string
var: Var

e ~ₑ str // ctx -> Assign var e ~ₜ ret str @ var // ctx

These compilation rules are enough to compile full programs (below, the tactic binder_name translates a Coq-level binder name into a string):

Hint Extern 1 => simple apply compile_Puts; shelve : str.
Hint Extern 1 => simple apply compile_Skip; shelve : str.

Hint Extern 1 (_ ~ₜ bind ?s ?k @ _ // _) =>
  simple apply compile_Assign
    with (tmp := ltac:(binder_name k)); shelve : str.

Definition greet (name: string) :=
  greeting ← ret ("hello, " ++ name);
  _ ← puts greeting;
  _ ← puts "!";
  ret greeting.
Hint Unfold greet : str.

tHello:= ?Goal: T

forall name : string, tHello ~ₜ greet name @ "out" // [("name", name)]
compile with str. Qed.
tHello = Seq (Assign "greeting" (Concat (Const "hello, ") (Ref "name"))) (Seq (Puts (Ref "greeting")) (Seq (Puts (Const "!")) (Assign "out" (Ref "greeting")))) : T

Monad-agnostic extraction

In the above, we defined a new extraction procedure for each monad, but we can reduce the required effort by generalizing further. We can define things in such a way that lemmas about non-monadic code work for all monad, which means that different domain-specific languages, using different monads, can all use the same code for compiling pure values. The key here is to completely generalize over the pre and post-conditions that the compiler uses, leaving only a distinguished argument to the postcondition indicating which program we are compiling. For this we define a Hoare triple on top of our program semantics (for brevity we define it on top of our big-step semantics instead of defining a new relation, and we omit the precondition, which will live in the ambient proof context instead):

Definition triple {α}
           (ctx: Ctx) (prog: T) (spec: α)
           (post: α -> Trace -> Ctx -> Prop) :=
  forall ctx' tr,
    ⟨ctx, prog⟩ ⇓ ⟨ctx', tr⟩ -> post spec tr ctx'.

Notation "<{ ctx }> prog <{ spec | post }>" :=
  (triple ctx prog spec post).

Note how the post-condition post takes a special argument spec, which is where we will plug in our Gallina programs (this trick makes it easy to spot the program that we're compiling when writing tactics that inspect the goal). Crucially, spec does not take a monadic argument in: any Gallina program is fair game to plug into this spot that drives the compiler. Our previous relation is a special case of this one, and in fact all lemmas will carry naturally. Specifically, we have:

forall t (g : S string) var ctx, <{ ctx }> t <{ g | fun (g0 : S string) (tr' : Trace) ctx' => val g0 = ctx'.[var] /\ trace g0 = tr' }> -> t ~ₜ g @ var // ctx

Here is compile_Assign written in this new style. We quantify the hypothesis about expressions over all states allowed by the precondition, and as the postcondition we plug in the strongest postcondition for the assignment statement (which looks simpler than the usual SP of an assignment because of the choice to move preconditions to the surrounding logic).

e: Expr
g: string
ctx: Ctx
tmp: Var

e ~ₑ g // ctx -> <{ ctx }> Assign tmp e <{ g | fun (v : string) (tr : Trace) ctx' => tr = [] /\ ctx' = (tmp, v) :: ctx }>

And with these generalized pre-post pairs, we can now define a compilation lemma for bind, as well as a proper Skip lemma, both of which vexed us previously; this time the first program is compiled with an arbitrary postcondition, with will be resolved through unification as part of the compilation process; and the second program assumes this intermediate postcondition as its starting point and completes its run with a modified postcondition that appends the corresponding trace. Because this lemma does mention low-level effects, of course, we do need to mention the monad that we use to implement trace-modifying effects.

α, β: Type
ctx: Ctx
post: S β -> list string -> Ctx -> Prop
middle: S α -> Trace -> Ctx -> Prop
p1, p2: T
s1: S α
s2: α -> S β

<{ ctx }> p1 <{ s1 | middle }> -> (forall (g1 : S α) (tr1 : Trace) ctx1, g1 = s1 -> middle g1 tr1 ctx1 -> let post' := fun (g2 : S β) (tr2 : list string) => post (tr_bind g1 g2) (tr1 ++ tr2) in <{ ctx1 }> p2 <{ s2 (val g1) | post' }>) -> <{ ctx }> Seq p1 p2 <{ v ← s1; s2 v | post }>
α: Type
g: α
ctx: Ctx
post: α -> Trace -> Ctx -> Prop

post g [] ctx -> <{ ctx }> Skip <{ g | post }>

Conditionals and loops can be handled similarly to sequences. For straightline code, we do not need to instantiate this “middle” clause explicitly: instead we can simply let it be derived by unification as part of compiling the first part of the sequence. For conditionals and for loops there is no free lunch, however, so we need to infer a predicate that captures the effect of both branches (for conditionals) or arbitrary repetitions (for loops). Luckily this inference problem is easier than it seems at first: specifically, we can pick the strongest postcondition, with carefully chosen heuristics and manipulations to ensure that we chose a postcondition that is readable and workable for the rest of the compilation process. The exact choice of heuristics is out of scope for this section, but we detail it later when we dive into the specifics of Rupicola ().

At this point, if we consider the case of a source program made of a sequence of let-bindings, we realize that the compilation process will now be an alternation of compile_Seq and specialized compilation lemmas, the former introducing cuts in the derivation and the latter refining the precondition of the program. Once we're done with all let-bindings (or monadic binds), we unify the final precondition that the compiler has derived with the postcondition that we were hoping to achieve.

It is because of this last step that we usually prefer to add an explicit continuation to each lemma, even though our new representation allows for a general cut lemma compile_Seq: making continuations explicit allows us to craft our intermediate postconditions very precisely as part of writing each lemma, instead of relying on unification. (Careful readers will have noticed the difficulty already popping up in a small way in compile_Assign above, which referred to a variable name tmp that we could not infer from goal, since we had already eliminated the corresponding let binding.) This makes the last unification step trivial in almost all cases. Here is what compile_Assign looks like in this style (using a wrapper blet — for “blocked let” — around let-bindings to prevent Coq from unfolding too aggressively without depending on a specific monad and bind + ret):

α: Type
ctx: Ctx
e: Expr
g: string
t: T
k: string -> α
tmp: Var
post: α -> Trace -> Ctx -> Prop

e ~ₑ g // ctx -> (forall v : string, v = g -> <{ (tmp, v) :: ctx }> t <{ k v | post }>) -> <{ ctx }> Seq (Assign tmp e) t <{ blet g k | post }>
Proof. unfold triple; hammer. Qed.

This is the last step of our journey, and since our final compiler looks so similar to the previous iteration, we omit it for brevity; curious readers can consult the complete development for details.



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